Father Figure Friend

The Father Figure

June 12, 2016

Dear Serge,

I met you when I was 9 years old, clutching my teddy bear. I don’t think I will ever forget the day my whole life changed for the better. I met you and it was like coming home. You listened to me and talked to me like no adult had. I remember feeling so open and free to chat and be myself – the shy anxious girl who hid behind her mum around strangers was nowhere to be seen. Just being around you was like a warm hug. I felt completely loved and it felt gloriously natural to be so.

Since that day I have attended your workshops and presentations and despite my age, I felt totally at home and totally welcome – you were never too busy for a hug or a chat. Although I only saw you twice a year, I developed a complete trust in you, and a deep love. I knew that if I ever needed you, you were just at the end of an email.

Our short conversations or brief encounters when you were in the UK were more than enough because you always knew what to say to reassure me, support me, make me feel loved or help me with a problem – it has always been the quality of your time shared and never the quantity that is so profound.

Despite not having my biological father around since I was 3, from the day I met you I have not been without the love, care, support, guidance, affection and respect of a father – for you have been all those things and more. A dear friend and my equal no matter my age.

The fact you live halfway across the world is nothing. You have taught me that love knows no bounds of blood or distance, that it is far deeper than the physical limitations we have created – family should be defined by love and love alone.

You have also never wavered in telling me that I am enough. One of the most important things a child can learn is that they are loved and are worth loving just for who they are. There is no greater blessing a parent can give a child in life than to meet them and love them for all that they are, for in doing so no longer are they a child but a person, with a marker of love to go out into the world with. You have given me this blessing and I in turn can give it to others. I know that if it is possible to love you as much as I do, it is also possible to love myself, and others, equally so.

You have always encouraged me to do whatever I chose in life – that I will master whatever I decide to do. Never once have I felt pressure to choose a successful career, but instead walk a path where I can express my strengths and bring who I am to the world, for you have never not told me that I am capable of great things.

The life lessons and insights I have gained from attending your courses are life changing – literally. I have never once been told what I can and can’t do and how I should or shouldn’t behave. I was given more rules to follow at school than I am as a Universal Medicine student, where there are no rules, just the space to be myself.

What you presented was that in fact, we have the option to make our choices more loving and responsible in accordance to what feels true for us. Your teachings have instilled in me a respect for myself and my body that many parents struggle to give to their children. I am not out sleeping around or partying from dusk till dawn, because your steady loving consistency has supported me to see I am worth more than those choices – that I can go against the socially accepted grain and choose to love myself.

The principle that everything is energy is another life changer for me because as a child I knew this to be true. Finally here was an adult who was talking my language and making it okay to talk about what I was feeling and seeing about the people around me. From the first day that I have known you, you have always encouraged me to trust in what I feel and that has been an amazing gift.

I have also watched your relationships with your children and your wife, the beautiful Miranda. Witnessing the equal love you have for them, and watching how you express that love has shown me what true family and true relationships can look like, and has offered me a marker of what one day my future relationship could look like too – one that is at least love, every single day.

So many of my friends come from ‘broken homes’ and really struggle without the full support of a complete loving family or living between homes. However, despite society’s expectation that my circumstances might excuse me being an angry rebellious teenager, I am quite the opposite. Thanks to your amazing support through emails, workshops, conversations and consistent loving presence in my life, I have been held and inspired to become the beautiful woman that I am today, and all my warmth, maturity, glory and wisdom comes from the level of respect and love that I have been held in.

Whenever times were tough through the tumultuous teenage years, I had your love and support to hold on to, and your love and support has equally held my mum to be the amazing parent to me she has been my entire life. Together both of you have supported me not to grow up and become anything, but to unfold from within all that I already am.

I look forward to many more years with you and your love in my life, as a father and as a friend.

All my love,


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  • Alexis Stewart March 1, 2020 at 7:54 am

    Rebecca this is such a beautiful sharing, really so very deeply beautiful because I can feel the love that it’s written from and with so deeply in my body. And to know that you’re living that love out in the world is absolute gold because it is by living the love that we return to the love, talking about love without the talk actually coming from love doesn’t change life one iota, we have to live the love that we are.

  • Alexis Stewart March 1, 2020 at 7:46 am

    ” I have never once been told what I can and can’t do and how I should or shouldn’t behave. I was given more rules to follow at school than I am as a Universal Medicine student, where there are no rules, just the space to be myself”. It is by crowding the space with rules, doctrines, ideals, pictures, images and expectations that we close down the very thing that’s going to inform us about the truth of who we all are. Space is the Intelligence of God and so allowing another to be in space is one of the greatest gifts that we can give.

  • Alexis Stewart March 1, 2020 at 7:41 am

    ‘Family should be defined by love and love alone’, I agree Rebecca, rather than being defined by how it currently is, which is by name and more often than not accompanied by a lovelessness. Sure we proclaim that we care about each other and that we love each other but most of us are using a very corrupted version of the word love. The way that we use the word love is loaded with emotion and in truth there is not an ounce of emotion in true love, not even a drop.

  • Melinda Knights January 20, 2020 at 2:05 pm

    “your steady loving consistency has supported me to see I am worth more than those choices – that I can go against the socially accepted grain and choose to love myself.” What a beautiful inspiration this line is for each one of us to develop our connection to our own love so we too can be that for others.

  • Leigh October 30, 2019 at 4:45 pm

    I’ve never experienced it so clearly until meeting Serge Benhayon that the presence of a person really does stick with you, regardless if they are physically present with you or not.

  • Michael Brown December 10, 2018 at 9:37 pm

    Serge Benhayon is an absolute rock for people who know him.

  • Tricia Nicholson December 1, 2018 at 5:29 pm

    Serge Benhayon is indeed a farther figure to so many no matter what ones age and offers the love support and guidance with a wisdom knowing and lived quality felt by all. He holds everyone equally with absolute respect for the love you are and this is a beautiful sharing Rebecca and an amazing gift and treasure you hold so dearly is felt.

  • Liane Mandalis November 15, 2018 at 5:51 am

    This is exquisite Rebecca. You cannot deny the love you are expressing is coming from the one and same source as the love you are receiving. It is as normal and as life-giving as breath itself – we breathe love in, we breathe love out.

  • Viktoria October 17, 2018 at 2:46 pm

    It is so important to have a father figure in our lives, somebody to truly care for us and hold us in deep respect. Like you show us Rebecca, the father figure does not have to be biological for it is very commonly known that many biological fathers are not capable to be that caring figure for their children. But if we ourselves are open to having that relationship, a friend or even a person who we only see twice a year can be that strong and fundamental character in our lives

  • Caroline Francis October 16, 2018 at 7:32 pm

    We don’t need to be forever in the company of another to love and feel loved; it is the quality of one’s presence regardless of time spent that we truly love and are loved.

  • Christoph Schnelle October 11, 2018 at 4:40 am

    It is amazing how different our experiences can be when growing up – here is a wonderful experience being described while many others have had much more horrible starts in life. Is there a reason for this?

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh September 6, 2018 at 10:42 pm

    I was deeply touched when I first witnessed Serge Benhayon’s relationship with young people and children. Not because there was some gushy emotional outpouring, but because I was struck with the level of honouring and deep respect offered each individual irrespective of age, and how even the very young would rise to this and express a level of grace, dignity and inner confidence that was truly moving to see. Over the years since then, hundreds of people have been profoundly inspired by Serge Benhayon in every way and the way young and old are so deeply honoured is a pure joy to witness. This is the start of the return to humanity knowing that we are all one big family.

  • Elizabeth Dolan September 6, 2018 at 9:56 pm

    One of the greatest things that a parent can do for a child is to give them space to be themselves. It shows that the parent trusts the inherent greatness within the child. Serge Benhayon has certainly supported thousands of people to feel their grandness and in that way he is a shining light for many.

  • Viktoria September 3, 2018 at 3:04 pm

    Whatwould our society look like if we all saw the world the way Serge Benhayon does. Imagine if all men saw all children as their children, and all women did equally so. There will be no comparison between who’s child gets better scores at school who speaks first or walks second – there will be an equal appreciation of each and every single child. So much gold is presented by this man and in time we will learn and walk the steps too.

  • Monica August 19, 2018 at 6:05 am

    To be held in a way where we know we are enough, and that we do not need to grow up to be anything but express from in us, all that we already are … what a gift and how beautiful to hear this is your experience Rebecca and to see the results of someone held in that level of care and love, a beautiful, confident and expressive young woman. This breaks so many notions of what love is and what family is, this is the future for us all.

  • Viktoria August 6, 2018 at 1:53 pm

    One may ask, how can a person you see once a year be like a father to you, Rebecca? We have ill conceived ideas of what a father is like, we praise the quantity of time spent together, the gifts bought, and above and beyond – the genetics match. With these caps on, we don’t see what a true father figure is – like you have shared in this blog Rebecca. That it is possible for a person living on the other side of the planet to be our father, to be the man in our lives who cares for us from the depth of their hart and the love from their soul. So much to learn and explore, and only through talking to each other, sharing our experiences and discerning for ourselves are we able to change these societal norms and begin to see life differently. Thank you for writing.

  • Joseph Barker August 3, 2018 at 5:10 pm

    We think life’s success live in mastering knowledge or skills but in truth it can be found in surrendering to our Soul, cherishing Love and enjoying being still. Serge Benhayon models all of this so well.

  • Viktoria July 27, 2018 at 3:50 am

    Yes, family is not blood bound. It is only defined in love. If a person truly loves you, they will never abuse you – for any level of abuse, is not love and therefore should not be tolerated regardless whether it comes from the stranger on the street or the person who gave birth to you. To value yourself enough to say no to abuse from the “dearest and nearest” is a hugely valuable lesson I continue to learn on daily basis, thanks to the inspiration of the Universal Medicine Workshops I attend.

  • Ingrid Ward July 26, 2018 at 5:34 pm

    “One of the most important things a child can learn is that they are loved and are worth loving just for who they are”. I absolutely agree and this is something I know I shared with my children, but nowhere ever enough. These days it is something I share often with my grandchildren and have been doing since they were very little. And sometimes when I say it they look at me so lovingly and reply, yes I know.

    • Christoph Schnelle October 11, 2018 at 4:40 am

      That will make such a difference in their life.

  • Leigh Matson July 23, 2018 at 4:17 pm

    A beautiful testimony of the power of true parenting.

  • Viktoria July 19, 2018 at 4:56 am

    We all crave that fathering energy, the energy of somebody who cares for us every so deeply. When such figure stands in front of us, what do we do? Do we embrace it with open arms or are we too hurt by our choices to surrender?

  • Samamtha Davidson June 11, 2018 at 3:49 pm

    This exposes what is true family, and it is certainly not about blood lines, family is about connection, support, responsibility, love, inspiration and any relationship can be in a family if that seeing of another and who they are in truth is honoured. I have many people in my life that are family, in fact I extend that out to the whole of humanity, I do not see them separate and if I live with the responsibility and love in relationships, I am saying yes to family. I love that.

  • HM June 7, 2018 at 5:06 am

    Rebecca – this shows that it is not about blood – it is about relationship and reflection. What Serge Benhayon has provided you is a deep marker of love so that you know what it feels like and can reflect it back to overs. A huge load of love.

  • Michael Brown May 29, 2018 at 7:16 pm

    I love the fact that Serge doesn’t place value on what we do, but how much of ourselves we bring to what we do. A very much needed refreshing view on our interactions in the world.

  • kehinde james May 11, 2018 at 10:03 pm

    From Serge we learn being a father or mother is not restricted to those with children. Inspiring to know we all hold mothering and fathering energy within us and all we have to do is to connect to it and live our responsibility to love and hold all children equally.

  • Hm May 10, 2018 at 8:51 pm

    To have a father figure like this in your life is just a joy to read. What an amazing reflection to have someone who holds you as everything and is at the same time pulling you up when needed. The love in this is so huge and reflects that family is not blood but rather the exten of truth in a relationship.

  • Monica May 6, 2018 at 7:03 am

    ‘family should be defined by love and love alone.’ … absolutely and with this we completely break down any idea of other and we naturally love and support each other. And when we do we see the outcomes as discussed here, a young woman loved and supported to be herself in the world going out into that world to bring it to others.

  • Danna Elmalah April 24, 2018 at 9:02 pm

    Beautiful Rebecca, a magnificent blessing to read, thank you so deeply. For your sharing sheds the light on what love is on this plane of life. And how Serge Benhayon has supported you through your life as a guiding light. That is my absolute equal experience. Thank you Serge, for you are our equal.

  • Shami April 13, 2018 at 2:46 pm

    This is an incredibly touching account of a little girl experiencing true love and how this has affected your whole sense of self and the appreciation that you are now able to express is beyond beautiful and phenomenal in every way.

  • Michael Brown April 10, 2018 at 7:48 am

    Serge is the true role model, the real standard setter in this society of ours.

  • Lucinda Bathurst March 25, 2018 at 12:05 am

    Behind all that Serge Benhayon expresses we are offered the space to feel that we already are everything – its like growing towards the Sun.

  • Elaine Arthey March 23, 2018 at 2:38 am

    As a child meeting a grown up that in no way imposes is quite special, a grown up who holds you in love and yet gives you the space to be all that you are is very special. Serge Benhayon is of the very special category.

  • Joseph Barker March 19, 2018 at 9:45 am

    Beautiful Rebecca – if we all simply lived with the knowing inside that we are enough, divine and complete, I feel like the world would be an incredibly different place. Serge Benhayon and this blog presents a constant reminder that we are sweet, precious and worthy of Love right from day one.

  • Christoph Schnelle March 15, 2018 at 5:51 pm

    Hillary Clinton (the United States Democrats’ recent presidential candidate) grew up on a broken home and said that she only learnt how to have a family from a stint as an au-pair. Role models are clearly important.

  • Lieke Campbell March 10, 2018 at 2:27 am

    Yes it is life changing to have someone in your life that truly loves you and lets you be so you don’t feel like having to be anything and everything. The beautiful thing is that when this happens we actually feel like being ourselves, chatting away and giving our all because we feel met and totally accepted for who we are. This is what many try to bring out in people yet it works totally the opposite way when there are pictures, expectations and no true love.

  • Sarah Flenley March 9, 2018 at 7:44 pm

    “that I can go against the socially accepted grain and choose to love myself.” I look forward to the day where this is the societal accepted norm, this loving yourself thing. And I know that it starts with me, and you, and all of us.

  • rosanna bianchini March 8, 2018 at 3:37 pm

    Absolutely beautiful Rebecca, such Immense love appreciated and honoured. A joy to read and feel.

    • Christoph Schnelle March 15, 2018 at 5:52 pm

      Yes, coupled with an ability to express that love.

  • Ingrid Ward March 8, 2018 at 2:09 pm

    The fact that you could feel the truth of Serge Benhayon the moment you met him speaks volumes for this wonderful man. And for someone of your age being able to also feel that “Finally here was an adult who was talking my language and making it okay to talk about what I was feeling and seeing about the people around me” is absolutely priceless. Just imagine if every child was met by the same love and honouring that you were; the world would definitely be a very different place to live in.

  • Vanessa mchardy March 4, 2018 at 4:38 am

    Beautiful to read this account Rebecca there is so much for parents to learn about how to guide a child into adulthood.

  • Sally March 3, 2018 at 9:01 am

    I too have felt a deep connection to Serge Benhayon, especially the very first time we met I felt totally held by his presence his love and his equalness with no judgment whatsoever, and yes he has been an amazing reflection for me, as a father, brother and friend.

  • Melinda Knights March 2, 2018 at 4:34 am

    “There is no greater blessing a parent can give a child in life than to meet them and love them for all that they are”. Your blog shows the power of what truly meeting a child means because of the loving and beautiful way you are now able to be with yourself and the world, which is in direct contrast to how life is generally for young people today. Your life should really make us stand up and take notice because I’m sure most families would want to know how to give the same to their own children and loved ones.

  • jennym March 1, 2018 at 8:44 pm

    When we have respect, decency and love in all our interactions we learn to true meaning of family.

  • Gabriele Conrad March 1, 2018 at 3:21 pm

    It is wondrous when children are not thwarted in their knowing, clear feelings and wisdom; when addressed, loved and honoured as the adult in a smaller body with many previous lives and much experience, no different to us, we all benefit from what they bring and bless us with.

  • Steve Matson February 28, 2018 at 3:02 pm

    How can parents today instil the love that is contained within every child when they have chosen and lost their self-love someway on the path of life. You and many other children are the new seeds to show the world that we can evolve and shine without sacrificing ourselves or others.

  • Tricia Nicholson February 10, 2018 at 6:49 pm

    A beautiful sharing Rebecca and one that I have seen you grow with so amazingly over the years and vouch for absolutely. The true reflection role model and father to the world Serge Benhayon.

  • Christoph Schnelle January 29, 2018 at 7:39 am

    Makes me cry.

  • Michael Brown January 22, 2018 at 8:26 am

    As a Father, Serge is all one could ask for. Delicacy, Discipline and Divinity personified.

  • Mary January 15, 2018 at 5:42 pm

    My question has to be why is it that we are not taught at school the principle that everything is energy first
    As children especially we can feel energy all around us but we give way to this knowing because the adults around us and the way the education system is set up actively in my opinion discourages us from feeling what we know to be true. So we bury our innate trust we have in ourselves and I feel we then live in the tension of our bodies constantly informing us of what it can feel and we spend so much energy trying to dull what we know so well. This just doesn’t make any sense to me at all.

  • HM January 13, 2018 at 10:37 pm

    Family are those who are close to us, that love us in full and it is not determined only by blood. What you have been shown by Serge Benhayon is an incredible love that has supported you to become the strong and powerful woman you are today.

  • Annelies van Haastrecht January 3, 2018 at 3:46 am

    ‘I developed a complete trust in you, and a deep love. I knew that if I ever needed you, you were just at the end of an email.’ I love this sentence as it says everything about the quality Serge lives and brings and an email that contains absolute love is enough, more than enough to be the support that is needed when it is needed.

  • Rik Connors December 29, 2017 at 9:44 pm

    What a very vibrant blog lacking no drop to anything less to what Rebecca life holds. It is the true works of what Serge Benhayon lives and offers moment to moment, year to year. I do not appreciate enough how much joy is now in my world too (compared to no love at all just torturing tyranny abuse I inflicted on myself). A stupendous reflection Rebecca – well delivered!

  • Meg December 28, 2017 at 4:53 pm

    Rebecca I love this paragraph, “You have always encouraged me to do whatever I chose in life – that I will master whatever I decide to do. Never once have I felt pressure to choose a successful career, but instead walk a path where I can express my strengths and bring who I am to the world, for you have never not told me that I am capable of great things.” This is what every young person growing up needs to experience, that encouragement to go for life and to do what is true for you and to know you are capable of great things – it’s amazing how Serge Benhayon offers this potential in life to everyone he meets (whatever age!).

  • Carola Woods December 28, 2017 at 5:19 am

    A stunning testimony Rebecca, in which you highlight the superlative love Serge Benhayon lives and commits to holding us all in, so that we too can know all the love we naturally are. In the way Serge meets and hold us, what is offered is the opportunity to feel just how much space there is for us to be who we are, and live the majesty of all that we are in essence.

  • Tricia Nicholson December 26, 2017 at 7:17 pm

    What a beautiful sharing and knowing of true love support and family offered by Serge Benhayon as the father figure he is to us all. You are a real inspiration Rebecca and your sharing offers so much to others and is a delight to read and know.

  • Hm December 16, 2017 at 7:17 am

    The gold here is in the teaching that family is based on love – not status or blood. And Serge Benhayon has been a gift to so many people, many of which consider him to be family. I love this sharing and this beautiful account of the depth of support you have been offered, which means you have in turn made self loving choices. This is a joy to read and what an inspiration you are to other young women.

  • Michael Goodhart December 10, 2017 at 4:42 am

    As I read this incredibly touching sharing of Rebecca’s beautiful relationship with Serge Benhayon my whole body felt the warmth of the true love and appreciation being expressed, which is a reflection of the same level of love that has been shared by Serge with Rebecca over the years and the acceptance and allowing of that love back out by Rebecca.

    If we could all adopt the same posture of humanity being One Family as Serge Benhayon has lived it would certainly stop a lot of the violence and abuse that we are currently experiencing worldwide and the protection of ‘me and mine’ that abounds based on various religious and cultural ideals and beliefs.

    • Alexis Stewart March 1, 2020 at 8:02 am

      So much of the ‘me and mine’ does centre around ‘religious and cultural beliefs’ but even without those beliefs we still see ourselves as separate human beings having separate lives. We go about what we perceive to be ‘our life’ having what we also perceive to be a bit to do with others who we specifically choose to have something to do with but we don’t acknowledge what we all know deep down in our bodies and that is that we are an intrinsic part of the only One. We are the One United energy of God and in truth there is no divide between any of us. We are part of the everything of Life and how glorious are we.

  • Adele Leung December 9, 2017 at 11:58 am

    A role model may or may not be related to us by blood, but when this person is inspiring us with breathing the breath of the divine and walking this naturally on earth, there is something that pulls us to be equally inspired.

  • Michael Brown November 23, 2017 at 8:23 pm

    Rebecca your story is one of many that form a comprehensive list of people whom Serge has supported tremendously over the last 18 years.

  • Melinda Knights November 2, 2017 at 5:46 pm

    Thank you Rebecca, I have read this before and very much enjoyed reading it again. You have shared one of the many true stories of how the love and equality Serge lives has such an amazing impact on others. Imagine if we too could all live this same level of love, and support others in the same way Serge has supported so many? That is exactly what is on offer from Serge’s work.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh October 23, 2017 at 5:22 am

    A gorgeous example of how we do not need to be related by blood, or even living together, to be considered family. It is the quality of the interactions and the love with which we hold each other that founds the most exquisite relationship we can have with one another.

  • fiona lotherington October 13, 2017 at 3:16 pm

    It is the quality of the time shared not the quantity. This is great advice for all of us. I have found since being inspired by Serge Benhayon that I also notice it is the quality I share with people rather than what I used to think was needed, which was a longer quantity of time. When people feel met they feel instantly cared for and seen for all they arte. This happens in an instant so ‘proving’ it with extra time is not needed.

  • Jill Steiner October 12, 2017 at 5:23 am

    So beautifully and powerfully shared Rebecca, just gorgeous to feel this in someone so young, what a blessing you bring to those around you. I love these words “Together both of you have supported me not to grow up and become anything, but to unfold from within all that I already am. This is the longing within every person to connect to their divine love within and unfold all that they already are. This is the reflection that Serge offers to the world.

  • Sylvia October 12, 2017 at 3:50 am

    Deeply loving and touching Rebecca to read your words about Serge.
    How beautiful to see young womgn like you blossom their own beauty from loving yourself.
    I wish that for all young women like I see with you and also my daughter and many other young women who
    Became student of Universal Medicine.
    Stay blosseming, with love Sylvia

  • Ingrid Ward October 11, 2017 at 10:18 am

    A most beautiful example of what true family is. So many families in this world struggle to work together, live together and as for love, there is often not much it in evidence. And the ones who are most wounded by this way of being are the children who in turn carry their hurts and pain through into adulthood ensuring the cycle continues, until someone steps up to break it. What you have shown Rebecca, is that there is another way to live, where we are all a part of one huge family within which each member has a responsibility to every other member. My family that once was very small is now very big, with family members all around the world, always there if I need support; support which always comes with no judgment, just buckets load of love.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh October 11, 2017 at 1:56 am

    In society, our young people seem to be struggling, the statistics, for physical and mental issues, depression, self harm, cyber bullying and suicide is disturbing. However in contrast it has been a joy witnessing young people like yourself, inspired by the love, support and wisdom that Serge Benhayon lives and expresses, grow, blossom and be empowered to shine your exquisite essence and power in the world, in a way that you in your own right inspire people of all ages.

  • Melinda Knights October 2, 2017 at 8:56 am

    Thank you Rebecca for sharing your experience of growing up with Serge Benhayon in your life, it’s been very touching to read. Your life is a beautiful example of what can happen when we hold children in love, allow them to be, and nurture them to be all they naturally are. This line really highlighted this to me as well, that you were supported “not to grow up and become anything, but to unfold from within all that I already am.”

  • Lucy Duffy October 2, 2017 at 4:56 am

    So beautiful and so moving Rebecca. What Serge reflects to us all is the unconditional love of true family. To love without needing anything in return is to accept all of humanity as Family.

  • Simon Williams September 25, 2017 at 1:36 pm

    This is also a testament to quality and not quantity being the key to a true relationship of whatever type. The fact that Serge is able to have such a profound effect while only seeing you a couple of times a year is remarkable. We can spend every day with someone and not really know them, or as in this case we can feel the extraordinary love and connection with someone twice a year and that can mean so much more.

  • fiona lotherington September 22, 2017 at 6:00 am

    Family should be defined by love alone. This is an important point to make as so many of us feel a lot of things other than love holding family together. This can be blood ties, duty obligation, guilt etc. When we accept love from whoever is offering it and share our love with all equally we do not close off to the possibility that love can come from anywhere and doesn’t need to fit a societal mould.

  • Lieke Campbell September 21, 2017 at 3:11 pm

    “I remember feeling so open and free to chat and be myself” I can very much relate to this, talking with Serge Benhayon you feel so deeply seen and met that you trow away all the guards and let out all the joy and enthusiasm that is felt about ourselves and life when we are truly honest. Imagine if we could all be like this with each other than life would look totally different because there is no facades or guards we hide ourselves behind.

  • Elodie Darwish September 20, 2017 at 5:54 am

    How powerful is your expression Rebecca? Solid is a rock. Imagine if we all grew up being supported like this to simply be who we are.

  • Rebecca Wingrave September 19, 2017 at 2:45 pm

    Rebecca, this is so beautiful to read and so different to the way children are usually raised; ‘Together both of you have supported me not to grow up and become anything, but to unfold from within all that I already am.’

  • Leonne August 31, 2017 at 8:31 am

    You are a living example of what it looks like when someone claims who they are. Serge’s support is felt in every step you take and every step you take is s gift to us all. Thank you.

  • Samantha Davidson August 30, 2017 at 4:20 pm

    As an adult coming back to life as a student of The Way of The Livingness this is something that I have felt myself “You have also never wavered in telling me that I am enough. One of the most important things a child can learn is that they are loved and are worth loving just for who they are.” It is absolutely necessary for children and adults to know that we are loved and enough, and when we don’t, this is when we harm ourselves and others. All the ills in the world come from a lack love for ourselves and the rest humanity, we hurt because we do not feel love, but it is right there available if we are open to it.

  • Rosie Bason August 29, 2017 at 5:46 am

    This is so sweet, to share how touched you have been by Serge Benhayon with us all. My daughter used to come along to workshops with me when she was really young, and now only comes now and then if she feels to and I can imagine that one day, she will look back on it all like you have and appreciate what has been unfolding.

  • Elodie Darwish August 29, 2017 at 5:07 am

    Wow Rebecca, that’s a beautiful testimonial that I know hundreds would agree with. To talk about your experience of Serge from such a young age with such clarity and awareness is inspiring. It’s evident how much support you have allowed in to be able to express so confidently as the woman you are.

  • Danna Elmalah August 29, 2017 at 4:53 am

    Incredible blog Rebecca – so real so pure so deep and so true. Very very touching of the deep strength of love that is now you, chosen to be your way. As what you once observed and received (and still receive and observe) you are mastering yourself – to be in all of your ways your truth. And this is beautiful. Thank you for your inspiration and your sharing with us. I love it, very very love it !

  • Leigh Matson August 25, 2017 at 12:33 am

    The more I unfold what is already within me I’ve gone from relating the Serge Benhayon as someone special to these days as just a dude (a pretty awesome dude at that). So when I read the part about relationships being “at least love, every single day.” I paused for a moment to realise that this is in fact a possibility becoming my normal. Very cool.

  • julie Matson July 26, 2017 at 9:25 pm

    What shines through this whole piece of writing is the space Serge Benhayon has given the author to grow and to just be herself, without any sense of wanting or needed anything from her. This is a true example of what parenting should look like, biological or otherwise.

  • Viktoria July 23, 2017 at 5:46 am

    It’s actually quite sad to realise that most of the relationships between biological family members don’t even come close to what you describe here, Rebecca – it only goes to show that love is not blood bound!

  • Katerina Nikolaidis July 21, 2017 at 5:18 am

    We live in a world that has been conditioned by the unnatural notion that love is measured and restricted – and that the family unit is a separate unit to another unit of people – and on it goes. But we are not meant to be in silos and love cannot be compartmentalised. Deep down we do know this because to live in this separated way with our hearts supposedly open to some and closed to most is simply unnatural to what our bodies know to be the real deal… Enter Serge Benhayon, who by his living way shows us that distance matters nought, family blood ties matter nought, cultural differences matter nought. Love is universal and beholding of us all. It is profound to feel a love that transcends all boundaries, physics, geographical etc – but this is what love has always actually been.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh July 28, 2017 at 5:29 am

      Yes “this is what love has always actually been”. What a blessing that there has been someone among us reflecting this level of love with such steadiness and consistency, and how gorgeous that so many have been noticing and that every day more people are getting inspired to start living the same once again.

    • Lucy Duffy October 2, 2017 at 5:03 am

      So true Katerina. I don’t feel it makes sense to anyone that love is meant to hurt, and yet isn’t this what we are told? That it is reserved for the chosen few and exclusive contradicts the quality of Love we all can feel, leaving us confused and discombobulated about it’s true qualities. Meeting Serge and observing him over the decade I have known him, I feel now the inclusivity and expansiveness of Love that cannot be limited or defined by one or a few relationships. It’s grandness know no bounds as it eternally expands.

  • Leigh Matson June 10, 2017 at 5:18 pm

    The part about the love you can express to Serge can be equally expressed to all others stuck with me this time. I could feel that deep warmth and tenderness in your words Rebecca. And reflecting on the fact that I can do the same towards the other people in my life chokes me up. There is much more love that wants to come up and out into the world.

  • Carmel Reid June 7, 2017 at 9:49 am

    It has been so beautiful to see the way youngsters have grown up over the last 12 years, with such confidence and grace

  • Samantha June 6, 2017 at 12:49 pm

    Stunning Rebecca, you are an absoulte inspiration to many, awesome to hear the loving support you received from Serge Benhayon and how his inspiration has helped you to claim the beautiful, strong, well rounded incredible wise and down to earth women you are today.

  • Monica June 4, 2017 at 5:44 am

    The ultimate gift to give to any child, the space and confidence to be themselves and to hear your story Rebecca and feel how you’re grown and been raised with that love and care is beautiful; to have had that loving consistency in a father figure as you have with Serge Benhayon alongside the support of your mother and to feel how it’s supported you to be you, and shown you all you are and can be – that is true parenting.

  • Natallija May 27, 2017 at 6:51 am

    I love the quote: “Family should be defined by love and love alone. A far cry from what we can experience family to be. This blog is a simple yet powerful example that family in not restricted to those we are born with – our parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins but everyone that we are willing to commit to developing a loving relationship with.

  • Kerstin Salzer May 19, 2017 at 1:18 pm

    Only the first paragraph you describing yourself being around Serge Benhayon when you were 9 years old sounds almost like a fairy tale but it is true, I can confirm this to finally find a person you can trust. And sometimes I feel myself as this 9 year old girl longing for this warm hug but the good news are Serge Benhayon has reflected me how to give this warm hug to myself.

  • Andrew Mooney May 14, 2017 at 1:38 am

    To give our children permission to just be themselves and to honour what they feel must be probably the greatest blessing that any parent or adult could give a child.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh August 3, 2017 at 4:05 pm

      So true Andrew. There may be a lot of practical lessons about how to live in this physical realm that is useful to pass on, but honouring our children by giving them “permission to just be themselves and to honour what they feel” provides the greatest foundation ever. Equally valuable for us adults too!

      • Alexis Stewart March 1, 2020 at 8:16 am

        The word ‘honour’ really stands out to me. It’s such an easy word to both write and say but to be able to actually honour ourselves first in order to honour another is currently a very, very difficult thing for most of us to do. Sure we can and will all eventually honour ourselves as well as all others but there is a process that’s involved. A shedding of all of the things that despite the fact that they may feel part of us, are in actual fact not. These false aspects, appendages, drop away and at the same time we practice being more and more gentle with ourselves, which leads to a natural feeling of loving ourselves and at the same time loving others more as well. As we go deeper and deeper into all of this then we do arrive at a place of honouring ourselves and from that place we can honour others but it’s a process for sure.

  • Rachel Mascord May 13, 2017 at 9:28 am

    I am so much older than you Rebecca, but you story reads like my own with Serge. He has been my father, my brother, my dearest friend over the years we have known each other. It is as though I finally grew up and blossomed in the light of this everlasting relationship.

  • Mary May 3, 2017 at 4:01 am

    I feel what you have captured is the humbleness of Serge Benhayon, he is quite the most remarkable man I have ever met, as you say he always has time for people from what ever walk of life they come from. And the greatest lesson for us all is to love ourselves and to deepen this love all the time and in doing so heaven will reside in our bodies and as a consequence this love will naturally radiate out to all others so they get to feel love in their bodies too, let it be a constant reminder that we are all the same.

  • Vicky Cooke April 26, 2017 at 4:31 pm

    Gosh it really exposes where we currently are as a society, community and humanity when to love ourself goes against ‘the socially accepted grain of society’! Rebecca what you have expressed here is gold .. you have not held back in any way expressing both your love and vulnerability, and show if we make if about love first and foremost how much this not only supports and nurtures ourselves but also others and this ripple effect is never ending. This is so true ‘You have also never wavered in telling me that I am enough. One of the most important things a child can learn is that they are loved and are worth loving just for who they are.’ Absolutely, it is not about what we do but accepting and loving ourselves for who we are then the rest unfolds. Very Inspiring ✨

  • Sarah Flenley April 26, 2017 at 4:39 am

    Dear Rebecca, I was moved to tears reading your testimonial to Serge Benahyon this morning, In appreciation for Serge Benhayon and all that he brings this world, but also to read of a young woman knowing her worth and her true beauty and then living that in this world. Serge Benhayon was the one for you, and now you are the one for others. I feel warmed by knowing that you are out there, showing the world for young women that you can live knowing your worth, and living your beauty (which we all have), especially against the bombarding images that come towards young women these days. Thank you, Sarah

  • Stephen Gammack March 14, 2017 at 6:44 am

    The ripple effect of meeting a deeply loving man, how we can use a meeting with someone who is able to relate and understand us, to go out and forge our relationships in the same quality. The same understanding of others and what it is they need to feel safe to be themselves, that we can always offer.

  • kim weston March 5, 2017 at 6:38 am

    Beautiful Rebecca, the depth of care and love Serge has shown you can be felt in your words of appreciation. What you share is the true care of this man, a father to many.

  • Harrison White March 4, 2017 at 9:23 pm

    This is absolutely beautiful Rebecca. Love can be shared even with those who aren’t family or our parter, for it is this love we crave, an openness and ability to be ourselves in full with even strangers.

  • Kathleen Baldwin February 26, 2017 at 6:29 am

    Thank you Rebecca, your beautiful heart felt letter is a testimony to the power of true love and true family. You have clearly demonstrated here that the deep love that constitutes true family is never bound by age, blood or distance but begins when we acknowledge the deep love that resides within each and every one of us. Serge Benhayon knows himself as this love and thus inspires everyone he meets to know themselves in the same way. Some embrace this as you have and become that love and thus inspire all you meet. Others sadly reject this as the hurt they are carrying serves them for the time being.

  • Gabriele Conrad February 15, 2017 at 9:31 am

    A glorious testimonial by a young woman who testifies to the fact that truly being met for who we are is a life-changing event and forever confirming of our essence. And I appreciate the conclusion “family should be defined by love and love alone”.

    • Alexis Stewart March 1, 2020 at 8:22 am

      The thing is we can only meet another for who they truly are once we know who we truly are and that’s the clincher, most of us don’t know who we truly are. Sure deep down we all do but that unfortunately doesn’t cut it because we operate from who we ‘think’ we are and not from who we ‘know ourselves to be’.

  • Joe Minnici February 4, 2017 at 12:17 pm

    I agree Rebecca, Serge Benhayon is a very amazing man who radiates so much love to all.

  • Mary Adler February 1, 2017 at 4:29 pm

    A beautiful appreciation of true parenting.

  • Stephanie Stevenson January 26, 2017 at 5:15 pm

    I agree Rebecca – to observe Serge Benhayon in relationship with his family is gorgeous and to see him bringing this same quality to everyone he meets, is absolutely the most inspiring and glorious thing to experience. A true marker of how life can be lived, equally so with all, when living from Love in the way Serge lives and reflects 24/7.
    “I have also watched your relationships with your children and your wife, the beautiful Miranda. Witnessing the equal love you have for them, and watching how you express that love has shown me what true family and true relationships can look like, and has offered me a marker of what one day my future relationship could look like too – one that is at least love, every single day”.

  • Bernard Cincotta January 20, 2017 at 5:10 am

    Awesome Rebecca, I too have experienced the enormous fathering energy of Serge Benhayon, as many commenting on this site will testify he holds everyone he meets with the same level of absolute love. We all have problems and dilemmas in life and Serge would never tell you what to do just encourages you to take responsibility, feel for yourself what is loving and let go of the rest. Serge’s deep love for humanity and full knowing of our origins means he understands the human spirit like no other, and can explain the way energy works in the world.

  • Benkt van Haastrecht January 16, 2017 at 6:28 am

    So beautiful to feel the love that you share with Serge Benhayon and in term with all that you meet. It is beautiful to see the boundries of family shifted, to a more responsible way of the responsibility we all have for all the young children in this world.

  • Matts Josefsson January 15, 2017 at 1:19 am

    That is so beautiful Rebecca, you got me teary. And I agree Serge Benhayon has an ability to be there whenever you need it which I find quite extraordinary.

  • James Nicholson January 1, 2017 at 9:40 pm

    Well said Rebecca, ‘family should be defined by love and love alone.’ I have known Serge since I was 19 and he has been like a father figure to me as well – he has offered constant love, support and guidance – always being there for me no matter what. Serge has never judged me rather helped me to understand my choices and has helped me to understand life. I used to think what is the point and was largely given up whereas now I am embracing life far more and actually want to be here rather than struggling to get through the day.

  • Mary-Louise Myers December 30, 2016 at 11:23 am

    I have known Serge Benhayon for over 10 years and it still astounds me the way he loves and supports all the young people in his life with the same amount of commitment and dedication he has with his own kids. This is consistent, he always has the time for them no matter how trivial the issue may seem to be, I know no other like him and has inspired me and others to do the same.

  • Rowena Stewart December 25, 2016 at 6:39 pm

    “There is no greater blessing a parent can give a child in life than to meet them and love them for all that they are, for in doing so no longer are they a child but a person, with a marker of love to go out into the world with.” This is the most essential, fundamental responsibility that every adult on this earth has towards every single child whether they are ‘blood’ related or not. Awesome letter to Serge Benhayon Rebecca and this quote stands out for me because this is how we should all be behaving. Serge has re-established the marker of love for us all, both adult and child. Consequently we are able to re-orient ourselves back to our true way in life, whereby meeting and respecting one another as the fully capable, deeply wise and very caring beings we innately are is the most natural thing to do. You are such a beautiful example of what happens when a child is shown this inherent level of respect and love and your ambitions in life are now founded on a solid understanding of love and responsibility that will never let you down.

  • Jonathan Stewart December 14, 2016 at 4:10 pm

    This is a most beautiful testimonial to the limitless depth of love that Serge Benhayon has and how that is there for everyone, irrespective of their age.

    Although I am somewhat older than Serge Benhayon he is not only friend, he is also a father figure for me, too, as he is for so many, whatever their age. He is all the things you say, Rebecca, and more and to everyone equally. A true and utter blessing to know him.

    “My dear friend and my equal no matter my age.” This quality of Serge Benhayon to be the ‘friend and equal’ to everyone irrespective to who they are is such an inspiration to acknowledge, appreciate and emulate that we are all the same, we are all one Soul.

  • adam warburton December 10, 2016 at 7:49 am

    A beautiful expression of how love can be experienced when we gather ourselves in true community. Love is not contained by the borders of what we call traditional family. Indeed, if you sit back and really ponder on it, it does no make sense that we say we can love our immediate family more than another. Sure, we are more familiar with them,and have more reason to say we share common experiences, but love is not something that should be based on such parameters. It is far too grand for that. And that is not to say that we should live in communes, or have multiple partners. I am not talking about such things, for true love does not need such forms of expression in order to confirm itself. Part of understanding true love is to be able to devote yourself entirely to one partner, for in doing so, you start to understand how responsibility is equally part of what is true love. The key is however, once you have expressed such love with another, to be able to express such love to the whole world, and realise that whilst the form of expression may be different (i.e. it is not about sleeping with the world, or sharing one’s actual house with all), true love is simply about opening your doors metaphorically and sharing your true house with all – and by that I mean allowing others to feel that which emanates from within, and not just opening up to those you are familiar with.

  • Vicky Cooke November 15, 2016 at 5:58 pm

    Reading this again, what stood out for me most was this ‘it has always been the quality of your time shared and never the quantity that is so profound.’ This is a great learning for us that the quality in which we are with someone, even as a customer or cashier in a shop or a fleeting moment passing someone on a street is far far more precious than the quantity of time we are together with someone. For a family can be together for a large quantity of the time during the week… maybe mornings, evenings and weekends if they are at work and school but during the time at home is there a true connection, a deep care and love? Or are the parents exhausted and stressed and the children checking out on devices? There is much to learn from this.

  • Stephanie Stevenson November 11, 2016 at 10:17 pm

    Although not meeting Serge Benhayon until my latter 50’s, I can resonate with feeling met and listened to, just as you describe Rebecca. “You listened to me and talked to me like no adult had. I remember feeling so open and free to chat and be myself – the shy anxious girl who hid behind her mum around strangers was nowhere to be seen”.

    Rebecca, your glorious photograph of the beautiful and confident young woman you are today is living proof of the healing received when being met in full by Serge Benhayon when you were a wary child aged 9. Serge is a true and consistent role-model for all in life.

    • Rebecca November 25, 2016 at 2:33 am

      I agree – no matter your age Serge is a role model and inspiration – you don’t have to be a child to feel met and understood, for this is something craved just as much by adults as children. As I have grown up, Serge has always called me to be the loving, beautiful young woman he has always seen in me, never identifying me by my mistakes.

  • Shevon Simon October 19, 2016 at 6:12 am

    Ahhh so Beautiful Rebecca – a very true and real testimony. This is Serge Benhayon. Everything that Rebecca writes is it because Serge lives lovingly in every way and so when you are with him whether it be for a minute or an hour you feel met, you feel full. I always feel supported, loved and reassured when I speak with Serge that I know what to do and what is needed. It’s not necessarily a conscious thought but more a feeling of confidence in knowing where I am going and the steps needed. Such is the power of one person living with Love. Rebecca’s story is a true testament to how a girl can grow into a woman with self-respect when they have a true reflection of a father figure.

  • Ray Karam August 21, 2016 at 4:57 am

    Hello Rebecca, this is a very touching story and I had no idea. I am so glad to have a website like this available and to think this story may never have been recorded in this way. It is testament to the work that has been done here. To see a story from a then 9 year old and to see how supported you were from the first meeting with Serge Benhayon is astounding enough, but then to see the ongoing support from this is something to truly appreciation. We don’t know the impact we can have on each other from the way we are. Here we have the very significant support and care given from a man that touches so many. It’s great to showcase these type of things in this way, to record them for everyone to see.

  • Sarah Karam August 10, 2016 at 7:49 am

    What a beautiful letter, it is so touching. This is all that Universal Medicine is, not a company or a man but a universal medicine that is shared with all, Serge loves everyone like he loves you and then through this medicine of appreciation, the person that is loved, then loves many more and thus this is how a revolution begins, from one loving themselves so much that they are truly able to love another in a quality that is lived.

  • Aimee Edmonds August 7, 2016 at 4:57 am

    This is so beautiful to read and feel Rebecca, I love and appreciate the amazing presence Serge holds everyone with and that everyone is held as an equal of who they are. I remember thinking I didn’t give my children enough time and I was very upset and worried about how I was going to find more time with work etc., but when I considered how it feels having only a 1 or 2 moments a year emailing or talking with Serge I realised that how I was seeing ‘time’ spent with my children versus truly connecting was a bit skew-whiff…. which this sums it up beautifully “…it has always been the quality of your time shared and never the quantity that is so profound.”

  • Leigh Matson July 31, 2016 at 9:57 pm

    This was beautiful to read Rebecca. No matter when I have emailed or spoken to Serge he has never wavered in supporting me to be equal and never lesser to him and I have seen this level of support given to hundreds of others. This love and support is life-changing and yet equally accessible to all of us, something that Serge doesn’t shy away from sharing.

    As you’ve shared Rebecca, so many young people today are living in a way that leaves them exhausted, angry, lost and out of sorts with life. And here you are sharing the support Serge Benhayon has selflessly given and shared with you and the results are amazing. Such support is not to aggrandise himself but to show that we can all care for ourselves in such a way that it naturally inspires deep care and healing in others. Thank you.

  • Leigh Strack July 27, 2016 at 8:11 pm

    There are times where Serge has offered me wisdom like no other ever had, and everytime the feeling is that he holds me as he holds his family. There is no difference. To be loved so completely for who I am is the greatest gift Serge has given me, and as you share to many others who are in his life.

  • Joshua Campbell July 27, 2016 at 5:23 pm

    This is amazing Rebecca! Your words have shown what true appreciation and inspiration is all about. This is what Serge does constantly with all around him, offering a reflection of love and truth that fully meets all that he is with. He is a father to all.

  • Judith Andras July 27, 2016 at 12:58 am

    “You have taught me that love knows no bounds of blood or distance, that it is far deeper than the physical limitations we have created – family should be defined by love and love alone.”
    This is one of the most profound teachings that Serge Benhayon shares, a deep love for all and that love has no boundaries. He teaches that through his words but the reason it has such an impact on many is because he is living it as has been shared in this blog.
    Serge Benhayon has touched on a deep longing for fatherly love in me as well, when I first met him. And through him and his teachings and the healing modalities he brought through I have been able to deeply heal on so many levels.
    Thank you for sharing Rebecca! Your blog made me ponder why is it that fatherly love and a father figure can be so assuring and deeply healing? In the case of Serge Benhayon it is the deep connection to God that you can feel within him and that he re-activates in you.

    • Rebecca February 8, 2018 at 5:55 am

      I agree Judith, beyond Serge’s deeply loving and caring physical presence is his connection to something greater, his connection to God which has re-connected me to my connection to God. Serge is my father figure in this life but more so, through him I have come to know who I am beyond the limitations of just a physical body, as a being with a connection to God, our father.

  • jeanette July 26, 2016 at 7:21 am

    Rebecca, your wisdom, strength and “all that you already are” just shines out through your writing, and your photo. Serge has inspired many to connect to who they truly are within and be all that they are, myself included. I fully appreciate his presence in my life also.

  • Chan Ly July 26, 2016 at 5:44 am

    Thank you Rebecca for this absolutely gorgeous blog. You have inspired me deeply with every word expressed. The love, respect and appreciation you have for Serge Benhayon is incredible to read and feel. The connection and love you have for Serge is so amazing and highlights that love has no boards, it is limitless and the meaning of family has been redefined.

  • Christine Hogan July 22, 2016 at 7:20 pm

    Absolutely exquisite Rebecca – you are the evidence of a child growing into womanhood and stand on a true foundation of love. To ponder, our world full of children also unfolding within this space is expanding and truly glorious. I particularly love your comment – ‘Together both of you have supported me not to grow up and become anything, but to unfold from within all that I already am’. We can all hold a space like this that is as loving for our children and grandchildren, and to be entrusted in this way is truly an honour and a blessing. Thank you for sharing and in deep appreciation of all that Serge Benhayon lives and models for us to know and re-connect to.

  • Katerina Nikolaidis July 18, 2016 at 8:31 pm

    So deeply beautiful Rebecca, the love and warmth that you have been met with and that you let yourself receive and now live is fully felt in this gorgeous piece.

  • Suzanne Anderssen July 17, 2016 at 4:06 pm

    How beautiful Rebecca, to be told not to grow up and be something, but rather to let unfold all that you already are. What a different approach to raising children this is, albeit a way that I am certainly raising my own with.

  • Vicky Cooke July 9, 2016 at 11:19 pm

    Can someone pass me the tissues? This letter is precious and from knowing both the Gorgeous Rebecca and Incredibly Beautiful-FULL man Serge Benhayon, I know all of what is expressed here to be true. It shows everyone a way to be in relationships, to meet people for who there are, allowing them to just be. That it is the quality of the time spent together not the quantity (this is a big one we must learn). I was talking with a male colleague the other day who has 2 daughters, he was also so aware that if they are loved, cared for and appreciated for who they are then they will not seek that outside of themselves to confirm their self-worth. Thank you for sharing this, the fire within my heart has expanded.

  • Sarah Flenley July 7, 2016 at 6:20 am

    This was such a heart-filled piece of writing. So delicate yet so strong, so clear and pointed in what you expressed. So light yet with so much depth and so inspiring to read of your experience of being you in this world with the endless love and support from the superb Serge Benhayon.

  • Roberta Himing July 6, 2016 at 3:33 pm

    Hi Rebecca, I loved reading your blog as you expressed your love and appreciation of all that Serge Benhayon is and presents to us all.
    For me it felt like I was held in stillness as I was reading your words, understanding fully what you were sharing and feeling the humbleness and the privelege to be here and to know this man Serge at this time. Thank you for the moment as I connected with you sharing in this deep and true Love.

  • David Upfill July 5, 2016 at 3:15 am

    Thank you Rebecca for expressing so beautifully and eloquently what the Love and support Serge Benhayon hold us in means to you. Very moving and humbling.

  • Mary-Lou Reed July 4, 2016 at 10:17 pm

    I love that you are choosing to love and know yourself deeply Rebecca and how this choice reflects in the life you live. You are an inspiration to all and especially your peers. What a blessing to grow up with Serge Benhayon in your life supporting you in this way.

  • Brianna July 4, 2016 at 6:54 pm

    This was so beautiful to read Rebecca.
    Thank you for sharing you, your experience with Serge and the absolutely amazing woman that you are. It is deeply inspiring to feel and read.
    I first met Serge at 21 and the moment I met him, I felt a man of absolute truth, integrity and genuinely.
    Having never really grown up with a father myself, I have been blessed to meet and have Serge Benhayon enter my life. As Adam shared above, Serge is indeed a father to many, brother and friend to all. In my first meeting of Serge I was blown away by his warmth and care, even in a simple handshake . From this moment, I have continued to connect with Serge and the level of support I feel and am constantly met with is beyond words. I feel he connects and supports me to be me in a way that is indeed rare and I hold dearly. He is not blood related, yet I have no hesitance to say that his impact and role in my life is profound. The way Serge is, inspires me in so many ways and I feel truly honoured to know him and equally so his beautiful family.

  • Elena Light July 4, 2016 at 5:06 pm

    What a blessing to the world to have new role models such as Serge Benhayon, his family and friends – rather big including all the students and their families.
    Being at Universal Medicine events and connected to everyone does feel like being with family.

  • Felicity Latchford July 4, 2016 at 12:04 pm

    I too remember fondly the day I met Serge, the most remarkable man I have ever met, who has a quiet, unimposing but powerful authority on life and why it is the way it is. I am so glad I took the chance to go meet him, nearly 10 years ago.
    A true national treasure.

  • Beverley Croft July 4, 2016 at 6:11 am

    Beautiful to read your sharing, Rebecca, I can understand how you feel. What an amazing opportunity you have had in your life, to meet Serge Benhayon while so young, and to grow up with his great guidance and loving care. I am at the opposite side of the spectrum of life, I have 2 sons around the same age as Serge Benhayon, and yet, I can feel the father in Serge in just the same way. To me he is the father that I would love to have had, and I have him now as a great friend. Not that my real father did not do his best, but he did not have the deep love and understanding that Serge holds for us all. Serge is still my father figure.

  • Natalie Hawthorne July 3, 2016 at 8:25 pm

    Wow this is a blessing just reading this Rebecca – to know and witness this to be true and to see that it is totally possible to grow up as a teenager and not choose the loveless choices that most are is so inspiring. When we allow True Love into our lives, which is exactly what Serge Benhayon is reflecting to us all, then we are able to live this Love in all that we do and with everyone.

  • Luke Yokota July 3, 2016 at 1:58 pm

    The love and warmth are just exuberating from this piece.
    A worthwhile addition to complement the commendable, humble and loving man, which is Serge Benhayon.

    It breaks apart the notion of ‘traditional family’, instead glorifies anyone can be family, no matter blood, gender or location. We are designed to live side by side harmoniously so. This letter simply demonstrates the normality that future families will have on a daily basis.

  • adam warburton July 3, 2016 at 12:35 pm

    Father to many, brother and friend to all. There are many who can relate to this story. It is worth celebrating in this man we call Serge Benhayon, for he cuts through the miasma of fog that says life is about family first. What if all were considered family? How our view of the world would change.

    • Rachel Mascord May 13, 2017 at 9:26 am

      Every notion that keeps us locked away in the tiny, isolated boxes we call ‘family’ have been undone by this man. What indeed would this world look like if all did the same?

      • Vanessa mchardy March 4, 2018 at 4:31 am

        Great question to ponder Rachel, it is not hard to imagine that the world would quite quickly be very different and start to be about evolution rather than involutuon which is the current state of the world.