Entities, ghosts, spirits, demons, discarnate spirits… they have many names. Acknowledged in numerous religions, cultures, nations and families, the notion of feeling a presence in the room is all too common. Millions recount feeling a deceased loved one around them. Others live silently tormented by a dominating presence and feel watched and imposed on. Whole industries are created claiming to communicate with those in another realm and many glamorise the phenomenon for self-recognition and celebrity status.
The fact is the vast majority have some family story or personal experience denoting an underlying acceptance or acknowledgment that there is indeed more at play. We have language embedded into our everyday interactions that confirms not only the presence of discarnate beings but also possession.
‘He/She just wasn’t themselves’
‘It looks like you’ve seen a ghost’
‘It was like he/she was possessed’
Serge Benhayon presents that evil can come in and through a person, but is never part of their true essence; that their divine spark can neither be sullied nor tainted. Through past hurts, indulgences and the accumulation of unloving choices, however, one can make themselves more susceptible to unseen forces.
Serge Benhayon presents on the depth and vast scope of life with such practical realness that people are offered another way.
Here is one such testimonial.
Entities, Possession and the Wisdom of Serge Benhayon
By Jonathan Baldwin ~ Illustrations by Hemma Kearney
When I first met Serge Benhayon I was 17 years old, just going into Year 12 at high school. After much resistance to the prospect of seeing anyone for support, and particularly anyone who I considered may be a part of the spiritual new age, I went to see Serge Benhayon for an Esoteric Healing session at his Universal Medicine Clinic in Goonellabah. My mother, Kathleen Baldwin, had been attending Sacred Esoteric Healing courses presented by Serge for about a year. She recommended that I go and see him, as she had observed my emotional state deteriorating over the course of many months. And so, when the intensity of my day-to-day life became too great I became open to seeking support… and I turned to the right man. It was a decision that profoundly changed my life forever.
At 16 years old, like many others before me, and unfortunately many others to come, I wasn’t in a good place. I had completely lost the sense of who I was – a knowing that was very strong in my younger years – and I had completely handed over my voice to express and make choices in life based on what I felt was true. I was going along with things, listening to music, hanging out with friendship groups and getting involved in projects and initiatives at school that I would never have naturally been a part of.
Soon after, at the beginning of Year 11, I reached the lowest point of not knowing myself anymore and I started to feel an unseen presence around me. It was a very dark feeling presence, and it was unmistakably there. I would try to avoid it by distracting myself by focussing my mind on other things – like playing football, music, studying, watching TV and movies – but when my mind wasn’t occupied and I was left to be with myself, there was no mistaking that I was not the only person with me. To describe the feeling, it was like having a dark character tracing your every step. Although you cannot hear them, you can feel them trying to get in; attempting to enter your thoughts; sending you images and generally attempting to attack and destabilise you. I had the feeling of being constantly watched.
At this time the experience scared the hell out of me.
I could never be truly relaxed and calm and had begun to have difficulty going to sleep at night, for as much as I could try to distract myself with other pursuits, when I came back to being with myself, I would feel the horrible presence around me and didn’t know how to deal with it.
One day I went over to my friend’s house and he introduced me to the 1970’s classic The Exorcist. For the first time in many months while watching this movie I felt deeply calm and surrendered in my body. It seems funny, considering the contents of the movie are pretty gruesome and to many very scary, but my body was responding to the truth that the movie was presenting to the world.
After this had gone on for several months, with my emotional state getting worse and worse, I booked in for a session with Serge Benhayon…
In Serge’s clinic room, accompanied by my mother, I described the feeling of what had been happening over the past few months. Serge heard me out with absolute matter of fact understanding and supported me to describe everything that had gone on, as he said that there was nothing he hadn’t heard before. In his steady presence I felt absolutely no judgement, just a wealth of understanding and loving support. When I was done expressing, he confirmed that I was feeling the presence of an entity, describing in detail how it had come to pass that this discarnate spirit had been able to enter and affect my day to day life.
What I had felt and knew to be true had been honoured in full; but what was even more powerful was the way that Serge approached the subject. He had full understanding of how the unseen forces worked and absolutely no fear of them whatsoever.
What I would come to learn from Serge Benhayon was:
- Unseen forces and beings definitely do exist.
- Their only power lies in the fact that we do not choose to be aware of their existence.
- From there they are able to manipulate human life due to our blind ignorance to what is truly going on.
Serge is a living embodiment of the fact that there is zero to fear once you know how to navigate and feel unseen forces, because we are by nature supremely more powerful than any disembodied human spirit on the Astral plane. It is only when we live less than who we truly are, that they are able to wield their perceived power over us. Once upon a time I was scared of entities and unseen energies. Today I am not.
During the session I asked Serge how I would be able to stop entities from disturbing me in the future. He explained that every time I drank alcohol I would open myself up to entity disturbance. This, I really did not want to hear. Although it was deeply healing to be confirmed in what I had experienced and felt to be true, drinking with my friends was a crutch that I was using to suppress other feelings that I did not want to feel. But in time and through experience, I could no longer deny that what Serge shared with me was in fact undeniably true.
When I left the session that day I felt a freedom and lightness that I had not experienced in a very long time. Serge had effortlessly removed the entity with Sacred Esoteric Healing and I no longer had the feeling of a presence following me around. I felt like myself again and a gorgeous warmth, clarity and contentedness had returned to my body.
In my next session with Serge, he asked me if I was able to sense or feel what was going on around me, for example how my friends were feeling and what was going on for them. I said yes. Serge said that this was a very good thing, because when you are able to feel what is going on around you, you are naturally equipped with the tools to deal with the energy that you are picking up on.
“Like Batman’s tool belt,” he said.
In future presentations Serge would explain that we are got at from an early age by unseen beings and forces, in an attempt to bully us into shutting down our feelings and awareness of life. Everyone remembers having nightmares as children, being scared of monsters under the bed etc. But what if these things were real and were designed for us to shut down our awareness of energy because this awareness is very powerful?
The vast majority of us shut down our feelings when we are young because we don’t know how to deal with the discarnate beings that are sent to scare us… and by the time we have grown up and are parents ourselves, we have shut down to such an extent that we don’t believe what our own children are telling us. We say that it was only a dream and that monsters don’t exist, and in doing so we encourage them to shut down their innate feelings of the energetic field that we constantly live in also.
Then there are those who believe that unseen forces exist, but either fear, aggrandise or even deify the spirits. Others can feel what is going on, but simply don’t know the science of how to live life and not be affected by these forces.
We once had a family friend whose daughter, now in her 30’s, experienced seeing and feeling what she described as ‘ghosts’ and unseen energies her entire life. She once told me that she was worried about travelling to England, as it is a much older country than Australia and far more densely populated with ghosts. She also shared the story of how she walked into a room in her then boyfriend’s family home and without knowing could feel a horrible energy in the room. Her boyfriend later explained that their father had physically abused him and his siblings in that room when they were growing up.
This woman was gorgeous, bright, down to earth, hard working and dedicated, but felt tormented and scared by this part of her life.
Her mother, who was strongly involved in the spiritual new age, tried to help her by taking her to various practitioners along the way… but none were able to support and many acted weirdly jealous, regarding her ability to see spirits and feel energy as a psychic or spiritual gift that they did not possess themselves.
All she wanted was to be ‘normal’.
I am profoundly blessed that Serge Benhayon did not hold back his understanding of the way that entities and the unseen energies of this world work. He could have not presented his vast knowledge and understanding of the subject in fear of being ridiculed or thought of as crazy. But that is not Serge Benhayon. He is a man that is dedicated to speaking the truth, no matter what.
Without Serge Benhayon’s solid and practical understanding that spirits are simply human beings not in physical incarnation – that they are not to be thought of as lesser, or grander, or scarier than any person walking down the street – and that their only perceived power lies in our choice to not be aware of their existence and the way they affect and influence human life, I would have lived tormented. Not all of the time, but it would have been an area of my life that would have always kept bubbling up and although I would have tried desperately to shut it down through alcohol, mental pursuits, sports, TV and movies, I would have never been able to be content and still in my body. I would have lived in a constant state of underlying nervous tension and anxiety that I would never have been able to truly quell.
And how many people live their lives like this?
The reality is that my friend is not special. I am not special. We are all feeling energy all of the time. It is completely natural to do so and it is actually our greatest strength to navigate through life. We all feel everything when we are children and being sent monsters and ‘nightmares’ in an attempt to scare us away from feeling is the perfect scheme to rob us of our true power in our adult life.
At Esoteric Healing courses, Serge Benhayon demonstrates how simple it is to remove an entity when you know how. Through first connecting to your Soul (as is the case with all Sacred Esoteric Healing techniques) and a simple hand position on the shoulders, we are all able to remove an entity in less than 20 seconds. Many times I have been struck by the amount of torment and ultimate ineffectiveness of the exorcism rituals performed by the Catholic Church, when with the true science and energy, the spirit or entity that has been aggrandised to be so demonic, scary and powerful could otherwise be so simply, effortlessly and calmly removed.
Serge Benhayon not only confirms the existence of entities and the unseen forces of the Astral plane, he also offers the practical science and philosophy of how to deal with these forces with zero fear, and seal the door where they may enter and create havoc in our lives.
Through Serge’s teachings and my own experience, I have come to know that by reconnecting to your inner feelings and living who you truly are with a great deal of love and care in your life, the door where evil dwells well and truly does seal. The prospect of an entity entering my body, or being spooked and scared at night is now a distant memory. Absolutely, if I were to drink alcohol, or take drugs I would open the door back up quicker than I could think… but through making loving choices I am impervious to such forces entering, because when we are full of who we truly are, we are far more powerful than any unseen spirit and we leave no empty space for them to enter.
Thank you Serge for being the absolute rock that you are. Thank you for holding the love of humanity so dear that you never shy away from presenting the truth to the world, no matter how many feathers it might ruffle. You have supported me in so many areas of my life. This is but one… and I will document the many more in writings to come, but for this alone I am deeply blessed.
You confirmed the feelings that I had always felt, offered the practical tools to deal with it all and this has changed my life forever.