Healing Practitioner

The Healing Renaissance – Serge Benhayon & The Fact of Fire

August 20, 2016
Adam Warburton

Eight years ago I walked into a healing session with Serge Benhayon. I had no idea what to expect. It would end up being an experience that was inspiring and yet underwhelming in equal measure.

In the waiting room, there was a poster of that famous poem titled “Footprints” hanging on the wall. Next to it was another picture that had a quote from Plato that read, “As you ought not to attempt to cure the eyes without the head, or the head without the body, so neither ought you attempt to cure the body without the soul.”

Those are the things I remember looking at whilst I waited. It was very still. The highway was not far away, and yet I remember no sound. There was no music, and no magazines in the rack suffice for one of his own books on the table.

It was a difficult read.

I put it down and waited.

We went in for the session. We talked for a while. He let me speak without interruption. We proceeded to the massage table, whereupon he placed his hands upon my lower back and over my kidneys and stood very still.

That was it.

Time passed… there were no fireworks, no epiphany, no great revelations, no visions, no angels, no past lives revealed, or futures told. I did, however, feel quite relaxed. I have heard others report the same. I did not want it to end.

Looking back, I wish I had spoken less, and allowed more time to be spent on the table. If I regret anything in life, it is that I was not more present with what was offered me in that moment.

At some point during the session, Serge asked if I could feel the slight dip in my lower back – and in particular one side more than the other.

To my surprise I said, “Yes, it is subtle, but it is there,” although I could feel no more than that.

“Those are your kidneys, and they are the source of your life force,” he replied. “Your kidneys are contracted, and thus why you are so exhausted. That part of your back should feel swollen and full, not tight, and dipped in like that. That is why you get lower back pain, because the muscles in that area are held tight and contracted, as a result of your kidneys being the same. Because there is also an imbalance between the two, one side pulls more than the other – thus the back pain.”

Had I just been offered revelation, or the words of a fool?

Only time would tell. I walked out of that session and felt disconcertingly balanced and still. The back pain was gone.

I went straight for an iced coffee on my way home. I may have even asked for a double shot to throw in the mix. I did not register how that affected me.

Two or three years passed before I booked in another session. In the meantime, I started turning up to more of his courses, making changes to my diet and sleeping patterns – in short looking after myself with more care. I also started reading his books, and pondering especially on his religious teachings. The lords of form, the astral plane, the seemingly bizarre way he presented the world of energy – all laid out in his first book – “The Way It Is.

Was it true, or was this guy a fraud? His views on healing were certainly unique, as was his explanation of evil.

I do not deny I had my moments of doubt, but I was sufficiently trusting enough of the man since I had first met him that I was prepared to put into practice into my own life what he presented. I wished to find out for myself, for I have never been a man of faith or hope. Such are the tenets of a fool.

Thank God I did, for after that second session, I would never be able to doubt ever again the fact of what he presents, especially what he presents with regard to healing.

Just before I had my second session with Serge Benhayon I was in pain. That was not the reason for my booking. After all, it took at that stage 3 or 4 months to get a session, and my latest back spasm only occurred in the days before hand. My left leg felt shorter than the right leg, and it was agony just to walk. I could not bend over to do up my own shoelaces.

I was experienced enough to know my hips were out. In the past, I had gone to chiropractors and a special sports physiotherapist who was widely acclaimed, both of whom had performed violent manipulations to bring my bones back into alignment. And it used to work – for a while.

Serge Benhayon took one look at me, and said, “How are you?”

I replied that I was in a lot of back pain.

He said, “I can tell. Let us get you straight on the table and get that fixed for you before we start.”

Now Serge Benhayon will tell you he does not claim to  heal anything on a physical level. He is not a medical practitioner. Don’t go to him for that sort of healing. He never makes such promises, and given his explanation of what true healing is, I understand why. That, however, is another discussion for another time.

In this instance, he simply put one finger on each of my hips, did a small anticlockwise movement with his fingers, and I felt my hips adjust of their own accord.

The pain was gone.

Now that is a miracle. Take it as you will.

For the rest of the session he placed his hands on my kidneys and my heart. This time, my whole kidneys felt swollen like big berries. My whole body fired up with a deep warmth that flooded through my veins. It travelled up my spine and through my neck. My cranial plates started to shift and soften, and my whole body started to expand.

And my feet! I could feel the bottoms of my feet! It was the warmth of coming home. It was a depth of feeling of such beauty-full embodied warmth, that I never wanted it to leave. I felt held.

That is what the energy that Serge Benhayon refers to as fire feels like in the body. It is very real, very tangible, and noticeable to one who is truly open to feeling life.

And I could not believe that I could feel my kidneys!

You can feel your kidneys!!! That is a fact!

I walked out of that session feeling, for want of a better word… complete. I have no other word for it. The feeling lasted about a week, or maybe it was only a day. I cannot exactly remember. What I do know is that it dissipated gradually, after which the exhaustion soon returned – but less so.

Every year I put into practice the simple tenets I learned from observing and listening to Serge Benhayon the exhaustion got less. And so did the back pain – as did my ability increase to feel when my kidneys were swollen and full, or hard and shrivelled.

I was healing, and my body was rejuvenating. I know that makes no sense. I was after all in my late 30s. I should have been ageing, with the body getting stiffer and slower. That was what was happening to rest of the men all around me that I knew.

As I write this now, it is eight years later since I had that first session back in 2008, and five years since that second session in 2011. I am now 42 years old. The back pain has gone – pretty much completely. It is no longer a regular occurrence.

Did I mention also that I rarely if ever get exhausted any more?

Perhaps I should also mention that my knees have largely recovered. Back in 2011, I feared I would need knee surgery. It was painful to bend over, and I avoided running and jumping, for I could feel the damage on the cartilage to my knees from years of abuse from high level sport. Today, some 5 years later, it is nothing for me to sprint up a set of stairs again. Of course, I would not be so silly to suggest I could run for 6km. Some damage cannot physically be undone. But to me, it is a miracle that I have the flexibility I now do.

Now I know, that does not make sense. It defies logic. Cartilage does not recover. Knees do not restore themselves without medical intervention.

Perhaps I should also mention that for the most part of the day, I can permanently feel my kidneys. They often feel like swollen grapefruit that have been warmed by the rays of the sun, and when they don’t, I know something is up with the way I am living.

There is much more to this story – perhaps to be shared another time. I do not profess that the only reason for the dissipation of my back pain was those two sessions. Esoteric Healing does not work that way, and there have been a whole series of lifestyle choices I have made that form part of the esoteric way of living that have lead to this life of vitality I now experience.

I will however stand by the fact that in those sessions, my back pain was taken away completely, my hips straightened, and my natural vitality restored, blessing me with the opportunity to feel what my body could be like if I made different choices. That cannot and should not be denied.

That being said, I do not wish to glorify that point, even though many would say “why not” – for to do so would offer the illusion that esoteric healing is about curing physical conditions, as the media has made it out to be.

It is nothing to do with such, and I have known people whose physical conditions have seemingly become worse after a session – although one cannot relate it directly to the techniques performed. How a man using the gentle pressure of two fingers rotated anti-clockwise can re-align your hips defies scientific understanding. Equally, how someone can experience physical symptoms that seemingly get worse after a session in which one does no more than gently rest their hands upon your body also defies reason.

If one understands true healing however, then none of this this comes as a surprise. If healing is truly about returning to the fact of our divine origins, as Serge Benhayon presents, then our relationship with illness and disease takes on a new meaning. It is more of a clearing of ill energy – and as such an opportunity to renounce the way we have been living, than it is a punishment or hindrance. 

Esoteric healing is not attached to such physical outcomes. Rather, it is about inspiring us to connect to the divinity of our own origins, to offer us the opportunity to recognise the energy of the Soul, to experience its universal warmth and harmonious impulse, and to know beyond measure that we are so much more than this physical body we pretend to be.

This is a very tangible fact that can be easily felt.

This was the greatest gift I received from Serge Benhayon. I am of course grateful for all the physical changes that occurred in those sessions. But I am most grateful for the fact that I got to feel the glorious fire of my kidneys, and the immense vitality on offer, should I choose to honour what I undoubtedly felt that day – a feeling that is these days more often a reality of the way I live every day.

One may then ask – why did I not feel my kidneys in the same way in the first session? Was that session a dud? That in itself is the subject of another blog, suffice to say that both sessions were equal in what they offered. Before that first session, I was not living in a way, nor treating my body in such a way that enabled me to be so energetically aware. Four years later, I had built a body that was so tender, and so sensitive, that I was able to feel so much more. In short I was no longer hardened in body, nor in mind, and as such, open to feeling life on a much grander scale.

The truth is all of us have this innate ability to feel and discern energy, or this 6th sense as it is often referred to. There is also a direct relationship between the way we treat our physical body, and our ability to hone and develop this level of sensitivity. That in itself is one of the core tenets of life that Serge Benhayon presents, and explains largely why some people respond so deeply to Esoteric Healing, and others claim to feel nothing.

Such words of course may make no sense to the person who believes that life is no more than the summation of our physical years, who believes that our understanding of life is limited to the experience of our 5 senses.

Such words will mean little to the intellect that demands that something be replicated in the confines of a test tube before it is allowed to be considered or embraced as a way of living life.

If that is the way you choose to understand life, then I will happily leave you to your own devices, free to ponder on life from such parameters. What I will not do is allow my own understanding of life to be diminished by the supposed authority of the skeptic, or old school materialist who wishes to assume that all must live life from the safe confines of such reductionism.

For I will tell you from embodied experience that life can be experienced otherwise, and that you are capable of feeling the same. I will tell you that life exists beyond the mere limits of physicality, that consciousness is all around us in its various forms. I do not tell you this from faith, or from what I have read, but rather from what I have lived and seen and felt and observed.

As I have shared – you can feel your kidneys. You can feel the energy known as fire. You can feel the very tips of the hair upon your head, even though they are by all accounts void of any live nerve cells.

It does, however, require a certain discipline to be able to do so – a certain diet, a certain way of movement, a certain willingness to open up to feeling life in its entirety. Often that means being willing to feel things we don’t want to feel.

And therein lies the answer to why the typical esoteric student is so dedicated to living such a clean lifestyle – is so dedicated to eating the way they do, to getting proper sleep, to creating a body that is not just gentle, but delicate, precious, and tender.

For it is only through the construction of such a body that the truth of all things can be felt. It is only through the body that the fact of energy can be understood. It is only through the body that we can get to know the fact of God’s true light.

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  • SLC November 5, 2019 at 7:58 am

    Oh wow, wow wow and wow another incredible miracle.

  • Leigh Matson September 15, 2019 at 2:20 pm

    I love that feeling of fire in the body. Deeply supportive and in its presence anything that isn’t that same energy has to leave the body. It is well worth making lifestyle choices to feel fire consistently.

  • Matilda Bathurst July 21, 2019 at 2:36 am

    I love this last line. ‘Even though I can’t see something does not mean that there is nothing there to feel’. Our whole world opens up when we let ourselves feel rather than just think and we become free of the constraints of expert academic opinion when we tap into the simple, natural and spectacular wisdom of our bodies.

  • Matilda July 18, 2019 at 3:37 pm

    What I love about this article is the palpable authority of someone who is writing with lived experience that leaves no doubt about the magnificence in life beyond our human existence.

  • Viktoria Stoykova June 25, 2019 at 2:27 pm

    There is so much in this blog, Adam thank you for writing. Your language is so rich, your expression so down to earth.

  • Viktoria June 24, 2019 at 2:54 pm

    Kidneys are definitely linked to exhaustion, when the function of the kidneys is depleted we often feel really tired, cranky and that is when depressive thoughts can come in. That is when I begin to question myself. It is so important that we take care of our energy levels, not just by sleeping but discerning how we are in relationships, the way we interact with people and so on. It is all linked and all contributes.

  • Caroline Francis February 3, 2019 at 5:55 pm

    In my unfolding I am constantly being offered healing. To support myself to heal does require discipline and a commitment to self love and care to support a greater awareness to what is needed. Without the steps taken I can lose myself in the momentum of what we call life.

  • SE December 30, 2018 at 8:09 am

    Amazing Adam, I know also since meeting Serge Benhayon and living in a way that confirms who I feel too my body rejuvenating on many many levels.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh December 13, 2018 at 1:52 am

    Too often things are promoted and justified with logic – and there they stay in the realms of theories and good ideas. Yet the proof of the pudding is always in how something plays out when we put them into practice in our own life. And also if the person presenting something is actually living it themselves and they are a walking proof of the benefit of what they are presenting. I have not ever come across anything that holds this level of truth consistently as the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom as presented by Serge Benhayon & Universal Medicine.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh December 5, 2018 at 7:47 pm

    It is remarkable how when the body is supported to return to the fiery energy it is designed to run on, instead of the energy we tend to tap into when we choose to override our inner senses, we start to feel more connected with the our body, with people and also with the whole of the Universe.

  • Michael Brown November 26, 2018 at 8:41 am

    When the Soul’s fire enters all else has no place.

  • Joshua Campbell November 19, 2018 at 7:56 am

    Your experiences are very real and cannot be denied even by a skeptic who would say you may be crazy or a lunatic. Your experience is your experience and it would serve humanity greatly instead of crushing each other down with what we think is truth or not, we instead bring love and understanding to the equation and see that everyone’s experience tells us all something about the truth of the whole picture. It is no use trying to explain life in parts. It has to be explained collectively otherwise we get nowhere as a race.

  • Liane Mandalis November 13, 2018 at 5:57 am

    The Soul’s Fire is our true breath and once it is inhaled deeply back into our lungs we realise the degree to which any breath less than this is not only a painful contraction, it is pure poison.

  • rosanna bianchini November 10, 2018 at 4:27 pm

    As the title say, The Fact of Fire ‘It is very real, very tangible, and noticeable to one who is truly open to feeling life.’

  • Elizabeth October 30, 2018 at 4:53 pm

    Thanks to Serge Benhayon there is a healing renaissance occurring as more and more people are connecting with the fact that we all need healing if we are to live true to who we really are.

  • Michael Brown October 18, 2018 at 9:20 pm

    I love how you write as if if you wrote it at the time, not as a retrospective opinion piece.

  • Matilda Bathurst October 8, 2018 at 2:39 pm

    My feet smiled when I read ‘And my feet! I could feel the bottoms of my feet! It was the warmth of coming home.’ because this is definitely a very real check in for me… can I feel my feet and are they warm and alive? There is a palpable pulse in them when I am really open to the fire you talk about.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh October 7, 2018 at 3:15 pm

    I find that whenever I spend time with Serge Benhayon, witness his presentations live or on webcast or read his books, those moments are among the most supportive and transformative in my life. I am not exaggerating nor am I deluded like some people are with celebrities or with top religious institution figures. The depth of observation, understanding, awareness, empowerment and responsibility this incredibly wise and loving man inspires is huge.

    I understand it and also find it funny that Adam here says about his first meeting with Serge that it was “inspiring and yet underwhelming in equal measure”. So true. We expect miracles to be as the caricature version depicted in comic books and some religious books as burning bushes, turning some object into something else or lightening, yet as far as I am concerned a miracle is what I keep experiencing in my life and see in many others around me: the dropping of layers of that are holding back the glory of the soul-full essence within us, and the deepening of the expression that shines brightly all that we are.

  • Ken Elmer September 28, 2018 at 1:45 am

    I am starting to actually feel parts of my body. It is actually a physical sensation. Amazing how numb and hard i was.
    Thank you Adam for describing your experience.
    Thank you Serge Benhayon for presenting another way to be in the world.

    • Matilda Bathurst July 21, 2019 at 2:40 am

      After reading this article I spoke to my youngest son about his relationship with his body and when I asked him if he could feel his lungs and then his kidneys he was like, ‘yes of course’… I loved the naturalness of this – something we apparently forget as adults but can re-awaken by choice.

  • andrewmooney26 September 26, 2018 at 3:54 pm

    Since reading your excellent blog Adam I have been much more aware of my kidney area in my body and starting to clock whether my kidneys and lower back area feel warm and full or if they feel cold, cool or shrunken. It has already been a very interesting and enlightening experience to relate how my body feels to what is going on in my day and has led me to understand more how and why I feel tired or tense during my day.

  • Bernard Cincotta September 25, 2018 at 4:42 am

    Thank you Adam for describing the power of healing, my kidneys filled with warmth as I was reading, this is profound in itself. It seems to me that the physical alignment comes after a choice to align to love clearly felt. To feel the truth of a presentation by Serge Benhayon and realizing that you have not been living the divinity that is possible you are left with a clear choice of which way of living do you want to align to? If you renounce your past ills and align to the divine you have made an energetic alignment; then in the healing room the physical manifestation of the ill way of life can be cleared from the body miracles can happen and heaven can enter.

  • Joseph Barker September 21, 2018 at 5:13 pm

    Miracles have become a dirty word, associated with trickster magicians or feeding millions with bread. Serge Benhayon supports people to walk free of traumas and hurts they’ve carried for lifetimes. They are at last able to breathe free from stress, and most of all be their own greatest healer. That’s incredible and a true miracle to me – when you see the current state of us as a race today.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh October 29, 2018 at 1:22 am

      What is the greatest thing in life? To give someone loads of money and comfort? To rescue someone from pain or upset? To take away symptoms of illness or a handicap? All of these have been associated with miracles and I don’t doubt that if I was in a situation where I needed one of these I would see it as the greatest thing ever. But what you have expressed here Joseph: “The walking free of traumas and hurts carried for lifetimes”, “breathing free from stress”, “the awareness of being one’s own healer” – regardless of what is being faced in life – such a profound empowerment is greatest support I could ever wish for anyone.

  • Andrew Mooney September 21, 2018 at 3:32 pm

    I would agree with you Adam that we can feel way more going on in our lives than just the physical functions of life if we are open to it. And I have gradually learnt to open myself up to feeling more by the way I live.

    • Caroline Francis February 3, 2019 at 6:05 pm

      Our sensitivity is to be greatly appreciated and not something to shut down, hide or ignore. It is through our sensitivity that we sense everything; it is just a question of living in a way that supports this.

  • Andrew Mooney September 20, 2018 at 3:43 pm

    Yes I agree there is far more to feel in our bodies then we sometimes allow ourselves to feel on a daily basis and as Adam has shared here what we feel or experience in our bodies is very real, tangible and cannot be denied or questioned because it is our experience.

  • Andrew Mooney September 20, 2018 at 3:37 pm

    One of the things I love about this blog is that it mentions all the way through that even having the most amazing session from a truly powerful practitioner is only part of the story and the rest is how we choose to live our life in self-responsibility knowing that we can only heal ourselves, noone else can do it for us.

  • Susie W September 2, 2018 at 5:04 am

    We can bring these revelations to each other and anyone in our lives, by holding people by their essence and treating them as ‘whole’ rather than broken or tainted by issues, and thus always having conversations which pull them up to the highest point of who they truly are.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh October 27, 2018 at 9:00 pm

      I have been observing more and more that the only thing stops me from being more aware in life and have greater expression is the layers of hurts, beliefs and resistance I myself have adopted and put in the way. And how one of the greatest gifts is to relate to people as you mention and offer the space and the support to free themselves of such limitations.

  • rosanna bianchini August 31, 2018 at 12:41 am

    “If I regret anything in life, it is that I was not more present with what was offered me in that moment.” It’s always a learning process, when we are present in the moment,to the best of our ability, we are taking full advantage of what is on offer.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh August 27, 2018 at 3:25 am

    It made me smile to read this comment about the first visit with Serge Benhayon: “inspiring and yet underwhelming in equal measure”. Even today the lack of showing off, glamourising or big noting himself about the incredible service he offers, and the humility with which he supports you to take responsibility for your own healing and for saving yourself from whatever the issues you might be finding yourself in, so you come away with ‘you’ as the hero of your own life. This compared to how most people do anything to make themselves be the hero of the day, is quite something. So you can come away thinking Serge has not done much, yet you can not dismiss the vast inner seed of expansion you feel within.
    I remember my fist session. I could not put my finger on what had happened, but after the session my body felt like it had woken up from a deep deep sleep and I could not wipe off the big grin which was reflecting the huge inner smile I was feeling.

  • Viktoria August 21, 2018 at 1:04 pm

    What an inspiration is Adam – his wisdom is timeless and what he shares with people truly comes from his heart.

  • hm August 19, 2018 at 6:43 pm

    Serge Benhayon recently offered me a technique whilst in pain, and it was incredibly effective, but in addition to this, he helped me understand what was behind the pain, which allowed me the opportunity to walk differently and to listen more to my body. This level of support is incredible and shows how much we can support ourselves if we want to know what our part in it all is.

    • Matilda Bathurst October 8, 2018 at 2:45 pm

      That is what is so amazing about the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine – a session supports and inspires us to re-open a full dialogue with our bodies and make day to day changes that are healing.

  • Elizabeth Dolan August 11, 2018 at 10:35 am

    Adam, I understand why you use the word complete after your session with Serge Benhayon because when we re-connect to the fire that is within we are absolutely complete as fire = God.

  • Monica August 5, 2018 at 6:06 am

    I love how you write and express here Adam, and the reminder that to live with the body in a way which allows it to feel the truth of all that is around us is how we can truly observe and see life and the truth and lies expressed therein.

  • Viktoria July 17, 2018 at 3:36 am

    The depth of honesty in this blog is groundbreaking, thank you Adam for writing this. The Esoteric and the teachings of Serge Benhayon have been so bastardised all over media channels that the truth of where they come from, what they are and their purpose is very hard to find. It’s from stories like this one that we as a humanity can read and relate to.

  • Liane Mandalis July 8, 2018 at 7:11 am

    There is no beauty like the warmth of the Soul’s Fire, rekindled within.

    • Michael Brown August 17, 2018 at 2:25 am

      Much like the beauty of such Fire expressed in words selected in pure alchemy.

  • Liane Mandalis July 8, 2018 at 7:10 am

    What I love about what you share here Adam is that this miracle did not come with a ‘quick fix’. That is, it was not that someone ‘fixed’ you and took all your pain away meaning you would then see this as something ‘done to you’ as opposed to something ‘coming from you’ which is what can be felt by the fact that your condition returned but gradually less and less as YOU put it the necessary moves (lifestyle choices etc.) to correct it. I have often heard Serge Benhayon present that ‘life is medicine’ and your experience is a great example of this for us all.

  • Joseph Barker July 5, 2018 at 4:44 pm

    Too often we subscribe to a world of fear of energy. If we truly start to accept its influence and the role of fire, we’ll see like Serge Benhayon we can bring amazing alchemy with our way of being.

  • Michael Brown June 21, 2018 at 5:37 am

    Knowing you today Adam, all I can say is Thank God you were curious enough to practice what was presented to you. You are a very inspirational man.

  • HM June 17, 2018 at 3:17 am

    This is multi-dimensional healing – appreciating that there are so many factors when it comes to the body – and that if we are willing to see and feel more, then what we receive back is even greater.

  • Monica June 16, 2018 at 2:42 pm

    Beautiful Adam, a deeply considered understanding of what healing is and why taking care of the body allows us to more clearly feel how life is and how we are, and to know clearly the truth of both.

  • Shami May 29, 2018 at 2:03 pm

    It is amazing to read the way that Serge Benhayon describes the lower back area of your body, and the reason he provided for your back pain, to do with your kidneys and your own relationship with life. And it is very beautiful how, even though you left the treatment session feeling your kidneys full and buoyant, you do not seem to imply here that you left with a dependancy on Serge Benhayon for your kidneys to remain this way, that you seemed to somehow understand that it is ultimately your responsibility to up-keep and maintain your own relationship with life, and as much as he can support you, you are in charge of your life and the quality of movements for your body.

  • Alexis Stewart May 22, 2018 at 4:26 am

    Luke, I love it that you have used the word ‘offer’, because when something is offered it is so much more likely to be taken up; whereas when something is pushed on another, particularly learning (and this is something that I have done repeatedly over the years), then it is much more likely to be rejected.

  • Alexis Stewart May 21, 2018 at 4:47 pm

    The body knows truth. It can be abused repeatedly for lifetime after lifetime but it will always recognise and register the truth when it feels it.

  • Alexis Stewart May 21, 2018 at 4:44 pm

    and it is because of how he lives, that Serge Benhayon is able to do what he does. As he continually says, he is not ‘special in any way’, he simply chooses to live in such a way that allows the energy of God to flow through him. That energy is equally available to us all and one day it will be the only source of energy that humanity is aligned to. But right now humanity chooses to align to the pranic consciousness, a consciousness that delights in waylaying us all from re-connecting with the God that we already are.

  • Annoymous May 14, 2018 at 5:56 am

    Thank you for sharing this Absolute miracle Adam, wow what changes you have made this is profound. Like myself I know many others who like you have had such deep transformations since having Esoteric healing sessions and putting into practice the wise words of this most humble man.

  • HM May 8, 2018 at 5:33 am

    This shows us how we can never go outside ourselves to be fixed. For that sort . of healing only lasts a few days, and then we are back to where we were. What Serge Benhayon continues to present is self-responsibility and the fact that we can make choices in our lives to support a sustained way of living that is healing in itself.

    • Alexis Stewart May 21, 2018 at 4:36 pm

      We have been given the freedom to choose and we exercise this right constantly, however most of us have not cottoned onto the fact that the life that we are all living, both as individuals as well as collectively is no-thing other than a reflection of our choices.

  • Michael Brown May 1, 2018 at 10:55 pm

    The fact of fire is a great way to put it. What is felt in the body is most definitely factual.

  • Joseph Barker April 28, 2018 at 4:49 am

    The truth is real, practical and always multi-dimensional. Live life knowing this and you will start to see the energy that’s at play in our every day. It’s profound when we are ready to address this ‘fact of life’, our teacher will emerge.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh April 27, 2018 at 10:57 pm

    Over the years I have been in awe of the depth and precision of the wisdom accessed and offered by Serge Benhayon. I have been even more amazed at how there has never been any force or imposition and the level of information is always precisely honouring of what I have been ready to receive and expand with. I am constantly learning from his reflection about how one needs to live in order to bring such level of care and integrity into every aspect of life.

  • Shami April 24, 2018 at 2:44 pm

    It is a brilliant point that you make, about how there is no need for faith or hope or to be convinced by Serge Benhayon. As I have found that it is only in the experience of him and of what he presents that we can discern for ourselves what is true and what is not.

  • Samantha Davidson April 21, 2018 at 4:28 pm

    Healing..a much deeper process then just ‘getting better’ … rather to reconnect and live our divine spark, that is why I am healing and changing patterns of a life time/s because it goes deep to the heart of things, a realignment with Soul.

  • Tricia Nicholson April 18, 2018 at 3:14 pm

    A beautiful sharing on true healing feeling our body and all it offers us and the light of our soul as part of all of this. Meeting Serge Benhayon and the gift this is with the inspiration to care for ourselves more and live this way with an ever deepening understanding and love is very special and a gift to treasure as you share in feeling your kidneys and gradually so much more.
    There is so much more to life than physicality, absolutely.

  • Michael Brown April 17, 2018 at 11:24 pm

    It’s amazing how much we don’t see what’s happening whilst it’s happening.

  • Jennifer Smith April 16, 2018 at 7:16 am

    A magnificent sharing on true healing, healing beyond, but including the body. I love what is shared here about why not make a big deal out of the resolution of physical symptoms. It is amazing when that happens, but its important to see if the underlying reason for these symptoms in the first place, have reached a resolution as well – that’s the big deal bit.

  • Rowena Stewart April 16, 2018 at 6:03 am

    I know it was what I felt happening within my body during a Sacred Esoteric Healing Level 1 course that 15 years of professional practice in alternative medicine never got anywhere near and transmogrified my entire understanding of healing, my body and the nature of energy, all in a two day course. Serge Benhayon is the real deal and our bodies are testimony to the truth lived, taught and practiced by this deeply wise man. Nothing compares to the Fire within and no-one supports us more to connect to it than Serge, a true seer, teacher, leader and role model all rolled into one.

  • Joseph Barker April 15, 2018 at 6:44 am

    We have got used to going through life half present as if to diminish how it feels, but the sad part is we also miss out on the Love. Serge Benhayon shows us all to bring 100% presence and awareness to our day is not easy but it is truly worth it, in so many way. 100% us = 100% awareness = Love with some discomfort and tension along the way.

  • Elizabeth Dolan April 4, 2018 at 7:43 pm

    “I do not deny I had my moments of doubt, but I was sufficiently trusting enough of the man since I had first met him that I was prepared to put into practice into my own life what he presented.” This is the mark of a true student of oneself and a brilliant example of being inspired by another.

  • Michael Brown March 29, 2018 at 11:46 pm

    I love the honesty that this story is shared in. Thank you Adam.

  • Stefanie Henn March 26, 2018 at 2:31 am

    It was funny, whilst reading your blog I also tuned into feeling my kidneys and got inspired to do that more often.

  • julie Matson March 23, 2018 at 10:17 am

    Thank you for this account of your sessions with Serge, I feel it’s important to keep a record of these happenings for the future generations.

  • Lieke Campbell March 19, 2018 at 6:10 pm

    I noticed whilst reading how my back felt dipped and tensed and not full and swollen. Yet reading on I could feel that they filled up more by just being aware of the area of my body and just being present with reading and not thinking about ten other things. It shows how easily we loose energy when we are not with ourselves and what we are doing and how simple it is to turn it around.

  • Shami March 16, 2018 at 4:00 pm

    Something that stands out to me in this article, is a sense I get that we are not alone in dealing with life’s challenges, there is support, true genuine support that can change a whole way of life, through inspiration and care.

  • Matilda Bathurst March 16, 2018 at 3:32 pm

    I love the reminder and repetition at the end that ‘it is only through the body’ that we can feel everything, understand energy and know our full and always relationship with God.

    • Stefanie Henn March 26, 2018 at 2:34 am

      I loved that part to. It is a very inspiring reminder that nothing can be changed without our body. Do we treat it like this treasure – the miracle it is in every moment? Does it not deserve that ?

  • Jennifer Smith March 16, 2018 at 5:05 am

    One of the things presented here that I love is the increasing responsibility taken in how you live life and the choices made and how this played an equal part, if not a great part in healing. This article re-imprints the meaning of the word healing to include that of responsibility, acknowledging that we have a greater part to play in all of life that affects our wellbeing. Healing is not just a healing session, which we seek, There is much more too this that is rich and all encompassing.

  • Heather Pope March 13, 2018 at 6:35 pm

    The wisdom offered in an Esoteric Healing Session is second to none and offers much understanding to the receiver.

    • Michael Brown March 16, 2018 at 8:06 pm

      And empowers the client to take responsibility for the healing.

  • Vicky Cooke March 12, 2018 at 3:42 am

    Amazing that all these years later you can remember what Serge said to you. I was fortunate enough to have a session with Serge years ago in which only a few words were spoken but much healing occurred. It was from that one session that a few days later I felt to contact my family who I had disowned for 2 years. This has also given me space to feel how are my kidneys and if they do not ‘feel like swollen grapefruit that have been warmed by the rays of the sun’ then how am I living and what lovingly needs to be changed.

  • Joseph Barker March 5, 2018 at 7:10 pm

    Brilliantly shared Adam – you capture perfectly the stages we go through in returning to the truth. First we look at with scorn, or dismiss it out of hand, only considering it later on because our issues hang around. I love that you are a building site manager and have written this as it is the perfect testimonial to how Serge Benhayon inspires others to build a body of Love.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh March 4, 2018 at 8:39 pm

    Reading the simple introduction of “an experience that was inspiring and yet underwhelming in equal measure” makes me smile every time I see it.
    So many times over the years Serge Benhayon presentation of the Ageless Wisdom has offered a clunk-click where so much in life falls together and makes sense – at last! – and still that small disgruntled voice at the back of my mind saying; “What? but that is far too simple. There must be far more to it than that….. ” Ahh the games of my spirit even when offered the greatest gifts from Heaven..

  • Susie W March 4, 2018 at 6:02 pm

    You’ve shared a beautiful explanation of how we can approach our diet, routine and lifestyle choices, not in an effort to achieve perfection but to maximise our awareness of what’s going on in our own body, as well as in the world around us.

  • Mary-Louise Myers March 3, 2018 at 8:22 pm

    A lot of healing that occurs with Universal Medicine Therapies defies logic. Recently I had very painful joints and when Serge asked me to consider that this may be due to my lack of connection with God it resonated and I was able to continue to work in my very physical job, at the same time addressing the issue and all my joint pain healed. This was a miracle, as many specialists told me that my body would not be able to handle the type of work I am doing when in fact I have now increased my work load and I am pain free.

    • Matilda Bathurst March 16, 2018 at 3:36 pm

      Another everyday miracle because of the teachings of Universal Medicine, thank you for sharing, Mary-Louise.

  • Danna Elmalah March 2, 2018 at 5:07 pm

    So wise and true Adam. It is through our body we know its truth and we can only truly allow this deeper truth to come out if we have a body that can handle such truth and is open to receiving it.. For there are many consciousness created by our choice to shutting our bodies down, becoming silent and hence having build a body that is no longer able to receive its full truth – every day!

  • Leonne Barker March 1, 2018 at 6:08 pm

    I’m fascinated by the way you describe your kidneys. I’ve just connected to mine and they can certainly be felt but I wouldn’t say they were grapefruits. I can feel that my kidneys are depleted and this is worth appreciating because once upon a time I couldn’t feel my kidneys at all.

    • Golnaz Shariaztadeh December 26, 2018 at 11:02 pm

      It is wonderful sharing our experiences. Often this supports me in opening up and making sense of what I might be already experiencing and also the possibility of what there is to be experienced. There are some parts of my body that I have been so disconnected from most of my life that when I first hear someone talk about their connection to theirs, I incredulously go “really?” But the beauty of it is that this seed itself is often enough for me to start noticing moments of awareness – a gorgeous drops of a deepening reconnection.

  • Caroline Francis February 28, 2018 at 11:52 am

    When we are willing to accept that every illness and disease is truly a blessing we view all illness and disease in a different light. We see that it is an offering, a clearing and something to deeply appreciate as from there on we are offered a second chance to change our ways and ill-behaviours to loving ones. We are constantly being supported in our every movement and in ways we least expect or even dismiss such as illness and disease.

  • Nicola Lessing February 27, 2018 at 7:51 pm

    There is so very, very much more to life that I ever glimpsed before I met Serge Benhayon. I knew there was more, but not so very, very infinitely and joyfully much more.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh February 20, 2018 at 12:43 am

    One of the most dear to my heart aspects of Serge Benhayon’s interactions is that he relates to every single person as a magnificent wise and aware Son of God. In fact he does not see anyone’s essence as anything other than that, although he is more aware than most of the games and dynamics being played that clearly mask our true expression of that divine essence. Right from day one I could feel something special was going on with every cell of my body, although I could not put my finger on it. The fact that more and more are inspired to start to deepen their own connection to Soul and express through life in the same quality is the greatest gift to the whole of humanity.

    • Nicola Lessing February 27, 2018 at 7:54 pm

      Great description Golnaz – yes every cell and fibre of my being can feel that what Serge Benhayon presents and lives is what I have been waiting life times to reconnect to again and the joy is that it is available to everyone equally.

    • Leonne Barker March 1, 2018 at 6:12 pm

      Beautifully said Golnaz. You are spot on, Serge is more aware of foibles than anyone I know and he never treats anyone with anything less than utmost respect and love and he acknowledges the true essence of a person with every move he makes. He is the most free from judgement person I have ever met and yet his sensitivity is through the roof.

  • Michael Brown February 9, 2018 at 8:36 am

    It’s amazing that such a grand path can be lay down just by openness.

    • Matilda Bathurst March 16, 2018 at 3:39 pm

      Yes, I agree Michael. I am often fooled by making things more complicated that they are. It is in simplicity that I realise the sweetness and magic of life.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh February 6, 2018 at 1:10 am

    It has been almost 12 years now since I first met Serge Benhayon. There have been so many milestones of profound change, deepening in awareness and expansion in my expression on so many levels. Yet one thing I have understood deeply since I met Serge Benhayon, is that there is always more, there is never an end to the expansion of the glory that is the truth of who we are.

  • Rik Connors January 26, 2018 at 7:01 pm

    Inspiring Adam in-deed! What I take from this blog was your sharing of the kidneys and their life force. I do not give my kidneys as much credit as you now do. Its extra-ordinary your change and to see you Fire as you do into many facets of your life equaling the love for all. I thank you for the role model you are passing on this inspiration and my deeper understanding of my kidneys and connection to my life force Fire! Let’s see what fires up in my life ..

  • vanessa mchardy January 24, 2018 at 7:21 am

    Gosh Adam, I loved reading this, I agree I also regret not recognising what I was in front of at the time when I had healing’s, Esoteric Healing is without a doubt the best thing that ever happened to me.

  • Mary January 23, 2018 at 5:44 pm

    I remember my first session with Serge Benhayon and as you say Adam there were no fireworks, no great epiphany, just such gentleness. I was so used to my body being manipulated by physiotherapists and osteopaths and there was absolutely no manipulation in my session just gentle hands on healing. I came away from the session and in my mind I was actually wondering was that it? But my body knew more than my mind. I had never taken much notice of my body always disregarding what it was forever telling me. Now all these years later I have rediscovered that my whole body carries an intelligence I have spent my whole life fighting. I have come back to the truth that our bodies are the marker of truth and not our minds.

  • Alex Braun January 23, 2018 at 6:16 am

    That´s the thing with the esoteric work, it is spectacular what it can do without being spectacular at all, so no big bang for the one who seeks excitement but nevertheless the whole universe at one´s service.

  • Alex Braun January 20, 2018 at 6:33 am

    Divinity expressed in the most real and down to earth way – what a profound effect on the reader´s body, life communicating with life, sharing the essence of what it is all about for everyone equally.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh February 24, 2018 at 8:28 pm

      Yes it is a the greatest gift to read such expression from Soul. It is also similar to the first visit Adam describes, what is offered beautifully supports you to feel for yourself how there is much more in life than meets the eye.

  • Leigh Matson January 18, 2018 at 10:12 pm

    I love the simplicity in the explanation of why a student of The Way of The Livingness chooses to live as they do. The answer to “Theres got to be moreto life” is found in how we live as that determines our awareness of the answers details.

  • Adele Leung January 15, 2018 at 12:57 pm

    Feeling has always been natural to me, and in fact, everyone of us feels. But the depth of what is felt, its subtley and detail are different when I treat my body different. There is still a lot to appreciate just with the fact that I feel, but to a certain extent feeling also cannot remain at the same level without deepening just as everything in life naturally also deepens.

  • Michael Brown January 14, 2018 at 7:22 am

    I love how this blog is written with so much authority, for it is what you have lived and you write from that, not from an ideal or belief.

    • Rosemary Liebe July 26, 2018 at 6:45 am

      Yes Michael, it is easy to absorb and feel the truth of what Adam has so beautifully shared in this blog as it comes from his lived experience.

  • Gabriele Conrad January 14, 2018 at 7:12 am

    Esoteric Healing takes us past the confines of reductionism and our physicality; it bridges us to the root cause of our ills and exposes the fallacy that we are merely flesh and bone. It does not set out to prove, fix or otherwise manipulate but assists to discard what does not belong. The results are deeply healing, albeit not always curing; in other words, healing comes in many ways and is not limited to our physicality.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh February 19, 2018 at 1:09 am

      The realisation that there is nothing to fix, control or manipulate, and that the issue is always because there is something masking the exquisiteness of all that we already are, in itself is hugely settling and empowering. The support that Esoteric Healing modalities offer in discarding what does not belong is absolute Gold.

  • Hm January 12, 2018 at 3:34 am

    I love the connection you now have with your kidneys. It is awesome to read the relationship to your body you now have and the power that is in the connection. This is such a healing tool hat we can put in our own hands.

  • Elizabeth Dolan January 10, 2018 at 11:07 am

    It is indeed possible to feel our kidneys and indeed our other organs as well. The only reason why most of the world would declare that they couldn’t is because we do not pay enough attention to what is occurring in our body; rather we see our body as something that we lug around and not something that we are forever in a relationship with.

  • fiona lotherington January 5, 2018 at 1:20 pm

    I love your detailed description of Serge Benhayon’s waiting room. Stillness, quiet, wisdom and no distractions. Not a common finding in most waiting rooms! I like to get there a few minutes early to settle into this feeling, which really helps to prepare for my session.

  • Michael Brown January 5, 2018 at 3:31 am

    I love the markers you describe Adam like the feeling of your Kidneys. Such hyperawareness is a wonderful aspect of life.

  • Michael Brown January 1, 2018 at 8:27 am

    What a blessing it is to have such a role model man in my life Adam.

  • Carmel Reid December 28, 2017 at 4:59 pm

    There are many things we have learned from Serge Benhayon and the simple fact of the link between our kidneys, our kidney energy and lower back pain is one of them and has enabled many of us to observe when we ‘give our power away’ to others and any other activities that are draining us emotionally and energetically.

  • Chan Ly December 28, 2017 at 5:58 am

    Same here Rebecca, I very rarely feel exhausted and if I do, I can often pin point why and what choices I have made to have created exhaustion I my body.

  • Chan Ly December 28, 2017 at 5:55 am

    Wow Adam, incredible blog. I loved reading every part of it. The way you’ve described your experience and observation is deeply inspiring and very relatable. As I was reading your blog I felt a deeper level of appreciation for Serge Benhayon, and for the love and truth he reflects to humanity through his teachings and livingness. And also a huge appreciation to you Adam, for your heavenly expression, Wow!

  • Tricia Nicholson December 27, 2017 at 5:31 pm

    A beautiful and very clear sharing of meeting Serge Benhayon through your experiences from the beginning that is very touching and shows the knowing and dedication to yourself your body and your soul. “It is only through the body that the fact of energy can be understood. It is only through the body that we can get to know the fact of God’s true light.”

  • Carolien Braakenburg December 26, 2017 at 7:05 pm

    I have a regret too Adam, that I was not more present and did not document more the experiences of my first years with Serge and Universal Medicine. The changes in me and my life now are so major and wonderful but they did not happen overnight. Although each single step on this path of return to my soul has felt like a major lep forwards.

  • Carolien Braakenburg December 26, 2017 at 7:02 pm

    A beautiful and very real testimony to the power of true healing Adam, thank you. There is such power and grace in being left to feel from our body who we are, the fire, connection and flow that is so familiar but that we have lost through our lifestyles and choices. From this we can learn from our body another way of being that will bring this fire to live in every day.

  • rosanna bianchini December 26, 2017 at 6:32 pm

    Serge Benhayon has always taught that true healing is about returning to the fact of our divine origins. Therefore illness and disease becomes not only about addressing the physical but equally about clearing the underlying ill energy – a great key in the process you add here Adam “an opportunity to renounce the way we have been living” that is a hindrance to realising our divine origins.

  • Rebecca December 25, 2017 at 8:59 pm

    Miracles like these are quite common amongst those who have seen Serge for sessions or been treated by the modalities he teaches – but with such humbleness that they almost seem like just a normal part of the everyday. So many lives have been touched and turned around

  • Nico van Haastrecht December 25, 2017 at 4:27 pm

    It is gorgeous to feel the fire in my body as that reminds me that I am so much more than just a body of flesh and bones, that there are other dimensions beyond the three dimensional life we in general experience on planet earth. The fire that makes me to express by movement, in my writing and speech from the divine order the fire is originating from.

  • Meg December 18, 2017 at 11:22 pm

    Wow – these experiences confirm the fact that we are irrefutably more than simply a physical body of flesh and bones, and that when it comes to energy miracles are possible.

    • Nico van Haastrecht December 25, 2017 at 4:41 pm

      Sure Meg, and while we still might call this energetic healing results miraculous in a way they are not. We have to come to the understanding that when we experience miracles that we have the possibility to open up to the fact that we live in a sea of energy. And we tend to call any healing we experience on this level a miracle because we cannot explain these when we are in the ignorance of the reality that life is about energy.

  • Shami December 8, 2017 at 4:23 pm

    Thank you Adam, this piece of writing about your healing sessions with Serge Benhayon is beautiful. I especially love your honesty about going for the double shot coffee afterwards, which is powerful because it shows the depths of the experience you’d just had and the magnitude of what you could feel.

  • Adele Leung December 5, 2017 at 12:41 pm

    I love feeling my kidneys and every part of my body. I do not consciously feel them but I can when I choose to. This tells me everything is there if I need it, it is always my choice what I make of it and how I make use of all this support. It also confirms that the way I have been with myself is something to deeply appreciate. What is truly inspiring is knowing with the inspiration such as Serge Benhayon that healing is from within us.

  • Monica November 25, 2017 at 9:08 pm

    Thank you Adam, you’ve given a whole new understanding of how some feel and some don’t .. it’s about how we willing we are to be aware and then how we live with our bodies to support that, how we build a body which allows that level of sensitivity and in doing so allow us to feel the truth of what is there to be felt and to know God, for through our bodies we know and feel the divinity we are from and part of.

  • jennym November 24, 2017 at 8:15 pm

    What you describe here Adam is true healing in the sense that the underlying root cause for your conditions are offered for you to make different choices and live more fully engaged in life.

  • rosanna bianchini November 21, 2017 at 8:26 am

    Amazing, what a read! “It is only through the body that we can get to know the fact of God’s true light” – our bodies take on a whole new purpose.

  • HM November 18, 2017 at 7:17 am

    What a gift to receive in a session the potential of how your body could feel, and then have the choices and support thereafter to live in a way that allows this to build daily. Serge Benhayon is one such man who truly knows how to support the body inside out, and his wisdom is amazing, but he delivers it in a way where we have total access and understanding,

  • Lucy Dahill November 5, 2017 at 6:20 am

    There is pain we feel in the body that cannot be fixed by surgery or physiotherapy, sometimes there is a responsibility in what we are energetically bringing to our lives that needs considering as part and parcel of our healing.

  • Vicky Geary October 24, 2017 at 8:08 pm

    Adam, I love how you have described how your healing over a number of years meant that you were no longer hardened in your body, nor in mind, and as such, were open to feeling life on a much grander scale. If we haven’t experienced this ourselves, it is easy to deny and dismiss life in this way. However, when we walk these steps ourselves it becomes so very clear that a tender and open body is far more receptive to feeling the fact of energy and the grandness of the Universe.

  • HM October 16, 2017 at 3:37 pm

    Thank you Adam – what a profound sharing of the changes you have made. I certainly saw lower back pain as back pain and nothing more because there was no connection to my kidneys – and now I can actually feel my kidneys which is a whole new marker of how I am living. As you say – these sessions support us to make further changes in our lives to build a sensitive and tender body.

  • Jennifer Smith October 8, 2017 at 12:04 pm

    Adam your writing is exquisite. Your frankness about what Esoteric Healing is and what it has brought to your life is refreshingly honest. No ra ra and no holding back on what you know is true. Thank you.

  • fiona lotherington October 5, 2017 at 6:36 am

    This is a beautiful testimonial to what is on offer in a healing session with Serge Benhayon. They do seem very simple and there are no fireworks, but you do feel like you come home and there is nowhere else you would want to be. This feeling is not about being with Serge, this is about being with yourself and the true self that gets so little airtime in most of our lives. It is an absolute blessing when you feel and discover that you can live it as an ordinary way of life.

  • Gregory Barnes October 1, 2017 at 12:50 pm

    Bring on the fire and let the light shine fourth so true healing can begin as we release the imposed issues we have all accumulated by not being at-least Esoteric, so thank you Adam for sharing how we are all responsible for our own healing!

  • Simon Williams September 30, 2017 at 5:36 pm

    A big part of what I get from this blog is not the miracles or the incredible things which I have seen Serge do… its his ability to get other people to initiate themselves. He encourages us to healing ourselves, to self responsibility and not looking to outside to fix ourselves and to be able to assess each and every moment guided by how it feels in our body.

  • Harrison White September 29, 2017 at 7:49 am

    The fact of fire and how it heals through the body, amazing. We aren’t taught about the fact that there are two energies which run our entire life, and the absence of fire (which is what we naturally are) means our lives and hence our bodies are run in dis order, which causes dis-ease. Im astonished at how you described Serge Benhayon performed a simple anticlockwise movement with his fingers on your hips and you felt them adjust – absolutely blown away.

  • Christoph Schnelle September 29, 2017 at 7:00 am

    A very interesting case study. It can easily be explained away citing many different possible causes but there is a theme here that may be worth investigating.

  • Jennifer Smith September 25, 2017 at 5:06 am

    I love what is shared here about healing and about illness and disease. Healing has nothing to do with cure and illness and disease has not and has never been about punishment. That its all bout returning us to our divine origins, our true connection to God. What I love about this understanding practically is that the sessions sought are never a replacement for medical care. Medical care is very much needed and very deeply respected and part of the whole. Our health is in a terrible state and it would be much worse without the medical care we have access to. But what we know of medicine today is that its not it and everyone how works in health care knows this, we see the gaps everyday and they are growing wider and wider. With healing, we begin to see this in our own lives and begin those first steps in taking responsibility for our own health; bringing together the amazing medical sciences that we have that support us and our bodies and then living more of who we are day by day through our choices based on love. We can still bring healing to our lives even if our body is ravaged by disease. In that there is no failure, because the healing reconnects us to the being that we are.

  • Melinda Knights September 24, 2017 at 6:14 am

    What this simply expresses for me is that whilst support of a true nature is available through Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, the power to heal and live from our soul lies within ourselves based on every choice, move and decision we make.

  • Lucy Dahill September 24, 2017 at 5:17 am

    Reading this is a healing in itself! As you shared the process of connecting with your kidneys I could feel mine fire up, same with your feet, the hair on the top of my head. Such a simple process but the dedication to see our body as important, worth being dedicated and committed to as a vehicle of expression, offers a whole new level of awareness of what harms and what heals.

    • Simon Williams September 30, 2017 at 5:42 pm

      Its such a simple thing…feeling. Yet its not a highly valued thing in society which champions achievements and intelligence. The feeling in our body, the fire we can feel, can influence everything, every expression or thing we do.

  • Samantha Davidson September 22, 2017 at 5:59 am

    A great big pause came after reading this whole article and the end is a just a beauty “For it is only through the construction of such a body that the truth of all things can be felt. It is only through the body that the fact of energy can be understood. It is only through the body that we can get to know the fact of God’s true light.” To heal the whole body enables access to wisdom we can not grasp, when we limit ourselves just to physical matter. We are so much more that just physical matter and the time will come when who we are as beings of energy and light is something that will make sense and be known by the many not the few.

  • Jennifer Smith September 21, 2017 at 8:37 pm

    Very true Rebecca. It’s not too often you hear of anyone recovering the wellbeing in their knees after sporting injuries. It not only tells a story of the very amazing healing modalities that is Sacred EsotericHealing, but it reveals the power of how we choose to live. I also really enjoyed his honesty around the modalities, in the way that we can equally become unwell after receiving them and very eloquently explained why. This is on my re-read list.

  • Jennifer Smith September 21, 2017 at 8:28 pm

    I love the balance between humbleness and authority in this article. No holding back anything and no ra ra. I love what has been shared. Its also inspiring to watch.

  • Michael Brown September 21, 2017 at 4:22 am

    Haha I too have found reading some of Serge’s books difficult to read.

  • Vicky Geary September 19, 2017 at 8:18 pm

    What an inspiring read Adam. I can relate to being able to trust Serge Benhayon so much so that I began to put into practice (aka live) what he was sharing. It is this that has truly confirmed to me what is possible and how much can change about our whole experience of life by our ‘livingness’.

  • Anne Hishon September 19, 2017 at 2:55 pm

    Adam, your story is so captivating and healing to read. Thank you for sharing.

  • Heather Pope September 17, 2017 at 4:24 am

    The preciousness of being able to let go of everything and just relax, just be, cannot be underestimated. If this was the only thing offered by Sacred Esoteric Healing, it would be worth having a session, but that is just the first step in what is a 1000 steps of healing.

  • fiona lotherington September 8, 2017 at 8:36 am

    I loved the way this article was written and left me wanting to read more. What I can add from my own experience is that there is nothing you need to believe or know when it comes esoteric healing. It is all felt and therefore it is a fact within our own body. If we feel more relaxed that is a physical fact. If we get to feel warmth throughout our body that is also an undeniable fact to us, whether science has proven it or not.

  • Lieke Campbell September 7, 2017 at 1:05 am

    We can definitely feel true fire, when it is not felt for a very long time we might not be able to remember how it feels and I have found Esoteric Healing sessions amazing opportunities to feel that fire again and know what is possible. It is from there that I started to live differently, constantly building to living a life feeling that fire.

  • Heather Pope September 5, 2017 at 5:14 am

    A session with Serge Benhayon seems so simple, as you say no bells and whistles, but boy oh boy does that time change everything. His understand of true healing is like a miracle, but to him it is normal. He understands energy, and with that understanding what he offers anyone who sees him is a new start at life, with a way of living that is founded from the body and the heart.

    • Lucy Dahill September 24, 2017 at 5:20 am

      So true Heather and I am sure the difference is it is what he lives day in day out, not something he turns on when he walks into a healing session or is presenting. It is inspiring because he shares how we can all be that steady and have the same connection as we are all from the same source of love.

      • Alexis Stewart May 22, 2018 at 4:09 am

        It is very possible for us all to have access to exactly the same information as Serge Benhayon because in truth we are all simply portals for information. That information comes from one of two sources and the particular source that we choose to pull in, is governed by the way that we move. Movements being not only physical limbs moving but also the movement and quality of our speech and also of our thoughts. Serge Benhayon is able to be in constant communication with the information of God purely because he is constantly choosing to move in a way that allows it. We all have exactly the same opportunity.

  • Stephen Gammack September 4, 2017 at 10:50 am

    A quite magnificent piece of writing this is, and I love how there is no apology or justification for Adam believing there is more to life than the five senses. For those who choose to live life based only on those senses and the evidence based science is absolutely fine, but I like Adam will not be dissuaded that there is not more, much more to life than what we see with the naked eye. To consider otherwise is a personal choice, albeit one that requires an almighty effort to block the never-ending experiences that present themselves to us on a daily basis.

  • Vicky Geary August 30, 2017 at 8:31 pm

    This is truly remarkable Adam. It presents Esoteric Healing in a way that is relatable to all. And should one so choose to embrace the Esoteric Healing arts they will be given the gift of the potential life-changing healing that is possible.

  • Leonne August 29, 2017 at 5:47 pm

    Thank you for sharing your story Adam. My kidneys have been hurting a lot today and I feel inspired to address this in every way.

  • Victoria Lister August 19, 2017 at 2:46 pm

    ‘I do not profess that the only reason for the dissipation of my back pain was those two sessions. Esoteric Healing does not work that way, and there have been a whole series of lifestyle choices I have made that form part of the esoteric way of living that have lead to this life of vitality I now experience.’

    I feel this is a very important summation of how Esoteric Healing works. Yes, a ‘miracle’ can and frequently does occur in sessions, but the true miracle is the change these sessions can inspire regarding the way we live – and it’s the way we live that matters most.

  • Michael Brown August 11, 2017 at 5:25 am

    I love your style of writing Adam, a very wise man you are indeed.

  • Kehinde James August 4, 2017 at 1:28 pm

    ‘For it is only through the construction of such a body that the truth of all things can be felt. It is only through the body that the fact of energy can be understood. It is only through the body that we can get to know the fact of God’s true light’ Beautiful Adam. Thank you.

  • Kehinde James July 29, 2017 at 1:31 pm

    An exquisite account of true healing: your two sessions with Serge Benhayon but also the foundation of healing you built into your life by changing old habits and beginning to love and care for yourself.

  • Michael Brown July 22, 2017 at 12:25 am

    I love how you write as if you were there now. There is no hindsight or judgement for where you were, but truly how you felt and what you were experiencing – Extremely Powerful.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh July 18, 2017 at 12:32 am

    What a fabulously rich and inspiring account of your early experience of meeting Serge Benhayon and how it unfolded after that. There are numerous accounts of the amazing turn around of symptoms and issues in people’s lives, yet the most profound impact I find covered in the description provided here for Esoteric healing: “Esoteric healing is not attached to such physical outcomes. Rather, it is about inspiring us to connect to the divinity of our own origins, to offer us the opportunity to recognise the energy of the Soul, to experience its universal warmth and harmonious impulse, and to know beyond measure that we are so much more than this physical body we pretend to be.” This is the key thread I find through everything Serge Benhayon provides. A true gift and a blessing from heaven.

  • Michael Brown June 17, 2017 at 5:35 am

    Adam you are a most wonderful testament to what is possible when one opens up to the possibilities that what Serge presents is True, and runs with it.

    • adam warburton June 26, 2017 at 6:59 pm

      Thanks Michael, I deeply appreciate the sentiment.

  • Mary Adler May 30, 2017 at 1:53 pm

    Serge Benhayon presents on the energetic truth of everything and this ‘ defies scientific understanding’ as it cannot be replicated in a science lab. The proof is in the way of living and the choices we make that prepare the body to feel the fire which goes to the heart of the matter.

  • Jonathan Stewart May 28, 2017 at 2:31 pm

    Whether what Serge Benhayon presents is true or not is for every individual to discern for themselves. It is not something to be learnt as from a text book but to be explored by putting into practice in one’s daily living and seeing if it ‘works’ or not, as you did Adam. From my experience I confirm that it does and my life has transformed beyond recognition.

  • Michael Brown May 13, 2017 at 12:26 am

    Meeting Serge for the first time can often be quite strange to comprehend at the time. You feel like you have met something very old but new at the same time, however there is nothing physical or vocal that confirms this. All is simply deeply felt.

  • Natallija May 9, 2017 at 6:17 am

    Thank you for sharing of your first experience and encounter of Serge Benhayon Adam. Like many this was not one of great grandeur but the simplest and loving conversation I have ever had. To be met with equalness and not an ounce of judgement or critique was something that I was always feeling from others. To be held and listened to in this quality is the start of the healing for me and for so many others who have become aware of the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  • Michael Brown May 8, 2017 at 5:58 am

    I love the way that this was written Adam, you take us along a journey with you, looking back but at the same time being in touch with exactly what was going on for you at that time. What a great story to be shared and learnt from!

  • Harrison White May 6, 2017 at 9:03 pm

    thank you for sharing so clearly Adam your experience of Esoteric Healing and how it has assisted you to change your way of Life. After the first session you have described, and perhaps even the second where you described that the full and ‘complete’ feeling wore off in about a week, I experienced this also, sometimes it was later that day after having an esoteric healing session and what it highlights is that we have a way of living/moving our bodies which is not in accord with healing or the body’s natural flow. When I first received these sessions I also felt like I was complete and like I had truly rested which I didn’t feel I did even in my own sleep, and then experienced a little by little, reduction in a feeling of harmony and stillness, which turned to incessant anxiousness. So I absolutely agree, that the Sessions are an absolute blessing to assist us to feel the fact of fire, and then to set out to live in a way which holds that truth, because why not aim to live harmoniously, and with true tenderness and joy all of the time?

  • Rachel Mascord May 6, 2017 at 6:09 am

    Purely wonderful Adam. I nodded my whole body in agreement when you described the nature of your first session with Serge, the wish that you had been able to feel more deeply all that was on offer. My first session with Serge (in fact many sessions with Serge) were overwhelmed by such anxiousness that I really couldn’t sense much at all. In instrumental/ signal to noise ratio terms there was so much ‘noise’ in my body that I could barely perceive a ‘signal’. Yet it was all there on offer. I thank Serge from every part of my being that he offers not just the healing but the Living Way that allows the body to deeply draw upon the healing. The noise becomes quelled and we become, through the way we live, able to receive the signals that steer a steady course through life.

  • Mary Adler May 5, 2017 at 1:58 pm

    “It is only through the body that we can get to know the fact of God’s true light.” We live within the frame of our physical body and the loving choices we make in the way we drive our vehicle offer the possibility of knowing God’s true light.

  • Stephen Gammack May 4, 2017 at 8:03 pm

    I would imagine I could always regret not taking more from a moment with Serge Benhayon given the depth of wisdom he offers. But then it is where we go with it, being open to seeing and learning more in each moment. It is beautiful to feel that each experience we have is another opportunity to grow.

  • Monica May 1, 2017 at 8:35 pm

    Loved reading this Adam, so clear and understood in how you express what true healing is and why we might decide to live in a way to truly feel energy, to know that we are divine, and that we can feel that divinity through our bodies, depending on how much we choose to be aware of and feel. Thank you for sharing your journey and the understanding you’ve come to.

  • julie Matson April 28, 2017 at 4:32 pm

    Thoroughly enjoyed reading your account Adam of your treatments with Serge Benhayon, and also the amount of dedication to yourself is evident in your writing, and truly inspiring. Thank you.

  • Jonathan Stewart April 18, 2017 at 1:50 pm

    A beautiful and loving exposition of esoteric healing, how it is so much more than just ‘fixing’ problems and that true healing requires engaging in one’s own healing – in truth one is one’s own healer.

  • Leigh Matson April 14, 2017 at 8:14 pm

    I too have experienced that each time I change how I am living, support my body to become clearer I can go back to various teachings from Serge Benhayon and find another level of awareness with what is shared. Everything is given in every moment and it’s how we live that determines how much we receive.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh April 14, 2017 at 5:13 pm

    The beauty of the Ageless Wisdom is that it is ageless and it exists in the heart every single man and woman. All it takes is a gentle reminder from a reflection that our Soul recognises as true and for us to feel safe enough to drop our armour of protection so that we can reconnect to the depth of our own awareness . This support is consistently, humbly and profoundly provided by Serge Benhayon in every single interaction.

  • Rowena Stewart April 11, 2017 at 2:07 pm

    “I can permanently feel my kidneys. They often feel like swollen grapefruit that have been warmed by the rays of the sun, and when they don’t, I know something is up with the way I am living.” Isn’t this the most awesome marker of health for us to connect to, feeling the vitality in our kidneys and other internal organs? It’s a connection that if lost provides us with the most instant symptom that all is not well and we need to up our nurture and self care in order to restore the vibrancy. When we truly take care of ourselves at this level, it massively reduces the drop into further crisis that leads to a diseased state, supporting us to tweak and refine our quality of life so that we can continue to positively contribute to life, work and community.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh December 25, 2018 at 9:54 pm

      This is so true. And I deeply value the support offered by Serge Benhayon and the Universal Medicine modalities to establish a very clear marker of what this deeper level of connection and health feels like, so that I can gauge what is going on in my body if I choose to. The Gentle Breath Meditation presented by Universal Medicine has also been a great tool for me to keep deepening my awareness of this for myself.

  • Sarah Flenley April 5, 2017 at 5:17 am

    I love the authority in which you write Adam. Many stand out lines but this one – “I walked out of that session and felt disconcertingly balanced and still.” got me thinking that this how the body is actually designed to be and how little we actually allow it to be like that. I remember a session once with Curtis Benhayon and I was lying on the table, and I was like, I dont want to get off because I knew the way I am feeling is how the body is supposed to feel and I knew that the way I was currently living and moving, would not support this state. And this is what I love, they give you a marker of how the body can be, and then present ways of living that can support living like that.

  • Kerstin Salzer March 29, 2017 at 7:35 pm

    Reading this lovely article reminds me of how I feel held many times in being at courses or presentations with Serge Benhayon. Now having this feeling so much in my body that through expressing more of my natural tenderness I feel held within this tenderness and have learned to express and surrender to it.

  • Rowena Stewart March 26, 2017 at 4:06 pm

    “And I could not believe that I could feel my kidneys! You can feel your kidneys!!! That is a fact!” I agree Adam and we can feel more! What constantly amazes me is how much I can feel different parts of my body that I now realise were totally numb and all as a consequence of receiving the Esoteric Healing from Universal Medicine. Despite years of other bodywork therapies, nothing has ever brought me back into such a strong, tender and sensitive connection with the whole of my body, or ever encouraged me to take such loving care of it either.

  • Benkt van Haastrecht March 18, 2017 at 5:38 am

    Such a beautiful article, it is sharing the true sensitivity that we can live with when we make the choices to heal and live a different way.

  • Stephen Gammack March 10, 2017 at 5:04 pm

    Reading this was a joy to behold, I can now feel my kidneys. In fact it’s quite incredible what we can feel, and what a beautiful summation of the choice we have to feel or not. To be constricted to only believing that which is scientifically proven by another, often with a preconceived agenda, is the most limiting way to live, more so when we consider how much we feel and how much we are our very own 24/7 science experiment. The question is: how much do we trust our own results?

  • Matts Josefsson March 8, 2017 at 2:23 pm

    “It is only through the body that we can get to know the fact of God’s true light.” What if we lived to honour this fact, how much different things would be from the beginning and all throughout our lives.

  • Harrison White February 27, 2017 at 9:27 pm

    After seeing an Esoteric Practitioner for the first time, it was clear that there was something so profound about these sessions and there was indeed so much more to life that I could sense but was not paying attention to. After these sessions my life was changed forever and awareness increased and increased. It was as if I had to pay attention to the subtleties, because my body had a marker that was gentle and experienced the flow of fire, and that was something I hadn’t felt in my life since I was young.

    LOVE the Title Adam. “The Healing Renaissance”, it means that there is a form of healing all of society will be beginning and that means barriers will come down and trust will be restored.

  • Gabriele Conrad February 11, 2017 at 10:25 am

    As you say, it is through the body that we reconnect to God and our true light and not against the body. And Serge Benhayon is in great company here; after all, Jesus is reported to have said “The Kingdom of God is within you”. We mustn’t have listened though – two thousand years later and the physical body is still seen as an adversary, as something that needs to be reshaped, cropped, enlarged, bent, twisted, worn out and the list goes on.

    • adam warburton April 2, 2017 at 8:39 am

      The point is that true healing needs to involve a relationship with life force, and to ignore it as modern medicine has chosen to do is something done at our own peril.

    • Alexis Stewart May 22, 2018 at 4:14 am

      We see and view our bodies in so many different ways but rarely do we see them as the portals to God that they truly are. Maybe if we did, then we would treat it much better than we currently do.

  • Mary Adler February 6, 2017 at 4:22 pm

    “Esoteric healing is not attached to such physical outcomes. Rather, it is about inspiring us to connect to the divinity of our own origins” Miracles can come every day when we feel the energy that pulls us to know and live that we are so much more than our physical body.

    • Alexis Stewart May 22, 2018 at 4:19 am

      My goodness me, we have such a narrow view of who we are. We have reduced our glorious multidimensional expansive selves down to a collection of physical measurements and characteristics. We are all capable of carrying out miracles and yet we spend our lives worrying about our weight, whether or not we’re losing our hair and whether our neighbour has better outdoor furniture than us. It is crazier than crazy.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh February 6, 2017 at 6:13 am

    Thank you for this blog. Yes I too have found that since meeting Serge Benhayon the level of awareness, openness, sensitivity, sense of responsibility and my ability to discern what is true and harmonious has been increasing. I am far more attuned to my body than I was before and can sense the dynamics of what is going on around me much more acutely. When it is first mentioned to us that we can be much more aware than we are most of us probably would doubt it, yet once you start feeling it for yourself there is no questioning it.

    I met Serge Benhayon during a troubled period of my life. Yet in his quiet steady presence, the warmth of his eyes, the tenderness of his voice and some other so very familiar quality which was in the beginning difficult to pinpoint. I felt like I was home. My mind became so still and my heart so settled that all my issues seemed to reduce to irrelevance. It is so easy to make it all about Serge Benhayon, because what he offers is truly amazing. Yet everything about him keeps reminding that we are all the same, how he lives, what he reflects and what he offers humanity is for all of us to live, to reflect and to offer one another – it is a matter of choice and dedication.

  • Deidre Medbury January 31, 2017 at 6:16 am

    This blog is so complete, so inspiring, and feels so truth-full, I hung on every word from beginning to end. I cannot put into words the appreciation that I feel for what you have shared so openly with us Adam.

  • Christine Hogan January 24, 2017 at 5:56 am

    ‘If I regret anything in life, it is that I was not more present with what was offered me in that moment’.

    I have lived a life where I have missed everyday the truth of what is happening in me and around me. So busy living what I believed life was about – indulging in food, ruminating and investing what my relationships was constantly feeding back to me, constantly adjusting my life accordingly. Always chasing love and stillness from outside of me, something I now know can only come from a true connection to what is within. And so the re-connection to this truth began.

    All of what is being offered in the moment is now beginning to be felt and lived. There is so much in this blog Adam that resounds the experiences I have had and that I have observed in others because of all that Serge Benhayon has brought through for humanity. Many would say it is ‘under-whelming’ as you have mentioned and the subtle but pure loving offered might be overlooked. But today I celebrate all of my return to living in a loving, tender, sensitive and present way. Thank you for all you have shared, especially your last few points. I will finish this blog with one of those points, which is so simple in its structure but so deeply honouring of the way it is – ‘It is only through the body that the fact of energy can be understood’.

  • Carmel Reid January 23, 2017 at 10:28 pm

    ‘I do not deny I had my moments of doubt, but I was sufficiently trusting enough of the man since I had first met him that I was prepared to put into practice into my own life what he presented.’ This is how I have been – much of what has been presented has felt like absolute truth, as if the knowing was already in my body and he simply confirmed it. Others have taken me a bit more time, especially his presentations on the Way of the Livingness as a religion. But now it all makes sense, and I can see/feel more easily how it is my own resistance that gets in the way – Serge himself always presents absolute truth from the lived wisdom in his own body.

  • Leigh Matson January 22, 2017 at 5:21 pm

    Sometimes the larger healing is after an Esoteric Healing session as I have felt many times before that one hour inspires me to live in a different way than before. And sometimes I get to feel so held in the love that is within the body that more behaviours that do not align to that love in my life get highlighted, making the following week/weeks seemingly ‘worse’. But again as you’ve shared Adam healing is the removal of what does not belong to our divine origins, you can’t play small and be divine at the same time and trying to play small when your actually beautifully divine takes it’s toll on the body. Without this being highlighted in the session I’d continue to get ill and be confused as to why it’s occurring.

  • Rosie Bason January 21, 2017 at 7:19 am

    Loved reading your blog Adam and it is so true, we can be skeptical or not. For me, when I first had sessions I didn’t feel much at all as my body was so shutdown and hard and in protection. Today I feel so much and I love it. It is great to be aware and sensitive. To me it is not a weakness but a great thing that allows me to know what is going on around me all of the time. No words are needed as I can feel. Feel like I have never felt before.

  • Rosie Bason January 17, 2017 at 7:59 am

    I too was skeptical when I first met Serge Benhayon, so I wanted to test him and see if what he was presenting was true. Over the years I have come to realise that Serge is the real deal. I have met many healers and wannabes but I have put what Serge presents to the test in my life and it has been amazing. No other proof is needed for me as I can feel it and it is so obvious if you see my before and after photos from when I first met Serge.

  • Natallija January 8, 2017 at 12:09 am

    There is no doubt that Serge Benhayon lives the quality he shares through the healing modalities. The fire from within was offered through the reflections of a man that holds not an ounce of his love back from humanity.

    Thank you Adam Warburton for bringing a deeper understanding on the works of Serge Benahyon and Universal Medicine. There is nothing but a commitment in sharing his wisdom on true healing that asks us to go deeper in understanding the root causes that may have started way before the physical conditions manifested and has us puzzled or often linking it into a genetic disposition.

  • Michael Brown January 3, 2017 at 6:58 pm

    Thank you Adam, I suspect none of us quite knew how big the impact Serge would have would be.

  • Cathy Hackett December 31, 2016 at 7:33 am

    Too right about not needing evidence-based research to know that what you’re feeling in your body is real, true and profound. When we love, honour and care deeply for our bodies, they become conduits for a much deeper connection.

  • James Nicholson December 29, 2016 at 4:56 am

    Thank you for you sharing your experience with Serge Benhayon. I love it how you had a double coffee after your 1st session even though you had felt a profound change. What I love about what Serge presents to us is how simple and practical he makes things and never with any judgement – which I find is key. So often we can want someone to change or get what we are saying that we lace our words. Yet when Serge speaks to us, at least in my experience, the words come with love and a knowing that we will get it whether it be immediately or at some point in the future – that does not matter.

  • Kate Greenaway-Twist December 25, 2016 at 10:11 am

    Such a thoughtful and beautiful piece thank you Adam. This brings the beauty and simplicity of what true healing is, not just by hands on healing sessions but by the way we live. I also developed my simple loving way of living from the inspiration of Serge Benhayon from 1999 my body has transformed from being overweight, hard and tired most of the time to slender, flexible with way more daily energy and vitality.For any hardened sceptics the proof is in the bodies of many hundreds of people I have observed who have had similar positive transformations as I have, by simply living a more self loving, self caring life and moving gently rather than the fast and hard pushing movements that we use when we drive ourselves to complete a task. I have been fascinated in the body’s natural healing ability in my physiotherapy work over 30 years now and in the last 17 years in encouraging people to reconnect to their natural quality of gentleness – this has helped people heal themselves – way more than any particular body work techniques or methods of joint/muscle realignments.

  • Rowena Stewart December 14, 2016 at 4:08 pm

    “The Healing Renaissance” I love this title Adam. Serge Benhayon is re-igniting a healing renaissance, reviving the true culture of Healing by re-connecting us to our inner being that has forever remained whole, pristine, divine and gorgeous. This is the extraordinary and very unique quality of the Esoteric Healing Modalities brought forth by Serge, modalities that do not impose an ideal of health on another but instead reflects true vitality so that we can re-orient ourselves to this inherent quality once more. When we present our inner stillness to another person’s body, it allows us space to re-connect to our own tender power that has never been lost, just buried under a lot of false ideals, unhealed hurts and limiting beliefs.

    The introduction to ‘Fire’ and how it feels energetically was a huge turning point in my life, a true education delivered by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine that has changed my entire appreciation of humanity, life and myself. It is quite extraordinary how much this energetic awareness and the subsequent energetic options that open up before us truly empower us to resolve deep-seated issues, poor health and low self esteem with astounding results. Learning how to choose Fire is the most fundamental education we can provide in life and the earlier the better, there is nothing more essential than teaching people about which life force to choose – Fire or Prana. And it is vitally important to note that this can only be taught by someone who knows how to and does choose Fire as their sole source of energy, inspiration and joy 24/7/365, as Serge Benhayon has immutably mastered and freely shares with all who are sincerely interested in resuming energetic responsibility for themselves.

  • Carmel Reid December 12, 2016 at 6:46 am

    What a beautiful description of your experiences with Serge Benhayon and how you changed your lifestyle following that inspirational first session. Your words are a clear reminder of the importance of feeling and honouring our bodies throughout our lives in all that we do.

  • julie Matson December 11, 2016 at 4:41 pm

    What a testimonial Adam – it brought tears to my eyes. It is one thing having treatments or attending workshops with Serge Benhayon but another thing to totally embrace what he is offering and put that into place in your own life. Very inspiring.

  • Mary-Louise Myers November 29, 2016 at 7:17 am

    Thousands of us have a story like yours Adam where miracles have occurred in the presence of Serge Benhayon. At my first session with Serge Benhayon he talked to me about how angry I was and if I did not deal with it then I would get very sick. At the time I knew what he was saying was true, little did I know how accurate his reading was… I was an angry person and very physically unwell… over the next years I looked at the root cause and dealt with it with the support of the Universal Medicine Therapies. Through a blood test 10 years later I realised that I had contracted Hep C in my early 20’s, the doctors and specialists sent me for every test under the sun trying to find something wrong with my liver as they could not believe it was so healthy. What Serge read back then was my hep C (with out naming it specifically) and if not for the healing over these ten years I would be a very sick, angry woman with a rotting liver.

    Also, t my first Heart Chakra Workshop Serge Benhayon put one hand on my heart and the other on my crown, similar to you Adam my whole body filled with warmth and I had a sense of ‘coming home’. I felt very empowered knowing this connection came from with in, not from Serge, he had simply supported me to re-connect to my being.

  • Annie C November 27, 2016 at 5:37 am

    It is worth considering the possibility that we do have a high level of energetic awareness, and would have far greater awareness of this if we did not spend much of our time hardening our bodies in protection, or being racy, stressed, anxious, locked up in thoughts in our head, and how many other ways! If we don’t think we feel something, is it because it is not there, or because we have somehow blocked the awareness of it? Well, this is one experiment we know how to put to the test.

    • Alexis Stewart May 22, 2018 at 4:32 am

      We have desecrated our conduits of God, our bodies. It’s no wonder we’re all in such a mess.

  • Eduardo Feldman November 25, 2016 at 4:23 pm

    Healing opens doors to a world that may not ‘make sense’ but at the same time it is profoundly natural and known to us and that for our whole being it makes absolute sense. These feelings of reconnecting to something we know from inside out so so well, that holds and embraces us so deeply and tenderly, that vibrates with us and allows us to feel the beauty of what happens to us when thanks to this invisible reconnection the being explodes in joy for feeling complete (again). In those moments is when we can realise how poor and devastating really is a life in separation to what we truly are and the magnificence of where we belong to.

  • Rowena Stewart November 25, 2016 at 3:56 pm

    Thank you Adam, you have encapsulated the real essence of Serge Benhayon’s life work, to empower us to truly feel everything via God’s very own vehicle of communication, our bodies. Learning how to cherish our bodies so that we can respond to everything we feel rather than recoil or react takes great commitment that when applied establishes a steady strong vitality and joy with which to live life. There is so much more to life than just our physicality and there is no better teacher than Serge Benhayon in this world to re-educate us about the power and quality of energy required to truly live life in the way we are intended to, Soul infused, firmly connected to God and to one another.

    The energetic education that Serge Benhayon presents is life changing and the changes you have experienced Adam as a consequence are a powerful example of what can occur when we experiment with and apply The Ancient Teachings to our everyday lives. Serge Benhayon offers us the opportunity to restore our health, vitality and graceful wisdom to every aspect of life with awesome results. There is so much to re-gather, it’s well worth relinquishing the iced coffee in favour of honouring the power that lies in our kidneys to commit to life and live it to the fullest.

  • Elizabeth Dolan November 23, 2016 at 4:12 pm

    This blog is stupendous. It is indeed the words of an urban philosopher. Every word written here is from a man who has claimed his truth and who is wise enough and humble enough to know that this has occurred though the work of Serge Benhayon. There is so much beauty in this blog where one man can truly celebrate another in the absolute knowing that they are equal, hence the blog reveals the equalness in which Serge Benhayon presents his teachings.

    This feeling of “coming home” to ourselves is very common during an Esoteric Healing session with Serge Benhayon. It happened to me as well during my first session. Serge put his hands on my back of my heart and on my lower back and my body flooded with a warmth that I never had experienced before. In that moment it felt like a lifetime of sadness lifted off me and I was able to just be me. This is the power of Esoteric Healing. Esoteric Healing gives us an opportunity to connect with our divine essence and if we then choose to live in a way that brings more of that divine essence forth then great healing can and does occur.

  • Jonathan Stewart November 19, 2016 at 4:13 pm

    Thank you Adam for such a clear presentation of Serge Benhayon and Esoteric Healing. You managed to balance a deeply moving personal experience with maintaining an objective perspective that enables the reader to decide for himself or herself whether to dismiss or embrace what you present. On my part I fully embrace and endorse from personal experience what you present.

    A most illuminating presentation of why living a life that appears to many as one of depriving oneself of the ‘normal pleasures’ is, in fact, so pleasurable and rewarding. Thank you Adam for expressing it so beautifully and personally.

  • Joshua Campbell November 19, 2016 at 5:42 am

    The confirmation of reading this Adam is super gorgeous to feel. Fire is indeed very physical and tangible. There is no mind games or attempt to try and visualise or make up a sensation in ones head that such an energy exists. It undeniably does and Serge Benhayon has thank God given us all an opportunity to once again feel and reconnect with the fact.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh November 17, 2016 at 6:40 pm

    I love the gorgeous description of observations, mulling and deepening awareness. With me it was a slow rekindling of the same clarity and understanding from within myself. I had spent many years of amassing theories and beliefs about how life was and how human beings ticked, and these loud thoughts did not so readily allow the more subtle awareness from within to be felt, observed and honoured. But as slowly as I did observe one thing and then another, WOW my whole outlook on life started to expand, my heart opened up and my love of people deepened. “The Healing Renaissance – Serge Benhayon & The Fact of Fire”, what a fitting tribute to this most exquisite gift humanity is being offered.

    God, our Soul and more than we can imagine in the Universe is constantly supporting us to return to the glory that we once chose to depart from. Serge Benhayon is a man who offers a wonderful support in similar way because he chooses to live in dedication to living in absolute connection with his Soul and serving humanity. And this is what we could each also choose to live and offer one another – he has always maintained this and has been more than transparent about how he lives so that we too can up the level of love and responsibility whenever we choose.

  • Monica November 17, 2016 at 9:10 am

    Hi Adam, a very beautiful and very real sharing of your journey with healing. I love how tangible you make it all, your description of what fire is in the body is so apt and yes this is possible for all of us, but it does depend on the choices we make, and on our dedication to living in a way that allows our bodies to be that aware and that sensitive to all that is going on in and through us. And the thing is it’s always there, but it’s a question of do we feel it or not, and that is up to us and how we choose to live.

  • Joel Levin November 16, 2016 at 11:36 pm

    After many years, both going to and practising different healing modalities. There is indeed something both unique and powerful about what Serge offers and the modalities he teaches.

  • Heather Pope November 12, 2016 at 5:13 pm

    Serge Benhayon’s views on healing are unique, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t true. Given the state of the world with ever increasing lifestyle illnesses like diabetes and obesity, isn’t it time we looked for new insights on healing, for a way to support humanity to live a life of wellbeing that doesn’t depend on super foods, running for kilometres a day and building muscles to challenge Hercules? Life as we know it needs another way, and the way presented by Serge Benhayon makes sense to anybody who has experienced it.

  • Cherise Holt November 11, 2016 at 8:57 pm

    “…What I will not do is allow my own understanding of life to be diminished by the supposed authority of the skeptic, or old school materialist who wishes to assume that all must live life from the safe confines of such reductionism.”

    This paragraph really stood out for me, inspiring me to know that this is my choice and my right in life also.

  • Peta Lehane November 10, 2016 at 9:57 pm

    I loved reading every word, Adam….it’s like you describe feeling your kidneys during your second session with Serge – full as berries, each and every syllable.

  • Stephanie Stevenson November 5, 2016 at 6:52 pm

    The modalities that Serge Benhayon presents are straight from Heaven and support huge energetic shifts in our body and lifestyle if we choose to align with them. Thank you Adam for the lived experience from your body you share in this story.

    A powerful and inspiring sharing. The stillness and simplicity of a healing session with Serge Benhayon can be felt in full with your writing from your own lived experience.

    Once there is an acceptance of re-incarnation, this brings a true understanding of living with responsibility, purpose, energetic awareness and integrity as Serge Benhayon reflects in full.

  • Leigh Matson October 30, 2016 at 10:10 pm

    The way of life as shared by Serge Benhayon opens us up to the truths of life, truths that we know and living in their absence is what creates the deepest illness and disease of all. Because underneath the physical aliments are the emotional, mental and energetic disturbances that get some mention but never down to the root as Universal Medicine presents. A medicine that one doesn’t just take externally, but is a two way street, with our own steps towards healing we get supported to heal further. This has brought to my life and many others a level of health that enriches the health that can be offered when relying on outside support alone.

    • Jo Elmer November 10, 2016 at 2:13 am

      Well said Leigh. I too realize that living without the truths of life, (the Truths we all know) is what caused all my issues. Serge presents & reminds us what we already know but have, for many reasons, been denying, avoiding and burying.

      I know that anyone who truly gives “The Livingness” a real try finds it to be a truly healing and fulfilling way to live; as so many of us have now discovered.

      If we were to take honest note and manage to not limiting our willingness to see in any way every area of life, our collective experiential learning would show us that how we live is our best medicine or our worst poison. Is this not the very deep common sense that Serge represents in every way?

  • Andrew Mooney October 29, 2016 at 5:36 pm

    When I attended one of my first workshops with Serge Benhayon, he asked the audience if there were any sceptics who were having difficulty believing that everything in the body is energetic before it is physical. As a physical therapist who was very attached to my physical manual techniques, I immediately put up my hand. Serge got me to feel the alignment of the hips of another member of the audience which were clearly unbalanced. Then he demonstrated the technique more or less you described Adam and the presence and quality of the practitioner that is required to be able to perform it. The person’s hips immediately aligned as evidenced by my checking the alignment after the technique. What’s more, when the person stood up and walked around and then laid back down, the hips were even more aligned! That was one moment when I was convinced that there was definitely truth to what Serge Behanyon was presenting.

    • adam warburton April 6, 2017 at 12:07 pm

      Something I did not expand upon in the blog, but alluded to, was why Esoteric Healing is not about curing physical symptoms. In short, that is because Esoteric Healing is concerned with looking at the energetic root cause of things. If you understand illness and disease as a clearing of ill energy kept within the body, and a method by which the body clears and assists you to create a body that is more receptive to its true energetic state – known as fire, then one cannot be attached to physical outcomes. Under the energy of fire, the body is naturally more harmonious, and why for example in this case my hips realigned naturally. However, I have also come out of sessions and days later had a measles like rash appear that the doctors could not actually diagnose, and that of itself disappeared after a few days. I have also had headaches and sore shins, for example, caused by the natural realignment of the body as it restores itself to its natural posture. All of these physical symptoms, whilst not pleasant, are merely the clearing of ill energy so that the body can resurrect itself as a true vessel for divinity. The point is that Esoteric Healing, when done truly, occurs in accordance to the impulse of the Soul, and is about resurrecting the human being from its spiritual state to its Soul-full state. That in itself requires much more explanation than this comment can offer, suffice to say in short our true state of being is much more than just physical, and Esoteric Healing works with this fact. One could say it is spiritual healing, but even that is not quite true, for it alludes that it is similar to something to reiki, which it is not. However, it would be true to say that is a healing of the spirit, that immortal part of us that in itself is but a diminished and separated version of our true resurrected being – known as The Soul.

  • Gabriele Conrad October 23, 2016 at 10:31 am

    The simplicity and humble openness you write with to describe your first sessions with Serge Benhayon and your subsequent healing journey brought tears to my eyes, tears of joy and of having been deeply touched by what and how you present. Thank you and I will be tuning into my kidneys a lot more, a great inspiration.

  • Stephen Gammack October 11, 2016 at 7:14 am

    I really enjoyed reading this Adam, it got me considering my own first experiences of Serge Benhayon, I remember having no doubt that what he was sharing was true but also that it took time for all of it to sink in, what he presents is rather epic in scale and far removed from what we learn in school and from our experiences in society. My difficulty which I believe is shared by many is not in the believing of what is presented but in the scepticism one must face in acting on the wisdom offered, becoming healthier and making such choices is not so often well received. The story of the fingertips healing your hips is amazing but what is equally amazing is how Serge Benhayon has empowered so many to become great healers themselves and that is where the profundity lies, in the spreading of the wisdom that he shares but does not own.

  • Jo Elmer October 11, 2016 at 12:29 am

    I too had kidney/low back pain and have reversed it simply by being inspired by Serge to pay more loving attention to my body and learn to adhere to its Devine intelligence more and more.

    I too have felt the fiery energy; the yummy warmth from within & the deep natural sense of coming home, of being home once again in myself… and nothing I have found ‘out there’ compares to this sense of well being.

    We can take it or leave it, but here is the gift Serge is offering us all, the choice to feel and re-find our own true way to bring out and live all of who we are as impulsed by the fiery Devine energy of our one soul. This is no small thing, but an natural essential known way of living life which makes sense to us as human beings in every way and for everyone.

  • Karoline Schleiffelder October 10, 2016 at 6:54 pm

    Adam, I deeply loved what and how you have shared your personal experience. You have presented it with directness and in truth what Serge Benhayon presents and you have not played safe and holding back, because it does not fit our society’s materialistic views or the thinking way of the majority. The philosophies of Serge Benhayon are not just ideals and ‘pies’ in the sky, but a very down to earth way of living that is so much more.

  • Andrew Mooney October 8, 2016 at 3:41 pm

    Adam I love your description of how you can feel your kidneys and I have been more observant since first reading this blog of feeling my kidneys also during the day and you are right you can feel them, they are there and you can feel how warm and full they feel or anything else. Our bodies give us such amazing markers of what is going on energetically in any moment if we are still and attentive enough to listen to them.

  • Vicky Cooke October 7, 2016 at 4:57 pm

    This was beautifull to read. It gives the reader a space to feel and reflect especially how our bodies are, after finishing reading this I felt a warmth in my kidneys. It supported me to ask myself why do they not always feel like that? I love the way you explain the esoteric, it is not a quick fix but a pulse within that reflects how we live. If we live in disregard this is what the body will show, if we start to take more care and look after ourselves in how we are, how we move, how we speak, what we eat then this is what the body will show. The body does not lie ‘It is only through the body that the fact of energy can be understood. It is only through the body that we can get to know the fact of God’s true light.’

  • Nikki McKee October 7, 2016 at 5:40 am

    I love what you shared about how in the second session you were able to feel so much more because you body was no longer hardened and in affect you had made lifestyle changes that allowed you to feel what previously you couldn’t. Perhaps it is the same when it comes to understanding what it is Serge does with energy. Perhaps we do not yet live in a way that allows us to feel and see what is really going on in the world of energy we live in.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh June 2, 2017 at 5:11 am

      I find that each session is a bit like a loving nudge along my unfolding. If I have already been working on that, the nudge can be like the wind under my sails and I can fly, and if I have been stuck in my ways it will still support me perhaps just enough to help me become unstuck and able once more to consider moving. And how I have been living definitely affects what I am ready to see and understand.

  • Johanna Smith October 1, 2016 at 3:27 pm

    A totally amazing recount and sharing Adam. For me this is science lived and proven without question, especially when it is all supported by the fact of the amazing quality and joy you live and hold (evident in your photo). The power of the two fingers on your kidneys by Serge is phenomenal as far as science goes today yet it is all very natural in the grandness of the rhythm of the all we belong to. For me this just goes to show the power our living quality can hold in healing for another and Serge Benhayon is the pure reflection of this.

  • Sandra Newland October 1, 2016 at 5:23 am

    Adam, I love the simplicity and clarity of your writing which makes it easy to understand and relate to. It is written with love and a deep understanding of people and the suffering we go through by our own choices. You make real the esoteric term ‘fire’ – an energy which fires us up, not by exciting the nervous system, but by a true expansion from within which is available to us all if we can let go of the wall of tension that is holding it back.

    We are constantly being offered healing which can occur in any moment, not just in a session. If we are just wanting our symptoms to go away we limit the level of healing we can receive. If we open ourselves to true healing and wholeness we can receive the fullness of the miracle on offer. It is up to us and the choices we make. The remarkable thing about a true healer, like Serge Benhayon, is that there is absolutely no investment in any result, and no imposition on the client, it’s just an offering of an opportunity to heal which comes through them and not from them.

    • Alexis Stewart May 22, 2018 at 4:37 am

      “The esoteric term ‘fire’ – an energy which fires us up, not by exciting the nervous system, but by a true expansion from within which is available to us all’, as opposed to the counterfeit source of energy, known as prana, which plays havoc with the nervous system by exciting it constantly.

  • Andrew Mooney September 29, 2016 at 2:50 pm

    What I have always liked about Serge Benhayon and his presentations, sessions and workshops is that he talks about energy in such a practical no-nonsense way and is fully transparent, in the sense that he is more than happy for his theories and philosophies to be tested out. I have found that you can feel different qualities of energy in the body and they feel distinctly different. This is a real physical experience and not just hope or faith.

  • Sandra Schneider September 17, 2016 at 10:44 pm

    Oh yes, I can feel my kidneys! Specially now while I read your beautiful blog Adam. I can feel how your writing comes from your body, what inspires me to connect to mine. As I see this as a result of your lifestyle choices – what choices must have Serge Benhayon made to be able to inspire thousands in their healing?!
    How much power our choices (and so we) have!

  • Christine Hogan September 9, 2016 at 6:33 am

    ‘I walked out of that session and felt disconcertingly balanced and still.’ – The gift of true healing still lives on in your body Adam. The clarity you hold around this experience has expanded and surpassed time. Little did you know that being balanced and still was your natural way and for this to fall into ‘disconcertingly’ would cease forever. The beginning of the return to who and how you naturally are.

    It is for us all to check-in with what is true for us and this is felt deep within the body. Your words Adam come straight from what you have experienced in your body and have observed in your life – the words written of your first meeting and subsequent experience come from this, and confirms and honours the truth of this gentle, simple and straight speaking man – Serge Benhayon. Serge offers a gift to every human being on the planet and that is the true experience of their essence free from any indebtedness. Thank you for sharing.

  • Sarah Karam September 5, 2016 at 5:45 am

    I really appreciate how eloquently you describe your understandings of these unique modalities, with no detail spared in your energetic experience. This article feels like art to me, it fits with this delicate and precise website beautifully (which to me is also a living art piece) it hangs on its crisp white walls perfectly. This article directly addresses our modern obsession with cure, over commitment to life and fire and cuts to the core of these teachings and the true purpose of sessions: which for me is simply allowing a human being a space to feel fire, so when we go back into the world we can experience where that fire is nonexistent, where it is tangible, like in the warmth of a new born baby and with this being a knowledge that is held by the body and not the mind we are able to observe and eventually begin to bring fire to all that we do temporally in our busy committed lives, no stone left unturned, no relationship left lessor.

  • Carmin Hall September 4, 2016 at 8:31 am

    Is true healing what most of us are seeking, or just relief from pain? True healing requires one to be willing to deal with the underlying energetic causes as well as working on self-love and self-care. Is it any wonder that illness and disease are rising at such a rate?

  • Kerstin Salzer August 27, 2016 at 1:49 pm

    When I first met Serge Behayon I knew there was something special about him. It was as if I myself would be enabled to see more, to see where I was at, to see through my life and to see my truth, which I have denied for so many years. Through this first meeting Serge Benhayon in a workshop I went through a deeply healing and revealing process without having a healing session.

    “It is only through the body that we can feel God’s light”
    How long did I search for God in the outside, until the day I met Serge Benhayon and so many things made sense which I was not able to understand before. With learning to know this man my life started to change and I am on the way to understanding and feeling God and his love and how intimately I have a relationship with him through my body.

  • Floris van der Schot August 26, 2016 at 5:15 am

    Dear Adam, thank you for so beautifully describing your experiences. I second every word from my own experience. There’s indeed a science to life that connects and impulses us all towards the Oneness we innately are and come from. The fire in us, is calling us home, where the other choice is to be imposed upon in so many ways. Whether that being ideals, beliefs, pictures, emotions etc. We’re not governed by them, even though it might seem so. Everybody has had the same experience, that life’s dominating us. Yet, there’s a way to live life in complete equalness and connection to life. Serge Benhayon is living this Universal Wisdom, offering us the reflection and support to do the same. Until one day we all will be returned.

    • Jo Elmer November 10, 2016 at 2:27 am

      Yes Floris, there is a great unifying science to life but we seem to have clung onto temporal science at the expense of this Devine one. Modern science is incredible & needed but to close out the massive science that we all can feel and do live every day is a huge mistake; one that we are all paying for dearly.

      If we were to take honest note and manage not to limit our ‘willingness to see’ in any way every area of life, our collective experiential learning (lived science) would show us that ‘how we live’ is our best medicine and our worst poison.

      Is this not the very deep common sense that Serge represents in every way?

    • Stephanie Stevenson December 14, 2016 at 6:32 pm

      The Truth simply and powerfully stated Floris –
      “The fire in us, is calling us home”

  • Leigh Matson August 25, 2016 at 9:58 pm

    What you’ve shared here really does explain so much of the greater and truer meaning of healing. When I am asked questions about my own lifestyle and how I can live without being tempted by coffee or chocolate I often feel stumped as to what to say because if I am honest, there is no one thing that has led me to where I stand today. And that this stance would never have been reached if it were not for the support of others such as Serge Benhayon. I loved this line, “life exists beyond the mere limits of physicality” and it is so true because the more I focus on the physicality the more the ‘issue’ hangs around, but widen myself up to the fact that there is more going on in formlessness, in the unseen but felt parts of human life then I start to understand the physical aspect of life more. Thank you Adam.

  • Michael August 25, 2016 at 8:09 am

    Amazing & very humbling to read. Your article puts things in perspective for me and makes me look at my own choices. I can relate to much of what you have written and it’s clearly a reminder to take another look at me and my choices. Thank-you very much for sharing your story Adam.

  • Kerstin Salzer August 24, 2016 at 2:22 pm

    “What I regret to not have been more present, what was offered me in that moment.”
    I have this feeling when I meet Serge Benhayon, I wish to be more open, more present, more aware of what is offered to me. It is a never-ending learning to get more understanding and a deeper feeling of what is offered in those moments of deep connection and stillness.

    • Nicola Lessing February 27, 2018 at 7:57 pm

      Yes it is a constant glorious pull to return to who we truly are.

  • Sarah Flenley August 23, 2016 at 5:47 am

    I love what you write here Adam. There is great strength in your writing but it is also very gentle to read and the reader has a choice as to how to respond, but it leaves no doubt of what you say is true for you. I love how you share the way many esoteric students live is so that they will know God and energy as it is through our bodies that we do this.

    One of the most amazing things of Sacred Esoteric Healing and the presentations of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is that we can learn to (re) connect to our bodies and actually feel our body parts. I had a similar experience once where a practitioner asked me a question about a body part and I responded and I was like woah… I did not know where that came from as I thought I had no connection or feeling in that area….but I did, we all do… we have just lost our way in connecting to our bodies. Until now.

  • Andrew Mooney August 22, 2016 at 3:31 pm

    I agree Adam. It has been my experience also, that we can all indeed feel and discern the quality of energy around us and inside of us all the time. The more I have been open to this, the more aware I have actually become to this fact of life.

    • Liane Mandalis November 13, 2018 at 6:02 am

      We are all energetically aware all of the time in the sense that energy is constantly passing through us that we cannot but feel unless we work very hard to not feel it. But in order to put this humongous effort in place, we have to first feel what we are not wanting to feel so we can then take the measures to not feel it!

  • Mary Adler August 22, 2016 at 1:36 pm

    Serge Benhayon lives in true connection to himself and the all-encompassing love of God and is an inspiration to those who choose the esoteric, inner-most, way of living. The Esoteric Healing modalities presented by Serge offer miracles of healing when we play our part in healing our way of living.

  • Jody Bladin August 22, 2016 at 11:42 am

    Wow… what an article you have shared here. I LOVED IT. Taking responsibility…. this is a livingness… we heal ourselves with our loving choices. Thank god for Serge Benhayon for presenting alĺ this and sharing his livingness with us all. There definitely is no faith in this, there is no doubt… I know for me I feel it all… I feel my truth, I feel the joy and love that lives within me, which has an amazing affect on my body.

  • Nicola Lessing August 22, 2016 at 10:29 am

    There is so much more to life than what we generally acknowledge. First and foremost, it is all about energy. So it does not surprise me Serge Benhayon was so very simply able to apply a technique that offered the healing you described. I have received huge healings from Serge without him even being in the same room!

    • Natallija July 20, 2017 at 8:37 am

      Yes Nicola Lessing this is so true as we are convinced, sold information and feed doubts of what we all know is so true – that feeling that there is more that we are aware of that affects us all and the ALL.

      • Alexis Stewart May 22, 2018 at 4:23 am

        We are all the All and so what Serge Benhayon is doing by choosing to live in the way that he does, is he is streaming God back into the mix.

  • Gayle Cue August 22, 2016 at 7:16 am

    This “being human” is not an easy business! Most of us need some support along the way, whether it is from parents, teachers, friends, doctors or philosophers. I find the more open I am to receiving support the more the universe will offer. I, of course, then have to discern which is right for me at any particular time. Discerning becomes much easier as you tune into your body and start to take loving care of the vehicle that houses your soul. This means what I eat, how I sleep, how I move, how I express etc. Serge Benhayon is a great example of someone who has done, and continues to do, this every moment. It is through his example and presentations that I too have learned how to take care of myself in a way that has opened me up to a deeper experience of life than I have ever known. And I know it will just keep expanding the more I listen to my body.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh October 24, 2018 at 12:15 am

      In our body we have the greatest marker for what is true and what is not. Very wise move to take care of it and build a relationship in which we pay attention and respond to what is so lovingly reflected.

  • Christine Hogan August 22, 2016 at 6:19 am

    You have articulated with a simple clarity and claim that can be felt – no exaggerated descriptive embellishments – just simple, honest, practical truth of the way it is – Thank you Adam.

  • Marianna August 22, 2016 at 2:27 am

    I love that you do not allow your understanding and lived experience of life to be affected by the cynic or skeptic that would throw away this most glorious account of life, healing, love and energy.

    • Natallija February 3, 2017 at 12:11 am

      Like you Greg and many more I have attended clinical session in the Unimed Clinic that have supported me to release the tension and emotional unease that I pretty much ran my life on. A few sessions with a number of practitioners were miracles in action that was releasing a way of living that my body knew was not true and was waiting for the rest of the body to waken up!

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh December 30, 2017 at 5:51 pm

      Yes Marianna, I noticed and appreciated that too.
      In fact a great revelation and understanding was offered in itself that we each are open to observe and receive the value of what we are offered according to how we have been living leading up to that moment, which determines how prepared our body and our overall momentum of living is for the potential of change that is provided. And very useful to see how this applies equally to Adam’s different response to the two treatments he received 5 years apart, as well as with the response of the skeptic.

  • Greg Jordan August 21, 2016 at 8:15 pm

    Thanks Adam for a great article explaining your experience of Esoteric healing and Serge Benhayon. I can relate to a sore back in the past from overdoing it in life and work and understand the kidneys in overwhelm or contraction can result in a sore lower back, as I have felt that before. I have walked in the the Unimed clinic after barely being able to get out my car, with a contracted and very sore immobilised lower back, to then receive Esoteric Healing /and massage from Kate Greenaway and being totally fine the next day. At the time I truly believed it was a miracle and was then open and willing to get more healing after such miraculous results. Also realising the energetic nature of how I had lived and worked had led me to that point in the first place, the body being the maker of our true health, rather than acting as the victim in this case of course.

  • Stephen Dooley August 21, 2016 at 4:53 pm

    I love the truth in what you have presented Adam. I could feel the strength and conviction in which you write, not to mention the love and warmth that you are. Thank you.

  • Katerina Nikolaidis August 21, 2016 at 4:37 pm

    Stunning Adam. It is absolutely the way the esoteric student such as myself, is dedicated to the tenets of the Ageless Wisdom, in fact – to the simplicity and genius common sense of self-care and self-responsibility. We tend to our bodies as custodians of them, to nurture and care for them so that they can ignite the fire within, the fire that we all have within and desperately miss when we live the measured life reduced to the physicality we can only see.

  • Nicole Twist August 21, 2016 at 3:02 pm

    Woah Adam! I so enjoyed reading what you have written.

  • Judith Andras August 21, 2016 at 2:01 pm

    “If I regret anything in life, it is that I was not more present with what was offered me in that moment.”
    I can relate to this Adam, so much of what Serge presents goes over my head and I feel like I have not even fathomed yet what is given to us as humanity through this man. We certainly have a responsibility to access this wisdom as much as we can and put a stop to everything that is currently at play. Your blog gives a great taste of the grandness that is on offer here and available to us all.
    I had lower back pain from the age of 18 up until I met Serge Benhayon and started to put into practice what he lives himself. Today, aged 45, I hardly ever have lower back ache, even though I have a quite physically demanding job where I stand a lot.

  • jeanette August 21, 2016 at 9:27 am

    This is an exquisite piece of writing, thank you Adam. Like many others who have embarked upon this way of living, you “wished to find out” for yourself and took the necessary steps. The result: a body that is loved and cared for and which now fully senses far more than is ordinarily perceived and expresses from that dedication, love and care. As I said, exquisite.

  • Joel Levin August 21, 2016 at 9:15 am

    Thanks for your writing Adam, it is a story that carries you along to a single conclusion, yet free to ignore this fact.

  • Christine Hogan August 21, 2016 at 6:46 am

    I am yet to read all that is written here and know already the profound beauty of what is shared. The impact of the first two paragraph speak from the clarity of the soul and reflects powerfully the same within me – this is the power of Serge Benhayon. Thank Adam – I will return to bathe in the rest of the wisdom offered and its loving truth.

  • Leigh Strack August 21, 2016 at 5:43 am

    What a remarkable piece of writing. Choosing to live in a way that allows one to feel to the depth you have described here is the greatest gift one can give to them selves. For with the level of awareness, that is naturally there for all, much is delivered to us, but not from another telling us what to do and how to live. Instead the knowing of the way to live comes directly from our bodies. This is a very important part of the puzzle of illness, for as you share, a body cared for and loved has an amazing ability to regenerate and truly heal.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh March 14, 2017 at 6:47 pm

      This awareness itself is a stupendous gift. It is the greatest honouring and empowerment of another to reflect and remind them that everything they need is truly within them and that they are and have in fact always been their own saviour.

      • Chan Ly December 28, 2017 at 6:02 am

        It certainly is Golnaz. It is through taking care of our body that we can open up greater awareness. In the past I thought this was only possible through our minds but it is our body that is the vehicle for greater awareness and divine expression.

  • Ray Karam August 21, 2016 at 4:37 am

    Thanks Adam for the insight into you, Serge Benhayon and Esoteric Healing. There are many things like this that need no explanation but just appreciation of the possibility. I loved your story and how things were back then. I am sure there are many people who would also have a similar story or experience with Esoteric Healing from both the past and the present. One thing is the consistency of care and the fact that to have any true healing you are part of the equation. As you are saying the work you put in or the choices you made were an equal part of anything that was done. Thank you again.

  • Leah Pash August 20, 2016 at 10:28 pm

    Reading your article Adam was like drinking a fresh glass of pure spring water- it’s clear, it’s light, it’s very refreshing, deeply hydrating and nourishing to the body. The depth of clarity you express in your writing, your experiences with Serge Benhayon and your unfolding learnings was just beautiful to read and to take it. I love your imagery of swollen grapefruits for your kidneys and how eloquently you portray the importance of the foundation of where you felt your body to be at after your sessions to how you live your life every day as being no less important than your healings.
    You are a true urban philosopher, the clarity in your article is just exquisite. Your love for humanity and your light is truly felt and appreciated deeply. Thank you.
    Your parting words, “that it is only through the body do we get to know God’s true light.” I love this because it is through the activation of how we care, nurture and look after our bodies do we get to feel and understand energy and life on a more universal scale.

  • Ken Elmer August 20, 2016 at 9:02 pm

    With the support of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I have understood how powerful just being with myself can be.
    I woke up last night with my head all racy, I put an eye pillow on my forehead and the palms of my hands on my temples and just focused on my head without any picture of what needed to happen. Within minutes my eyes began to water and i felt some deep sadness. I continued to stay present with no agendas, and gradually the raciness went and I felt relaxed. No thoughts came to me during this process. I just had to be with myself and allow my body to do what it needed.

  • Luke Yokota August 20, 2016 at 8:40 pm

    One of the greatest gifts you can give another is the opportunity to reflect deeply and offer a clear space in which real observation of their life can occur.