Healing Practitioner

From Abuse to Love Part 2: Clearing Eczema

January 17, 2018
From Abuse To Love Part 2

This contribution is a continuation of the article From Abuse to Love. Written anonymously in 2016, it detailed an honest and transparent account of experiencing extensive childhood sexual abuse. The article brought a level of revelation and understanding to the traumatic experience of continuous abuse which was nothing short of groundbreaking.

This second article, From Abuse to Love Part 2: Clearing Eczema is a continuation in the series. As is normal for The Works of Serge Benhayon, it brings an expansive revelation to life and its many facets by seeing the broader landscape of an issue.

Here, our anonymous writer shares how the poison of the sexual abuse manifested itself into the intense eczema and skin conditions which no conventional or alternative methods could alleviate long term. It is worth noting that various avenues were explored fully.

It was only by bringing understanding, contemplation and thus a settlement founded on deepening responsibility that the intense skin conditions experienced for years began to shift. This article acts as a testament to the philosophies and teachings by Serge Benhayon and to the facts that:

  • Everything is connected
  • Physical symptoms are first a manifestation of an energetic imbalance
  • The body always communicates from a deeper intelligence taking into account the whole

So with no further introduction…
From Abuse to Love Part 2 ~ Clearing Eczema.

“The body is the marker of truth”
Serge Benhayon

I have heard Serge present this many times and it has always stuck with me.

My whole childhood and adult life, I suffered from a really bad skin condition known as eczema. My skin would get very dry and itchy; and very inflamed and sore. Sometimes it would bleed a lot and sometimes it would weep from the excessive scratching and become infected. The weeping liquid would also sting my skin.  There were times when I felt like a snake. I shed a lot of layers of skin. I peeled lots of skin off my body. This would also reduce my body’s temperature quite dramatically, so that the only comfort I got was to lie in the sun. The sun’s warmth definitely provided me with rest and moments of stillness. Dermatologists told me not to have long hot showers as this strips out the skin’s oils and can inflame the skin even more, but I loved my long hot showers and sometimes I would exfoliate my skin with a scrub, because I just hated how it felt and looked. I just wanted to get rid of the dry, scaly skin and getting rid of the layers of dead skin allowed the creams I applied later to soak in. It was a very debilitating condition and it affected my self-esteem and my self-worth immensely.

One treatment involved soaking a long sleeve cotton top and pants in warm water. Then I had to cover myself with a mixture of cortisone creams and ointments; then put the damp clothes on over the top, to help the ointments soak into the skin. I had to sit in this wet clothing for 10-15 minutes, which was very uncomfortable. I could do this treatment on smaller areas of my body and wrap my legs, hands or arms up with bandage cloths.  The cortisone cream would definitely reduce the inflammation and the itch but soon enough the symptoms would return.

I also tried phototherapy, which uses the best part of natural sunlight (UVB) light to help reduce the itch, calm inflammation, increase vitamin D production and ramp up bacteria-fighting systems in the skin. I saw few results from this and the treatment had the disadvantage of using up a lot of time during my working week.

I tried a series of acupuncture treatments, which included a technique called “bleeding” – wherein the practitioner pricks meridian points on the body with a needle and squeezes the blood out, to help remove excess heat from the body (or fire as it is known in the Chinese system). This was done along the length of my spine. It was a very uncomfortable and quite a painful process. I even tried courses of Chinese herbs.

These treatments provided temporary relief, but the relief was short-lived. Very soon the symptoms would return and with more intensity. It would seem as if it were clearing up, but in fact it was an endless cycle of energy needing to be released from my body in order to heal a past trauma.

I tried radical anti-allergic diets, which consisted of brown rice, broccoli or spinach and boiled fish or chicken but all that happened was that I lost a great deal of weight, felt extremely frail and my skin didn’t get any better.

I saw a kinesiologist once about the severe dryness of my skin. This modality is based on ‘muscle testing’. “Its basic notion is that every organ dysfunction is accompanied by a specific muscle weakness, which enables diseases to be diagnosed through muscle-testing procedures.” (Stephen Barrett, M.D)

The practitioner would ask me to hold one arm out straight and she would press on it, as she asked my body a series of questions. If my arm held firmly, then the answer was “yes”, but if my arm dropped as a result of her touch, as she asked the question, then the answer was “no”. She asked my body how many fish oil capsules it needed daily to help the dryness in my skin. My arm held strong over and over again until the count ended up being about 25 capsules a day. Then my arm weakened, which meant that 25 was the correct number needed. Although I felt this was excessive, I followed her recommendation, along with other supplements, but didn’t find any improvement in my condition at all.

I went to an allergist clinic and got tested for various food chemicals, animal fur, dust and different pollens and moulds. I was reactive to a lot of these and then went on a long course of weekly dust mite and animal fur injections to help build my immunity to these allergens. Again, no change.

I even met a mad crystal healer who promised to put together a series of crystals that I could place under my bed and each night they would be healing me as I lay on top of them. I spent hundreds of dollars purchasing these big round crystal balls, but nothing changed for me.

So, as you can see, I really tried hard to find a solution for my condition, but nothing helped me permanently. There were fleeting periods of some relief, when I felt hopeful, but the symptoms just came back over and over again. Eventually, I realised that the sexual abuse I had experienced in my childhood was something I could no longer ignore. My body was screaming for help. I could feel the energetic and emotional poison from this abuse and I knew that it needed to be healed. I had been searching for solutions outside of myself, when the answers had always been inside my body.

Once I found Universal Medicine, my whole understanding of healing and the process by which the body heals, became a lot clearer. It became easier for me to accept my condition. Instead of seeing my skin as my enemy, I came to understand it was my body’s way of showing me what was true for me and what was not true.  It was also my body’s way of showing me that there was a dis-ease in my body. Something was not right.

I was determined to get better and help myself heal this very uncomfortable skin condition. At first, as I embarked on committing to looking after myself, I made simple changes: changes to my sleeping patterns and diet.  I started with my diet, eliminating foods, which I could feel did not work for me anymore, including obvious toxins like coffee and alcohol. With these changes, I slept better and my skin wouldn’t break out as much. This did not fix my eczema, however, and whilst things improved, my skin would still break out badly from time to time and become very itchy.

It was not until I attended several presentations and various healing courses by Serge Benhayon, that the most profound changes to my condition occurred. During the healing courses especially, I was able to feel that all of the choices from my past and all my unresolved hurts were locked in my body, desperately wanting to be released and healed. I knew I had found a true place of healing with Universal Medicine and with Serge Benhayon. I re-connected to the fact that is everything is about the quality of the energy I choose to align to in any one moment.

In time, I came to the understanding that my childhood sexual abuse was definitely a major cause of why I had such bad eczema. The origins of the word ‘eczema’ are interesting and it is significant that this word stems from ‘something thrown out by heat’: 1753, from Greek ekzema, literally “something thrown out by heat,” from ekzein “to boil out,” from ek “out”+ zema “boiling,” from zein “to boil,” ‘Eczema’ is said to have been the name given by ancient physicians to “any fiery pustule on the skin.”

No matter how good my diet was, there was more to look at than just the physical symptoms of why my eczema was still so bad. Every night I experienced a very uncomfortable feeling in my body that I would try to scratch out in my sleep. The restlessness, the constant movement, scratching and unsettlement in my body was heightened at night time, especially when I wanted to go to sleep but couldn’t. The one time and place where I needed to rest deeply and my body did the complete opposite! Sometimes I would sit up in my bed, just squeezing my hands tightly and rock my body backwards and forwards to try and relieve this restless feeling. Some nights I would just toss and turn and scratch so much that I had blood on the bedsheets and so much dead skin in my bed, that it felt like the bed was full of coconut flakes or heaps of sand. In the morning, I would brush it all on to the floor and this became a constant habit: brushing the bed to see how much I had shed at night. Fortunately, as the years passed this became less and less.

It was in a Sacred Esoteric Healing Level 2 course that I connected to the poison that was in my body from my childhood abuse. This healing course is directly focused on childhood imprints left in our bodies. When the practitioner was working on the area of the body related to ages 5 to 13, I could feel the poison coursing through my body like acid. Interestingly, these were the very same years that I suffered from sexual abuse. A certain part of my body was so tight, that the release of the poison felt sickening, like “something boiling out,” from my body.

Serge came over to me and put his hands on my shoulders. He spoke with authority and understanding. He told me to feel the poison and to let it go, but to know that this was not who I am. His warm hands felt so supportive on my shoulders. I felt so held in the space with love. I felt safe for the very first time in my life: safe to let myself be truly seen, to be truly vulnerable and raw. I felt so supported and not judged by Serge and my practitioner that it was possible for me to let the poison go.

Huge amounts of sadness came up. It was real.  I could not escape what had happened in my childhood any longer. Before this course, I had never let myself feel this sadness. These feelings were buried and my body was calling out for attention and healing. I could feel the horrible poison this experience had left in my body. It was terrible, and I cried and cried as I released this negative imprint from my body. I could feel so much: the guilt I had around what had happened; the deep remorse that deep down I knew I had allowed this experience to happen.

As expressed in my previous blog From Abuse to Love , the realisation I had is that as a child I craved attention from my parents and because this attention was not forthcoming, I sought it elsewhere. My next-door neighbour was the easiest place to find this form of attention.  At the expense of my body I allowed the sexual abuse to continue for many years.

I could feel that I had allowed this poison into my body and knew that I would never inflict this onto another. I could feel how poisonous it was not to speak up and how, as a child, I had held back the truth. I could feel how absolutely beautiful I am under all this hurt and pain. My essence was still there and how much I had missed this feeling!

I had been holding onto this poison for 24 years and finally as an adult, I had found a healing modality in Universal Medicine that was assisting me to heal this scar. This childhood experience didn’t mean I was a terrible person.  It didn’t mean I was unworthy or dirty. This healing session was showing me how these negative imprints and holding onto what is not true or loving in my body is just pure poison. The feeling of coursing acid subsided and I was graced with humility, as I came back to my beautiful self, feeling lighter, clearer and a lot more settled within myself.

Could this experience that was locked in my body all this time, taint how I related to the world? How I was with other people and relationships? How I was with myself and how I felt about myself? And how this would affect my behaviours in my adult life?

The energy that was in my body was definitely affecting the choices I was making in my life. I protected myself by shutting down, not truly opening up to people. I didn’t trust myself, let alone other people and I felt very insecure when I was by myself. This was the beginning for me of starting to unravel the mess my body was in as a result of my past choices, but how easy it was to come back from them!

My skin isn’t perfect today, but it definitely is nowhere near as badly inflamed as it used to be and there is no doubt that since that healing session and others, my skin has recovered remarkably. I used to look like a burns victim and my body still bears the scars and pigmentation from the years of scratching. The calluses left on my hands, arms and legs are now reminders of how much more tender and delicate I can be with my body.

The restlessness from my unresolved past, that once was so overwhelming in my body, has completely gone. In a healing session, Natalie Benhayon used sacred esoteric healing to clear the stagnant energy sitting around my hip bones.  Natalie confirmed that the guilt that I had around this experience was gone. I no longer carried this in my body.

I have always been very highly strung and anxious. Today, no one would notice that about me. The need to scratch my skin to relieve the tension I feel in my body has lessened dramatically. Today I know, that if I scratch in my sleep, it is a reflection of how I have lived during the day and that I need to identify the cause:

  • Is there something in my day that I have left unresolved?
  • Did I eat appropriately before bedtime?
  • Have I absorbed something that I need to nominate and deal with?
  • Did I observe my winding down routine to complete my day?
  • Or is poison still releasing from my body?

Taking the steps to being responsible for my choices, for my reactions and my behaviours have all been part of my healing from abuse. Choosing to live with this awareness brings so much honesty to my body and I appreciate my body’s simple wisdom every day. I’m finding now that certain choices can be like choosing abuse, like eating something I already know does not agree with my body, but doing it anyway, is an example of my choosing abuse, which is the same as an unloving choice.

To take this to a deeper level, I know it is the reaction or energy that I have called in, that then makes me go for a particular food. I have learnt to stop and feel what is going on in my body, before I make an unloving food choice, which only dulls or dismisses the message my body is sharing with me. I don’t always get it right, but it’s a process of learning to stop and nominate my reactions first and deal with what energy I am in. Once I nominate it and I can put two and two together, then I can renounce the behaviour or pattern that is no longer serving me. I have also learned not to judge myself for my choices and behaviours, but just to accept where I am at.

My beauty is deep within me; it is not only in my outside appearance, but from the connection I hold within my body. My skin is a beautiful reflection to me of when I am stressed and not dealing with things or when I am more content within myself and responding to life with less emotion and reaction.  Connecting to my Stillness with the help of Esoteric Yoga, I have been able to feel my inner beauty and appreciate this. It is a practice I am always learning to deepen and hold throughout my daily routine in everything I do and in every movement I make. I have noticed that with more stillness in my body, I am less reactive; my body is less reactive to certain allergens, and foods.

I am forever grateful for the support I have received from my practitioners at Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, because I have learnt that it is the way I live in every moment, with conscious presence and with energetic integrity, which will determine my experience. I know now that abuse is simply ‘not Love’ and the body is the marker of this simple truth.

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  • SLC November 5, 2019 at 7:52 am

    What an incredible sharing, the miracles that can happen are endless when we allow ourselves to surrender to the wisdom inside.

    • Leah Pash December 13, 2019 at 7:33 am

      When the body is touched by truth, it will endeavour to clear that which is not truth within it.

  • Viktoria July 26, 2019 at 2:01 pm

    When we begin to look at all aspects of life, we get to understand aspects of ourselves we may have not even considered in the past.

  • Viktoria May 8, 2019 at 1:40 pm

    To be held in the ocean of love that Serge Benhayon presents in nothing less than majestic. Once you have experience that, you have a marker and know what is possible – so then when you interact with the world and things don’t match up to that marker, you are able to learn to be in a way which does not allow any form of abuse to enter your life.

  • Matilda January 27, 2019 at 4:57 pm

    Those moments when we let ourselves be supported, really surrender into the care of another, are so transformative. A truly loving touch can break through eons of hurt and protection.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh January 25, 2019 at 8:03 pm

    When I read stories like this, I get the beauty of the intimate and very specific communication that life’s reflections has for each and every one of us, especially that which is provided for us via our body. We tend to react to the discomfort; there is often a “why me?” attitude while we wish to avoid any form of responsibility for our predicament and we want anyone or anything to take it all away. And invariably as I have personally experienced, it turns out that all of this is still part of the learning that brings us to a far greater humble, wise and empowered relationship with the whole of life.

  • Alexis Stewart January 9, 2019 at 7:35 am

    It’s crazy that we have to ‘make life about energy’ when energy is what life is made out of.

  • SE December 29, 2018 at 7:28 am

    Universal Medicine has inspired many people to look within and to understand what is truly going on for them, with knowledge alone we will never understand, in listening to our bodies we need not to do anything the wisdom is there- awaiting to be tapped into.

    • Alexis Stewart January 9, 2019 at 7:08 am

      There’s a whole reservoir of wisdom, love and truth that each and every one of us has equal access to.

  • Caroline Francis December 20, 2018 at 4:32 pm

    The body has its way of clearing. It is remarkable and whether the condition is full on on minor, it is always a clearing of the abuse we allowed to happen and this can be very personal to us.

  • Jonathan Stewart December 19, 2018 at 4:35 am

    “Instead of seeing my skin as my enemy, I came to understand it was my body’s way of showing me what was true for me and what was not true”. Once we gain this understanding that when our body has physical symptoms it is its way of communicating to us its needs then true healing can occur.

    • Matilda Bathurst January 27, 2019 at 5:15 pm

      Exactly. It is mad that we fight our body and its clear and supportive messages.

  • Jonathan Stewart December 19, 2018 at 4:27 am

    What a powerful testimony to the fact that underlying physical illness is unresolved energetic and emotional issues. Thank you for sharing Anonymous.

  • Matilda Bathurst December 16, 2018 at 4:00 pm

    It is moments like these, reading you comment Gill, that I marvel at our physiology and how brilliantly we are designed to feel and know what is going on in every moment… all we have to do is bring our awareness and respect to this.

  • Matilda December 16, 2018 at 3:57 pm

    Being willing to be honest and open about how we feel, sharing our strengths and weaknesses without shame, is the beginning of true healing, which can only happen from the inside out.

  • Lieke December 13, 2018 at 3:55 pm

    It is beautiful to see how true healing only comes about when we acknowledge the energetic factor and is not only about diet, exercise and so on.

  • Carmel Reid December 2, 2018 at 8:26 am

    Yes it is interesting to observe what is going on in our lives and what therefore determines our choice of foods, especially when we go back to old behaviours and eat foods we have ignored for years. I have a couple of mornings a week where I volunteer in an elder care home and on one of those mornings I go for the biscuits. Unfortunately going for sugar dulls my awareness so I am unable to read what’s truly going on. I do know that I feel sad about how people ended up in wheelchairs but I have not yet read what else is going on. We are singing old songs in a choir that morning, so perhaps it is the energy in the music and ‘trying to get it right’ that is causing my system to be out of balance.

  • Tricia Nicholson December 1, 2018 at 6:15 pm

    A huge and real sharing of the love we truly are and our body as the marker of this and the healing it brings to us everyday . Learning to listen to it is the beginning of a life long adventure of love and awareness of who we truly are and our beauty deep within.

  • Matilda Bathurst December 1, 2018 at 6:09 pm

    My body gets more chatty the more I listen and it never fails to guide me wisely.

  • Matilda December 1, 2018 at 6:00 pm

    I was on a walking machine this morning when I had a really cool and refreshing experience of feeling physiology beyond the physical. It was really obvious and simple that we have an energetic physiology that then supports or undermines our physicality depending on our choices. So yes the physical manifestation of disease comes last.

  • jennym November 22, 2018 at 5:52 am

    What a beautiful example of healing the whole of the being and listening to what the body was communicating.

  • Stephanie Stevenson November 16, 2018 at 3:53 am

    This blog is a true living testimony to the power of presence with the body and the wisdom that is communicated to us from this.

  • Stephanie Stevenson November 16, 2018 at 3:50 am

    This blog is a true living testimony to the power of presence with the body and the wisdom that is communicated to us.

  • Liane Mandalis November 15, 2018 at 6:03 am

    Just as the serpent sheds its skin to allow further growth, so too do we shed all that we have absorbed that is not of the love that we are, so that we may once again return to such love.

  • Samantha Davidson November 12, 2018 at 10:26 pm

    I have no doubt that I have cleared so much that was lingering in my body. When we feel shame, hurt, frustration, if we are not honest about and know it is not us, we allow it to lodge in the body, we hold it in our posture, our way of moving. This beautiful honesty and observation of what has been experienced in this article is a inspiration to read. We can heal at the root, rather then a superficially, it will forever keep showing itself in the body if we do not allow it to be felt, observed and cleared. Thank you to the body for such clear and obvious signs and symptoms.

  • matilda November 12, 2018 at 2:17 am

    To begin to have a relationship with the fact that our beauty is deep within us is such a life changing approach. Thank you for writing about your experience.

  • Joseph Barker November 10, 2018 at 5:35 am

    There is nothing in this world that can negate the truth of what Serge Benhayon presents. We can fight it, ignore it, deny it all we like, but truth is truth and always resides untouched at the end – just waiting for us human beings to surrender and stop trying to manufacture our own version of the Love we are here to live.

    • Liane Mandalis November 15, 2018 at 6:04 am

      The version of love that we live does not ask us to go anywhere near the depth of true love and all the wisdom inherent within this.

      • Alexis Stewart April 20, 2020 at 8:47 am

        “The version of love that we live does not ask us to go anywhere near the depth of true love and all the wisdom inherent within this”, more than that the version of love that we live actively aligns us to a consciousness that prevents us from accessing the ‘depth of true love and all the wisdom inherent within us’.

  • Caroline Francis November 7, 2018 at 2:19 am

    Reacting in any way, shape or form is undoubtedly allowing abuse into the body. Can we love ourselves enough to not allow any reaction in our lives? We react in many, many ways and to various degrees but the absolute truth is that reaction harms not only ourselves but everyone.

    • Matilda Bathurst November 12, 2018 at 2:20 am

      Thank you for asking this question, Caroline. I want to say yes absolutely, but know that this is a building and developing relationship with myself that requires ongoing understanding and openness to learn.

  • Hm October 31, 2018 at 7:15 am

    This is a huge story to share and really debases how we just our skin conditions in a box of how to fix the look rather than addressing why we have it in the first place. It makes so much sense to see our bodies as a reflection of what we are putting into them and to start to work with them it not against it.!

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh December 28, 2018 at 5:12 am

      When we get warning signs on our electronic gadgets and cars, most of us don’t ignore it knowing that if we do we may regret it further down the line. How come we are so nonchalant of the signs we get from our body? Yes it does make so much more sense to closely and attentively work with our body rather than working against it.

  • Matilda Bathurst October 28, 2018 at 5:01 pm

    I love that with me every day I have the greatest guide and wise sage… my body. My openness to listen, take heed and respond is entirely my choice always.

  • Stephanie Stevenson October 24, 2018 at 7:29 am

    The body is a natural marker of all truth – when we are ‘off’, the body reflects this through many ways, to the skin, joints, muscles, organs, blood, lymphatics and limbs.
    “Instead of seeing my skin as my enemy, I came to understand it was my body’s way of showing me what was true for me and what was not true”.

  • Regina Perlwitz October 22, 2018 at 9:43 am

    Thank you, your commitment to listening to your body’s wisdom is truly inspiring. The way you have described your awareness of what is happening on an energetic level, how you make choices and how you appreciate yourself brought me back to my body and my love an appreciation of myself.

  • Christoph Schnelle October 18, 2018 at 9:19 am

    Clearing eczema, especially long-term, intense eczema is one of the most liberating events in life. Anybody who has managed that is a very valuable role model for many others.

  • Leigh Matson October 6, 2018 at 5:00 pm

    When we have an energetic understanding of our conditions it kills the fight and resistance towards our bodies. Dropping those beliefs of illness and disease being ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’. Illness and disease are great for supporting the being inside the human body to heal.

  • Michael Brown October 6, 2018 at 1:06 am

    Nothing is beyond our limits when we make life about energy.

  • Ingrid Ward October 5, 2018 at 1:24 pm

    What I love about your inspiring transformation is that you first tried all the avenues that were available and although they did not work, but you kept on looking. This could have been a time to give up and simply accept that this is how life was going to be for you, but you didn’t, finally making your way to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, and eventually the answers that you had been looking for. It goes to show what a powerful marker of truth the body is, but unfortunately, we have not been raised to understand its messages, until now. And this understanding is what Serge shares with everyone, and by doing so many hundreds, if not thousands, of people have experienced some wonderful changes in their health, their well-being and in their lives.

  • Vicky Cooke October 5, 2018 at 11:00 am

    And when we truly understand this too Gill, for ourselves, it will bring a completely different relationship we have with not only our bodies but with life as well.

  • Jo Elmer September 28, 2018 at 1:48 am

    This is a profound article and sharing about eczema; one that offers something of true value to anyone interested in getting free of hurts.
    Described here is the kind of honest and very real work that has changed every area of my life for the better.
    It’s not easy to feel what I’ve been avoiding but I know I can’t run forever and I now know that life is far more beautiful and loving when I truly face what is going on inside me.

  • Susie W September 27, 2018 at 7:42 pm

    For many people their skin is the first place toxic foods or substances show themselves in the body, and particularly with allergic reactions and poisons it can be immediate. Could it perhaps work similarly with our behaviours, that activities toxic to our body can show up in the skin?

  • Andrew Mooney September 19, 2018 at 8:25 pm

    Amazingly beautiful and touching blog that brought me to tears when I read about the moment you felt the full energetic poison in your body and decided to let it go. I cried because I could feel the beauty and freedom you connected with by choosing to do this with the amazing support of your practitioner and Serge Benhayon, in my view a master healer and understander of people and how the body works.

  • Christoph Schnelle September 17, 2018 at 7:07 am

    It sounds like your quality of life was substantially reduced and you have now managed to clear it with help. Congratulations!

  • Caroline Francis September 4, 2018 at 12:51 pm

    We are so blessed to have Esoteric Healing. The modalities, workshops and presentations offer true healing so that we can let go of the root cause of the illness or disease. Sure there are often more layers to surrender to but the beauty is we heal once and for all.

    • Alexis Stewart January 9, 2019 at 7:59 am

      If we hadn’t chosen to walk away from ourselves in the first place there’d be nothing for us to heal.

  • Matilda September 2, 2018 at 4:47 pm

    In the space of one breath we can feel very clearly where we are at and if we can observe this without critique we then have really simple choices all the time as to what quality we want to build as our foundation. Am I willing to be flotsam and jetsam in the raciness of life, or do I choose to build stillness and sureness in me that holds steady in amongst it all?

  • Viktoria August 25, 2018 at 6:25 pm

    Sacred Esoteric Healing is just that – sacred, esoteric and a healing – it brings up our deepest hurts and through our connection with our innermost love we are able to let go of whatever it is that is blocking the flow of love within our bodies. I have never experienced a more profound healing, deeper levels of love and integrity than what is offered during these healing courses.

  • fiona L August 23, 2018 at 9:32 pm

    “Physical symptoms are first a manifestation of an energetic imbalance”. This is one of the most sensible and practical teachings of the ageless wisdom that really supports you to heal the underlying cause of a disease. I first noticed this when I had a sore sacrum and noticed a connection with grief.

  • Matilda Bathurst August 18, 2018 at 2:11 pm

    Our bodies are always always communicating with us. Our responsibility and choice… the more we listen the more we hear. And if I once thought I had a relationship with my body, it is nothing to what I feel is possible today.

    • Christoph Schnelle October 18, 2018 at 9:20 am

      Yes, just how much change for the better or even the unfathomably better is possible.

  • Esther Andras August 18, 2018 at 2:31 am

    To find that there is truth and true healing in this world already allows one to settle more into one’s body.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh August 12, 2018 at 9:42 pm

    This change of focus by those who offer medical support alone, would revolutionise the way we look at our relationship with health and well-being.

  • Michael Brown August 12, 2018 at 3:14 am

    Beauty is definitely not skin deep but the amount of love lived in definitely reflected in ones skin.

  • Meg August 9, 2018 at 5:00 am

    Our bodies are just incredible in their capacity to heal – we so massively under estimate what they are capable of, and also thank god for modalities like Sacred Esoteric Healing that supports us clear out all the poisons and problems and imprints we can carry from life and allow us to proceed forward unimpeeded.

  • Matilda Bathurst August 7, 2018 at 4:30 pm

    Being honest with myself about what my body is communicating to me is exposing and refreshing at the same time; inspired by our bodies’ intelligence at the same time as being shocked by how dead to my body I have been. Every day offers a new level of relationship and understanding.

  • Michael Brown July 30, 2018 at 2:08 am

    People such as this author are our neighbours, friends, colleagues yet you would never know it, unless you were super in tune with reading people’s movements. Lack of transparency is a killer in our society.

  • Joseph Barker July 28, 2018 at 5:03 am

    If we have been stuck in a rut doing the same thing for lifetimes, when we find a modality that helps us cut through we can freak out and run away. Who are we if not this malaise we’ve kept with us for such a long time?

  • Stephanie Stevenson July 26, 2018 at 2:37 pm

    This is an inspiring and powerful blog, offering a deep awareness of the wisdom our body brings to each and every one of us constantly. The smallest ache of pain is the call to listen – fortunately the body continues to bring its wisdom with more insistence every time it is ignored, until finally we are pulled to a stop and actually listen – then the true healing begins.
    “My body was screaming for help. I could feel the energetic and emotional poison from this abuse and I knew that it needed to be healed. I had been searching for solutions outside of myself, when the answers had always been inside my body”.

    • Christoph Schnelle September 17, 2018 at 7:09 am

      Yes, it is quite amazing that, when we have a chronic issue, the body actually, in its own way, advises us on how to deal with the issue!

  • Vicky Cooke July 14, 2018 at 1:59 pm

    To me it shows just how much, on some level, we are still in the dark ages in the simple fact that currently on the whole as humanity we are not reading things energetically first. Particularly when it comes to the body and ailments, dis-eases and illness. I trust we will get up to speed with this soon for it is deeply needed.

    • Alexis Stewart January 9, 2019 at 7:15 am

      Vicky I agree that on many levels we are plundering around in the dark. But it’s not just or even more so with ailments, diseases and illness, it’s actually with absolutely every-thing, as in all aspects of our lives. Our relationships, politics, economics, education, social welfare, health, parenting, addictions, literally everything lacks energetic understanding, which is why we are in the dire straits that we currently are, with no vision or means of how to get out of our predicament.

  • fiona L July 14, 2018 at 5:29 am

    Working with the superficial and fragmented layers of a skin condition is like painting the exterior of a house whose foundations are rotten. As this article shows you need to heel the whole body from the inside. To feel the sadness and poison of the past held in the body, knowing it’s not you is such a gift and allows it the space to come out from being buried.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh July 29, 2018 at 11:17 pm

      How often do we do exactly that, only looking at “the superficial and fragmented layers” of any issue and ignoring the whole. It is remarkable that when you are supported to start going deeper, explore further and expand your understanding, you find that there is a far greater level of healing, awareness and empowerment on offer.

  • Nico van Haastrecht July 8, 2018 at 1:03 pm

    It is interesting to read that the word eczema has roots in ‘something thrown out by heat’ as that to me is exactly what is happening on an energetic level. The poison that does not belong to the body is brought out by the fiery light our bodies are naturally connected with. Because that is what this fiery light does, it clears all that does not belong, a natural way of the body to remove that what does not belong and results in what we call illness and disease.

    • Matilda Bathurst August 7, 2018 at 4:35 pm

      A moment to honour very deeply the wisdom and support of our bodies. Illness and symptoms not things to be controlled, suppressed or ignored but to be be listened into so that we deepen our understanding of the impact of the way that we live. Extend our bodies to the body of life and we begin to get a sense of the part we all play in the world we live in.

  • Nico van Haastrecht July 8, 2018 at 1:03 pm

    When find trust in life and in our bodies again we can let go of the poisoning we keep alive because it gives us identification, not realising that it is at a cost, all the ailments we are so used to live with.

  • Liane Mandalis July 8, 2018 at 6:59 am

    This is a remarkable and inspiring example of how, when we deal with the energetic root cause of a dis-ease, the necessary healing can take place, on all levels. Whether we have been sexually abused or not, how many of us carry some form of poison in our bodies due to the many hurts we have not yet dealt with. This sets up a vicious cycle of accepting abuse into our bodies that we then magnify by not treating ourselves with the love and care we each deserve. That is, we poison ourselves on a daily basis when we do not honour our exquisite and innate beauty.

  • Nicola Lessing June 20, 2018 at 7:22 pm

    The more we open to and receive love the more we become aware of just how much abuse there is in the world for the contrast of what is not love (abuse) is so huge.

    • Nico van Haastrecht July 8, 2018 at 1:02 pm

      The more we connect to love, the more we will see everywhere the abuse from not living this love. But too that there are many offerings of love in our societies that at times are appreciated as such but mostly not and even fought because it asks us to become responsible and to look at our own part in it first.

  • Matilda Bathurst June 17, 2018 at 11:21 am

    ‘From abuse to love’ – a transformation we can all commit to when we get honest about the abuse in life that we have normalised.

  • Joseph Barker June 16, 2018 at 12:07 pm

    Thank you Anonymous, going deeper with love, is without doubt the greatest medicine known in this world. It’s one prescription with which, you never ever loose.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh June 6, 2018 at 11:36 pm

    The sign of a true friend is one that will tell you the truth, especially when you are choosing to act unaware, and if you ignore that truth, the true friend will not take grudge or abandon you, but will tell you it again and if needed in different ways. Our body is such a friend.

    • Vicky Cooke July 11, 2018 at 3:47 pm

      It is so gorgeous to read this Golnaz you are right our body is such a friend and marker of all truth.

  • Samantha June 5, 2018 at 6:00 am

    Lets face it there are many many treatments out there that offer us the quick fix, we can choose to go that way or we can choose to truly heal and get finally to the bottom of it once and for all – Understanding why we got ill in the first place is the medicine we need to truly heal.

  • Shami June 4, 2018 at 3:43 pm

    The way that Universal Medicine supports us to bring love back to ourselves and to our bodies is incredible.

  • Matilda Bathurst June 4, 2018 at 3:25 pm

    Being able to access our inner beauty and to appreciate and enjoy this is a gift worth unwrapping.

    • Caroline Francis September 4, 2018 at 1:05 pm

      To unwrap who we truly are in all our glory is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh June 4, 2018 at 6:07 am

    It is hugely significant to be reminded that everything is energy and that the fundamental root of our illness and disease is also energetic.. e.g. in this article “It was only by bringing understanding, contemplation and thus a settlement founded on deepening responsibility that the intense skin conditions experienced for years began to shift”.
    There has been ample anecdotal evidence amongst the Universal Medicine student body who pay attention to the energetic aspect of life, that they have found the understanding and awareness gained about their health issues has been enormously supportive in their healing and recovery.
    What game is the medical system and the scientific society playing at? We are a time when Humanity is facing escalating ill health and a medical system is struggling to cope. We can not afford to keep ignoring such gems when they are so clearly offered to us.

  • Shami May 30, 2018 at 1:28 pm

    This article makes me feel very aware of how it can not ever be underestimated, the affect that abuse has on our internal being, and how this can be carried with us as unseen bruising or scarring, which actually we cannot carry forever, because the body is essentially something that is loving, because it is made of the same substance or elements that make up every other aspect of the universe. And so, it will help us to clear from our invisible turmoil in to it so that we can be free to know who we are to know how to deepen and to grow in our own expressions of love, in line with what the universe is eternally giving and expressing.

  • HM May 28, 2018 at 2:07 am

    Exema and skin conditions are not unusual these days – and what is so amazing about this sharing is that you looked behind the outcome and wanted to see what was causing it, rather than just trying to fix it. Our skin expresses itself very clearly and gives us messages – and we have a choice to cover this up or respond in a way that looks at why it is there.

  • Leigh Matson May 25, 2018 at 4:34 pm

    That warmth that is provided in Scared Esoteric Healing sessions allows us to let go of what is not love. And it’s not a fancy technique, simply placing ones hands on someone who is fully clothed (with restrictions/no-go zones to certain areas) and connecting to that essence within ourselves. Such simplicity but energy shifting and life changing results.

  • Vicky Cooke May 25, 2018 at 3:38 pm

    Thank you for sharing this, it is humbling to read and also shows the truth and power of the Healing Modalities brought through by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. The modalities such as Sacred Esoteric Healing really truly do allow us to get to the root cause and give space, if willing, for the body (including emotional) to truly heal.

    • Matilda Bathurst June 4, 2018 at 3:27 pm

      Yes, Vicky, I agree and from a study of human behaviour perspective it is interesting to ask why we resist the opportunity to heal.

  • Michael Brown May 21, 2018 at 6:24 am

    I love that this shows we always have a way back to living life instead of surviving available to us no matter what’s happened to us or what we’ve done.

    • David June 3, 2018 at 11:37 pm

      Michael so true, the point where we go through life in survival is a point that means we don’t appreciate who we are and how living is very different from existing.

    • Matilda Bathurst June 17, 2018 at 11:23 am

      The inspiration of it is never too late and no moment is too short. Thank you, Michael.

  • Matts Josefsson May 20, 2018 at 2:42 am

    Thank you for the honest sharing. It is a testimony of the need for the therapies (modalities) Universal Medicine delivers. Medicine has so much to learn from this.

  • Joseph Barker May 13, 2018 at 7:55 am

    Our body is forever correcting us to return to the full glory of Love. At the very least we should appreciate that we keep getting called back, even if we don’t always feel glad about that.

  • Michael Brown May 12, 2018 at 3:32 pm

    Thank you Anonymous for sharing your life with us.

  • Vicky Cooke May 10, 2018 at 3:31 pm

    Isn’t it completely absurd that we see our body as the enemy!!! This just makes no sense but it is true and I have noticed this more especially as people get older that we feel our body is failing us rather than how through our daily choices we have failed it. I am looking forward to the day when we truly get this and learn to cherish and truly nourish our bodies caring for them with the true love they deserve allowing us to live with vitality, joy and to our full potential.

  • Michael Brown May 8, 2018 at 4:50 am

    I love the statement at the beginning about everything being connected.. you can’t just leave one department of a company to rot and expect the entire organisation to prosper so why do we attempt to do so with our bodies?

  • David May 7, 2018 at 9:42 pm

    Ariana ditto the more I have that stillness in my body also I have the way to deal with whatever is coming my way, I used to live in a super reactive way, my skin was also super reactive and I would come out in spots often. The more I cherish not only my rituals with my skin but also cherish the feeling of stillness.

  • Michael Brown May 6, 2018 at 9:12 pm

    From abuse to love is the journey we all must make to arise out of the murky waters we have created for ourselves.

  • Shami May 6, 2018 at 2:45 pm

    It is incredible, to be so honest. Because with honesty, there is room to understand. And this is what you have brought here, a very deep and delicate form of understanding to your self which has helped you to heal and inspired so many others too..

    • Leigh Matson May 25, 2018 at 4:36 pm

      And it’s with this honesty and understanding that such subjects as Anon shared in part one and in this part two that can be brought out into open conversation without emotion or reaction. We need more of these types of conversations in life.

  • Joseph Barker May 4, 2018 at 8:09 pm

    We can dismiss what Universal Medicine present as baloney all we like, but we have no explanation why we have ignored the energetics of life. It doesn’t stand to reason unless it is true – and if we have denied energy – the basis of the world – about what else have we lied? No wonder our life is crawling with scars and cuts from our corruption inside.

  • Matilda Bathurst May 4, 2018 at 12:41 am

    Our beauty is deep within us and it is a sign of our waywardness that we are still caught up in the superficiality of physical appearance. Through my work I meet people who are struggling with many aspects of their physicality and it is in recognising their true, unsulliable beauty that true healing takes place.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh May 6, 2018 at 7:09 pm

      A fundamental revelation reflected when you observe that even with the more extreme physical issues it is the recognising “the unsulliable beauty” that is deep within, which starts the true healing.
      We have industries built on the back of our insistence to keep looking outside of us for blame and solution. But the truth is none of that ever gives us anything but short term relief, and that is usually because we are distracted during that short period from feeling the truth of our predicament.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh April 30, 2018 at 2:12 pm

    Such pertinent and significant questions asked here: “Could this experience that was locked in my body all this time, taint how I related to the world? How I was with other people and relationships? How I was with myself and how I felt about myself? And how this would affect my behaviours in my adult life?” This shows that dealing with our issues and healing what is required is invaluable – and not just for ourselves, but also for everyone else as well.

  • Sarah Flenley April 30, 2018 at 4:49 am

    Gosh, going from lying in bed, rocking back and forth, clasping your hands, to where you are today is a miracle. And a miracle brought about by you “Choosing to live with this awareness brings so much honesty to my body and I appreciate my body’s simple wisdom every day”

    • Matilda Bathurst May 4, 2018 at 12:43 am

      Another proper miracle of a life turned around, inspired by Universal Medicine and chosen with commitment and consistency.

  • julie Matson April 29, 2018 at 5:09 pm

    It is truly amazing how the body clears our ill choices in the form of an illness or ailment. This was shown to me very clearly recently when I had bronchitis – after it had all cleared up, my singing voice had become clearer and higher.

  • Tricia Nicholson April 29, 2018 at 4:51 pm

    A deeply profound sharing of the lengths we go to find the love we are and the messages our body gives us to show us the truth of how we are living and the truth of it all and when we are ready to hear it simply makes sense and offers true understanding and love.

  • Aimee Edmonds April 29, 2018 at 1:16 am

    I just took stock recently of how beautiful and smooth my skin on my face is now and how much I love it’s natural colour and have even not worn make-up some days. This is a complete change from how I used to look at and see my skin… I had adult acne, uneven skin tone and I would constantly pick at it. It was my very own inbuilt real mask, something that kept me away from being with people and said I’m not beautiful. I also realised it was a reflection of how much I picked at myself internally that really started to turn things around. Now my fave and eyes and my body is a reflection of how I care or not for myself.

  • Michael Brown April 28, 2018 at 3:25 pm

    “The body always communicates from a deeper intelligence taking into account the whole“ how beautifully put. The body never minimises or reduces.

  • Melinda Knights April 26, 2018 at 4:53 am

    Thank you for this powerful blog, it really highlights how the body does not experience conditions in isolation to the whole being, and that our experiences leave imprints which need to be cleared. I also searched for decades for something that would support me to truly heal but nothing worked until I attended Universal Medicine’s Sacred Esoteric Healing workshops – I knew I had finally found something effective as the things that bothered me started to clear and I literally went from strength to strength. Prior to this when exploring other healing modalities I would get temporary relief only for the same issue to come back again. Until I found Universal Medicine I spent a lot of money getting nowhere on other modalities.

  • Shami April 26, 2018 at 4:51 am

    What I love, and feels very beautiful to see, is how the persistent discomfort of your body continuously asked you to deeply heal. It was so wise and so aware of what needed to happen, of the very nature of what needed to happen, that no modality could help because your body knew all along what it needed. And this goes to show the tremendous love that we are held in, the love that our bodies express to us every day.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh April 22, 2018 at 9:53 pm

    For many years I had opened up to the fact that there was more to life than purely the physical. Yet nothing had ever taken it to the depth that Serge Benhayon has supported me to understand. And this expanded view was never ever so clearly tied up in detail to every aspect of life, so that I could see how everything even illness and disease can support my deepening relationship with myself, people, life and the Universe. It is a wonderful reading your experience of this in your life.

  • Joseph Barker April 22, 2018 at 8:06 am

    Making life about the surface only has never worked and yet we continually persist to look at it ‘skin deep’. We are in serious denial of the true cause and effect of our choices. The impact of what we say yes to and do is huge.

  • Samantha Davidson April 21, 2018 at 4:16 pm

    Incredible, I can also say that the Sacred Esoteric Healing courses are extremely powerful and supportive, they get to the root of what holds us back, so powerful and clearing.

  • Kehinde James April 21, 2018 at 3:22 pm

    To focus on physical symptoms of dis-ease misses the mark, only when we address the root cause and energetic imbalances within the body is true healing possible. This is little understood outside of Universal Medicine.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh April 24, 2018 at 9:37 pm

      Whilst we limit our understanding of the energetic foundations of life, we will also limit our approach to dealing with illness and disease to management and eradication of symptoms, without understanding the enormity of what is actually offered to us on a plate with the opportunity to heal something.

  • Caroline Francis April 19, 2018 at 2:12 pm

    Recently, there have been moments of sadness felt in my body, where I sensed how I have held back from expressing truth in my life. It has hurt but I know I cannot hold onto this sadness within my body. There is much to heal yet if I had not come into contact with Universal Medicine I would have carried on the merry go round of living, in the ignorance and arrogance of the abuse inflicted by me, onto me, through my unwillingness to speak up. It is such a blessing to be offered the Sacred Esoteric Healing modalities to support us to clear the abuse lived, from the body.

  • Christoph Schnelle April 19, 2018 at 3:51 am

    Are people with regular eczema more sensitive than they would like to be or is it possible to be very aware and open to one’s surroundings and not get eczema?

  • Michael Brown April 18, 2018 at 10:52 pm

    The body knows precisely the difference between love and abuse. It is a very clear black and white line, not the grey area we have accepted abuse in the name of.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh May 2, 2018 at 12:51 am

      And the fact that many people find that some of our issues can be traced back to what has happened in early childhood and stored in our body shows that this awareness is not a learned thing. As well as the difference between love and abuse being very clearly, it appears that we already know well before we learn to verbally communicate about it.

    • Matilda Bathurst May 4, 2018 at 12:46 am

      Yes. Our bodies know. Always. All we have to do is develop how much we honour and listen to them.

  • Michael Brown April 18, 2018 at 8:04 am

    Making the step from abuse to love is easier said than done, but simpler done than said.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh April 12, 2018 at 7:51 pm

    I often get annoyed with the various symptoms that my body shows me. But when I am reminded that “the body is the marker of all truth” as in this blog and so my body is simply reflecting the after effects of how I have been living with a layer of what there is to be cleared, I have to reassess.
    It is not in fact my body itself I am annoyed with, but being shown that I can not really get away with the many choices I know deep down are not in love and consideration of myself and the All.

    • Christoph Schnelle April 19, 2018 at 3:52 am

      Yes, we are annoyed with our own choices and can put our frustration on the messenger of the consequences – our body.

  • Rowena Stewart April 11, 2018 at 5:21 am

    I know from my own healing journey that so often we shoulder the responsibility for other people’s actions and realise now this is an insidious poison that sits behind many ill conditions in our bodies. Learning to take responsibility for our own thoughts, actions, movements and words is crucial, so that it becomes natural to know where the boundaries of responsibility lie between us and learn to draw healthy lines that we don’t feel drawn to cross over.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh April 9, 2018 at 11:54 pm

    Such a profound realisation shared here: “ During the healing courses especially, I was able to feel that all of the choices from my past and all my unresolved hurts were locked in my body, desperately wanting to be released and healed.” If only we let ourselves live with such awareness we would have far more appreciation and care for our body and would respond to its messages much more wisely.

  • Laura Hoy April 6, 2018 at 8:05 pm

    I went through a similar journey with eczema, I tried everything and finally realised it was the way my body cleared poison too -wether that be emotional, stress, or food – which is likely to be in reaction to an issue too. With this understanding I can actually appreciate the itch or the rash, as it is the way my body communicates and I can choose to listen or not… deeply appreciate your sharing as it’s a great support for me.

  • Michael Brown April 6, 2018 at 3:23 pm

    The top medical treatment in the world can only do so much in terms of symptom removal. The energetic factor is not only relevant, but crucial in healing the entire illness.

  • Annoymous April 5, 2018 at 4:00 am

    “The energy that was in my body was definitely affecting the choices I was making in my life. ” this is such a simple yet powerful realisation for one to make, once we can see this we can begin to make choices differently. I have found the Esoteric modalities super powerful in helping me to release negative and stagnant energy that I have been holding in my body.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh May 7, 2018 at 6:31 pm

      This is such a key revelation which is a challenge to accept because we pride ourselves with the individuality of our thinking. Yet most of us are familiar with certain cases, e.g. when we have an addiction and the craving dictates our actions, it is not really ‘free’ choice at that point but the force of what is already introduced into our body. The fact that the these patterns are set up energetically ahead of anything else hitting us later down the track, makes the Esoteric Modalities that support the body on that level simply invaluable.

  • Tricia Nicholson April 4, 2018 at 3:21 pm

    The appreciation that we are love and our true beauty is always within us changes everything and is the only way we can come back to living who we are in reverence and honouring of this innate beauty preciousness and sensitivity as is seen here so simply from your very sensitive sharing of healing and contentment in our body.

  • Tricia Nicholson April 4, 2018 at 2:54 pm

    An amazing sharing on the true healing that comes from within us and the difference how we live allowing this makes to our lives.
    With the reality of the poison our body stores and holds on too that has to come out bringing true healing as a constant way of being is very powerful and something we are not taught but only to manage and this brings another facet to medicine and curing symptoms to take responsibility for.

  • Matilda Bathurst April 2, 2018 at 6:41 pm

    I agree Ariana. A beautiful combination of acceptance, responsibility and understanding for what we have chosen and then in letting go, the realisation that we are not the poison we have allowed but in fact very beautiful inside.

  • Matilda Bathurst April 2, 2018 at 6:33 pm

    ‘My beauty is deep within me’… this is something to really hear and quietly reflect on for ourselves. How much do we accept and live the fact that our true beauty is deep within us?

  • Michael Brown April 1, 2018 at 7:27 am

    An account that describes the perfect outplay of the harmonious marriage of Western and Esoteric Medicine.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh March 31, 2018 at 1:17 am

    It can be frustrating when we have a physical symptom that we can not make go away or ignore. Especially when like you we have done we have been diligent in trying all sorts of treatments, remedies and such to resolve the issue. I know from personal experience.
    Yet in a way it is such a blessing that as the quote from Serge Benhayon at the beginning of the blog “the body is the marker of all truth”, so it is like the gorgeous invincibility of nature when a flower shoots out of the tiniest crevice between rocks, that the body still shows us there is still an unresolved issue to be deal with, lest we forget. Our own personal gift of a flower although at the time we may not be as appreciative!

  • Carmel Reid March 29, 2018 at 9:32 am

    ‘Once I found Universal Medicine, my whole understanding of healing and the process by which the body heals, became a lot clearer.’ Yes, for me it helped me to understand why certain parts of my body hurt and others feel stiff, knowing that my health is the direct result of my choices in how I live, and after 13 years of being a Universal Medicine student my health is way better than it was when I started. Yes I am older and still have atrial fibrillation but my heartbeat is more steady, my resting pulse is slower, my blood pressure is perfect, my hyperactive thyroid is back to normal and I am 48 kgs lighter so my knees don’t suffer so much, the arthritis is still there but less painful, and my vitality is way higher than the slug I once was.

  • Lucinda Bathurst March 24, 2018 at 11:52 pm

    Another Universal Medicine miracle unfolds…thank-you for sharing your story Anon.

    ” I knew I had found a true place of healing with Universal Medicine and with Serge Benhayon.”

    A true place of healing, a way of life that is innately known.

  • Adele Leung March 19, 2018 at 10:28 am

    I was with you fully when you said you allowed yourself to feel the choice of allowing poison in and just felt this choice, releasing sadness when you truly faced the situation, this is very beautiful as Life has given us so many situations to truly feel and surrender and with the support of our body, we are able to touch upon these hurts and let them go. We know the way to freeing ourselves and to healing.

  • Heather Pope March 18, 2018 at 8:34 am

    Responsibility in our day to day choices does not mean we are hamstrung into living a disciplined and tedious life, it offers that making loving choices brings more love (and health) to our lives. We are the masters of our own ship and can influence its course with our own choices.

  • Carmel Reid March 16, 2018 at 8:19 pm

    It is great to have a different perspective on healing, understanding that it is letting go of old imprints left by our choices, the poison we have absorbed, and to know that our true essence is pure and untainted.

  • Matilda Bathurst March 16, 2018 at 3:42 pm

    I love letting go and feeling the stillness that is deep and innate in my body. This is a point of inspiration to expand these moments and let them be more of my life.

  • HM March 15, 2018 at 5:34 pm

    This blog is a great continuation of part 1, and brings with it a deeper understanding of what process our body goes through to clear poison. I love and appreciate the honesty shared here, and the willingness to see that it is about so much more than just the physical – and that by allowing our hurts to fuel and drive us, we are saying yes to a disharmony that will play out in our bodies.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh March 13, 2018 at 4:52 pm

    This example is a great confirmation of the significance of the depth of healing offered through the awareness supported by Universal Medicine teachings and its modalities of treatment. It also crucially underlines the importance of paying attention to and dealing with all our issues as we become aware of them, because what we observe is always the tip of the iceberg of the energy that we have already allowed within and is affecting every cell and every aspect of our lives, whether we are conscious and accepting of the fact or not.

  • Michael Brown March 13, 2018 at 1:05 pm

    “Everything is connected” Just these 3 words smashes the societal construct that we can have time to ourselves and be ‘an island’.

  • Bernadette Curtin March 11, 2018 at 11:13 am

    There is so much courage, wisdom and depth of understanding in your account Anon, it was very inspiring and moving to read. Getting to the root energetic cause of our illnesses, accidents or diseases is the way to truly heal. Your deep connection and care for yourself and your honouring of your body shows how powerful this way of living is. One thing that stood out for me is how poisonous to the body is guilt, and how beautiful to live free of that, with awareness and understanding.

  • Christoph Schnelle March 9, 2018 at 3:15 pm

    Medicine does a wonderful job dealing with physical symptoms but it seems to be a difficult and often losing battle to deal with symptoms when the underlying cause hasn’t been resolved.

  • Jane March 8, 2018 at 8:40 pm

    This is profound Anon “The energy that was in my body was definitely affecting the choices I was making in my life” One day we will all be aware that the way we are, the way we move, the way we interact is all down to the energy we have in our body and the way we have been moving, and living. When we return to making life all about energy first, we will realise that what we think is us is not – as if we lived energy first, the societal, global and physical ills would not exist as they do now.

  • HM March 8, 2018 at 8:52 am

    The body is relentless in communicating with us, and the blessing of this is that it is showing that it is not about fixing the result but addressing the cause. Such is the case here that we can put ourselves through so many topical remedies but when we truly lift the lid and look at any hurts we may be concealing, true healing can take place.

  • Jane March 7, 2018 at 9:38 pm

    More and more I am appreciating the power of the body where it shows us in its own way of communicating e.g. a skin condition, that something is amiss/out of kilter with our body and with the way we are living. All my life I have had bouts of skin conditions – including fairly recently. Every time it is a call to deepen my self care, and to look at my daily living choices, and to take a deeper responsibility for myself in life. What is remarkable is how quickly the body shows us through the skin that something is amiss – and as it is so visible there is literally no escaping it.

    • Matilda Bathurst March 16, 2018 at 5:05 pm

      I agree Jane, working with my body rather than in ignorance of it, changes everything – I have a wise, patient and supportive guide at hand, instead of a body I have disregarded and spent, that needs rescuing at the end of a day, month, year.

  • Michael Brown March 5, 2018 at 11:29 pm

    It’s amazing what can be healed when we look beyond the physical ailments.

  • Otto Bathurst March 5, 2018 at 8:00 pm

    “Abuse is simply not love. ” As thousands of debates, arguments, law-suits and political, ethical and moral discourses abound over how people should behave and be policed on the internet, this simple quote cuts to the absolute core and simplicity of it all. Love is the only true marker.

    • Christoph Schnelle March 9, 2018 at 3:16 pm

      Yes, now for people knowing consciously what love is…

  • Rik Connors March 4, 2018 at 6:57 pm

    An amazing story of healing (in truth). The Universal Medicine Healing therapies are power-full. This is what conventional & alternative medicines and psychology are missing. The root cause unlocks an energy held in your body. The ironic or deeper perspective is the hurt is not us; but we hold onto it. This just shows me that inside us we know what is true. The body knows and these healing modalities support us to feel who we are.
    Beautiful sharing and amazing healing that needed to be shared.

  • Mary March 4, 2018 at 6:20 pm

    I have had experience of this and know that these words are true
    “Physical symptoms are first a manifestation of an energetic imbalance”
    Human-beings are very sensitive and we know this to be true because babies and young children are our reflection of this truth. When our sensitivity is compromised and we get hurt by something that was said or something that happened to us we internalize this as a shock to our bodies which becomes the energetic imbalance. Again we know this happens because soldiers who come back from a war zone can suffer from what is termed ‘post-traumatic stress’.
    If the energetic imbalance is not healed then it is left in the body like a unhealed scar that festers away. We can use therapy and drugs to alleviate some of the symptoms but until we can actually get to the energetic imbalance we will never properly be healed.

  • Sam March 4, 2018 at 4:00 pm

    Such a incredible sharing thank you. Our bodies are fantastic for showing us where we have taken energy on that does not belong there, i know myself I used to find myself having itchy skin after I had eaten something that did not agree with me. Listening to these messages is the first step in healing.

  • Nicola Lessing March 3, 2018 at 8:47 am

    It is already a huge healing in itself when we start to realise that we are not just some sort of victim of random events but have a part in everything that happens to us. That is very empowering for it allows us to take responsibility for our lives and reclaim them and ourselves!

  • Vicky Cooke March 3, 2018 at 6:20 am

    Yes and want to take that responsibility!

  • Joshua Campbell March 3, 2018 at 2:48 am

    I too had so much eczema when I was growing up. Tried lots of things but the only thing that ever worked was understanding and releasing the excess anger I was holding in my body that was literally seeping out in my skin conditions. We are severely limited in our understanding and perception when we think of the world as only physical.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh March 3, 2018 at 1:42 am

    Very touching reading the sharing of all the experience and insights.
    I have personally been finding that even when things can not be reversed (e.g. a skeletal condition that is progressed beyond repair), the deepening understanding and awareness of the personal reflection, support and learning offered about our relationship to life through such a condition, itself is the greatest form of healing and empowerment ever.

  • James Nicholson March 2, 2018 at 4:52 pm

    I love how the body shows us shows much about the way we have been living and constantly gives us an opportunity to make more loving choices. It is never trying to punish us rather show we are living in disharmony with it and ourselves. The more I see my body as a marker of truth and love the more I embrace what it is showing me and so change the way I am and the choices I am making rather than simply carrying on regardless.

  • Mary Adler March 2, 2018 at 3:14 pm

    Our body has an amazing ability to show us that when we shed the layers of abuse and self-abuse that in our inner being our innate beauty holds true waiting for us to reconnect and feel from within.

  • Jenny James March 2, 2018 at 2:38 pm

    What we dismiss we bury into our bodies , the thoughts, emotions , anger, sadness and bitterness has an effect and changes us on a molecular level. The body does its job to discard and heal this, and we can support the process with the therapies from Universal Medicine that work with the flow of the natural balance and harmony of the body. Thank you for sharing Anon, incredibly inspiring.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh March 6, 2018 at 1:20 am

      This understanding about the energetic dynamics at play when we witness symptoms, is vital. This information should be much more readily taught and explored. Otherwise instead of supporting our body to discard the ill momentum, we can end up using remedies and techniques that mask, fight or even once more bury the issue. Universal Modalities, the support they offer and the deepening awareness they facilitate are invaluable.

  • jennym March 1, 2018 at 8:24 pm

    Indeed a beautiful healing account of how one can engage with their own healing process and look towards all aspects of life including our unresolved emotional issues.

  • Lieke Campbell March 1, 2018 at 4:35 pm

    This really shows how important it is to acknowledge the energetic factor in life and that abuse does not only leave scars physically but also energetically when we don’t deal with the situation. It is a very wise message to always look at the energy that is making us choose something that is unloving for us, abuse, and not only try to fight the urge to eat something or do something that is abusive to ourselves.

  • Michael Goodhart March 1, 2018 at 10:04 am

    The level of raw openness and honesty expressed in this blog is truly astounding and a benchmark for showing the energetic and physical outplay of sexual abuse in the human body. My feeling is that if a modern medical practitioner would read this blog, they would be hard pressed to not acknowledge the fact that conditions like eczema have at their foundation an emotional energetic cause that manifests itself when this poisonous energy is attempting to be released by the body. I have had many skin rash conditions in the past, and after coming to Universal Medicine, I have been able to attribute every one of them to either a past hurt, reaction, or other emotional issue that was going on in my life and not being dealt with at its root.

  • Michael Brown March 1, 2018 at 4:23 am

    ““The body is the marker of truth”
    Serge Benhayon

    I have heard Serge present this many times and it has always stuck with me.”

    As have I had this stick with me. No matter what seems to be going on I always have this one reliable marker.

  • Liane Mandalis March 1, 2018 at 3:38 am

    This is a remarkable example of the benefits of looking for the energetic root cause of our illness instead of a cure or quick fix. It is one thing to have our symptoms alleviated but quite another to have them prevented by virtue of the way we live and the love and care we treat ourselves with. When we understand how we have ‘let the poison in’ we are in a far better position to take the necessary measures to deal with the offending toxin (which can often be a belief or ideal we have taken on about how we should or shouldn’t be, or the guilt we carry) as well as ensure no further poison enters. I love this last line: “…abuse is simply ‘not Love’ and the body is the marker of this simple truth”.

  • Jane February 28, 2018 at 7:18 pm

    Thank you Anon. This article is super honest, and helped me to deepen my understanding of abuse and its out play. It is very inspiring to feel the change in you, and your willingness, commitment and dedication to heal. There are many who may feel they have a life long sentence of some hurt, abuse or ailment, but as I too found from having some long term medical conditions I was told would be long term – it is never too late to change, and that change starts with us choosing to take a deeper responsibility in life.

  • Rowena Stewart February 28, 2018 at 5:41 pm

    I am continually amazed by how long standing issues within our bodies naturally resolve them selves when we connect to the stagnant emotional energy buried inside us. What a huge gift the Esoteric Modalities are in assisting us to truly get underneath these blocks, feel and release them so we can allow more of our gorgeous essence space to express itself.

  • kehinde james February 28, 2018 at 5:13 pm

    This blog will inspire many when things go ‘wrong’ to seek to understand why and not resort to knee-jerk reactions.

  • kehinde james February 28, 2018 at 5:07 pm

    A groundbreaking account of how applying external fixes to treat symptoms can at best provide relief, but also exacerbate the condition and debilitates. This is the gold of Universal Medicine. It supports people to know and understand their bodies as well as energy so we don’t become hapless victims floundering in a sea of confusion trying to heal an ill-health condition. With the knowledge that ‘all is energy and everything because of energy’ we shift focus from the external to internal and begin to look deep within ourselves and the way we’re living. This is a profound gift to humanity

  • Stephanie Stevenson February 28, 2018 at 5:04 pm

    Every single person is unique in the way that their body exposes that which is not true to it from lifestyle, ill-choices, past traumatic imprints etc – when we take a pause and begin to realise that every symptom is the body’s own way of expressing and communicating personally with us, we have the most advanced personal living, breathing science laboratory that will ever be known to man, right there inside of us.
    “The body is the marker of truth”

  • Matilda Bathurst February 28, 2018 at 2:23 pm

    Our beauty is deep within us, untaintable, pure and properly exquisite. When we accept and live this, it emanates effortlessly… often even more so on those ‘bad hair’, no make up and/or active wear days when we are simply being us.

  • Elaine Arthey February 28, 2018 at 1:57 pm

    Whatever ids boiling up on the surface in indicative f something much deeper to heal inside. This reminds me to never take anything at face value but be wiling to seek out the root cause of any ill and lovingly deal with it, asking for support if it is needed.

  • Caroline Francis February 28, 2018 at 1:02 pm

    We react to life in so many different ways such as judging, withdrawing, shouting , laughing, withholding, the list is endless but in every moment we catch ourselves reacting we are given an opportunity to change our ways. Reaction is abusive and abuse harms.

  • Helen Elliott February 28, 2018 at 7:55 am

    Thank you for sharing in such detail how your body reflected the poison of abuse through your debilitating eczema and how you were able to heal this with the support of the Universal Medicine modalities and various practitioners but above all by your willingness to go there and feel and heal the trauma and know that this was not you. Also by loving yourself and committing to not accepting abuse in your life from others but also from yourself you have broken the cycle and your skin and body are now reflecting the beauty of someone who loves and cares for themselves.

  • Christoph Schnelle February 28, 2018 at 7:15 am

    Clearing long-term, recurring ailments like eczema or candida or fungal infections is a formidable challenge and it would be interesting to know how common it is to have overcome such conditions.

  • Mary-Louise Myers February 28, 2018 at 4:55 am

    I too only healed my extreme skin condition when I came to Universal Medicine after trying loads of other modalities to no avail. The healing courses supported me to understand the reason for it and be able to truly heal.

    • Jane March 2, 2018 at 6:57 pm

      My skin is an indicator of when I am not living lovingly or in the truth of who I am. My skin immediately breaks out in to spots, or itches, or a red patch. Whilst it is uncomfortable e.g. recently I had an itchy patch on my hand, it is a constant reminder that something needs to change, and, the body’s way of communicating.

  • Jennifer Smith February 28, 2018 at 4:02 am

    A very beautiful blog indeed that shows that looking for fixes never heals the underlying energetic cause of our conditions. Healing is about healing the underlying hurts we have carried through our lives. Our body will then mark the difference.

    • Christoph Schnelle February 28, 2018 at 7:16 am

      Yes, focusing on the symptoms is important but that is rarely the whole story.

  • David Nicholson February 28, 2018 at 1:52 am

    “It became easier for me to accept my condition. Instead of seeing my skin as my enemy, I came to understand it was my body’s way of showing me what was true for me and what was not true.” when we understand why we have a certain condition or why something happens it helps us make different choices. I was searching for answers to why life just felt like things were missing and it was only through what Serge presented that I came to appreciate that the answers lie first within my connection to me and not through anything else. That was life-changing as I got to help heal my skin and IBS conditions as well.

  • Otto Bathurst February 28, 2018 at 1:27 am

    Lived, real, absolute evidence. No scientific testing or validation required.

  • Otto Bathurst February 28, 2018 at 1:24 am

    What strikes me when I read this is how relevant it is all to all of us. Your situation is specific – the sexual abuse and the skin conditions create a very ‘tangible’ and real cause/effect equation, which has been divinely revealed to you through the wisdom of Serge Benhayon, however the science that you have discovered is relevant to all of us and playing out with all of us. Indeed you could say that it is those of us who don’t have the extreme physical manifestations that need to be even more attuned to the truth of this science lest we think we are ‘getting away with it’.

    • Michael Brown April 11, 2018 at 10:33 pm

      As many cultures would say – “same same, but different”.

  • Esther Andras February 28, 2018 at 12:11 am

    What you share shows how very much our bodies live with us and show us where we are at, that nothing just happens to us but that it is a reflection of our own lived ways.

  • Joseph Barker February 27, 2018 at 5:30 pm

    From talking to others who attend Universal Medicine events, I have heard similar stories to yours Anonymous. It’s incredible and so rare that you ever hear someone link our ailments with energetic traumas and experiences but it simply makes so much sense. But what’s amazing is the way people, like you are helped to connect back to their true beauty within, with stunning results.

    • Rowena Stewart March 29, 2018 at 6:49 am

      It does make so much sense Joseph Barker and one of the experiences that really got my attention on my very first course was just how much past tension was leaving my body during the sessions, it was astounding. Since then every course enables my body to release more stored traumas, big and little and every time more of my beauty and fragility is revealed to me to embrace, celebrate and express. What an immense joy it is to return to what is so innate within us, guided by a man who fully celebrates his own tender divinity.

  • kehinde james February 27, 2018 at 5:13 pm

    Anonymous, many of us have experienced your restless search for truth and not until we found Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon did that search cease. In your case it related to finding a cure for chronic eczema. Universal Medicine offered you your true search: to understand why and supported you to make the connection with the sexual abuse you experience as a child, The body is ‘the marker of all truth’ and not until we go beyond the superficial and consciously connect within, can we truly clear and heal hidden hurts and abuses.

  • Shami February 27, 2018 at 3:42 pm

    This piece of beautiful writing makes me appreciate how delicate and sensitive the human body is, and how it can be nurtured and supported by honouring these qualities so deeply.

    • Alexis Stewart January 9, 2019 at 7:33 am

      Our human bodies are part of the delicate fabric of Life. But because we use our bodies like battering rams it means that we don’t get to feel the interconnectivity and onesness that we are all intrinsically a part of.

  • leigh matson February 26, 2018 at 12:27 am

    I’ve experienced this with Universal Medicine modalities and my physical and psychological health as well – until the energetic imbalance is addressed, the energy I am living in is felt and ‘seen’ for what it is then it cannot be fully caught then released. Connecting to the body, feeling the energy at play and then if it feels true to the body it is fostered and grows, if it is not true and loving for the body it can be released. It’s like walking around with a really gross sweater on, but you never look down and avoid mirrors, until you actually see and feel what your walking around with theres nothing in you that considers taking it off. However the body eventually shows us the affect that waring the gross sweater (carrying the ill energy) has on it’s health.

  • fiona lotherington February 24, 2018 at 6:30 am

    Although the details vary, I have seen this kind of story in patients many times. They have tried ‘everything’ on offer with little to no relief from their condition. The steps laid out here so clearly are a guide for anyone with long term conditions. Develop awareness, be honest, understand the body is the marker of all truth and will show us what is unresolved or disharmonious in our body. This needs to be healed through our own awareness, responsibility and choice to allow the untouchable grace and beauty that we all are to re-emerge.

    • Matilda Bathurst February 28, 2018 at 2:26 pm

      There is so much wisdom and grace in relating to life and our bodies in this way. That we are constantly being guided and invited back to truth, to see things as they are, and from there offered endless opportunities to make changes.

    • Stephanie Stevenson February 28, 2018 at 5:09 pm

      Developing conscious presence with our body is key to deepening our awareness with how we are living and expressing in our daily lives – new choices from this understanding are a bridge to true healing.

  • julie Matson February 21, 2018 at 6:25 pm

    It makes sense that our bodies get to a point where it will do anything to rid its self of the abuse we and others have inflicted on it, even to the point of giving us serious health conditions. Thank you for sharing this Anon.

  • Mary February 21, 2018 at 7:08 am

    I have found for myself that the philosophies and teachings by Serge Benhayon have been a huge support in understanding depression and mental ill health in a way that was no offered by any other modality out there. That it is only by bringing understanding and settlement to our bodies can we have any true possibility to heal the hurts that we all carry with us from childhood into adulthood.

  • Rebecca Wingrave February 19, 2018 at 5:05 pm

    This quote is gold; “The body is the marker of truth” Serge Benhayon. From my lived experience this is utterly true, my body is constantly showing me how I am living – there is no hiding this simple fact.

  • Michael Brown February 19, 2018 at 7:11 am

    The world has so many cases similar to yours yet we have skirted around the edges of the answer. This blog just goes to show that what we are all searching for and funding research for is already well and alive.

  • Monica February 16, 2018 at 9:01 am

    This is a truly amazing blog, thank you for sharing your story. Where you have come from and where you are now are so different and it’s inspiring to see that we all can choose to live in a way that honours the truth that our bodies speak. And one gem (there are many) popped out at me ‘I know it is the reaction or energy that I have called in, that then makes me go for a particular food.’ something I will be observing in myself more closely, and a reminder than nothing happens in isolation we move to that point that leads to the point we’re at.

  • Rowena Stewart February 15, 2018 at 8:21 am

    The more we realise that the root causes of our ills stem from inside us, the more we will access a whole new awareness and language around disease and illness, one that seeks to restore connection to our bodies first in to enable it to release the burdens within.

  • HM February 12, 2018 at 2:03 am

    The body is a divine communicator. This sharing shows how sensitive your body is and how loudly it was telling you to let go of the hurts locked deep inside. With this comes an honesty and it seems this is one of the most important medicines we can have in our body – an honesty and transparency that invites the body to show us what is truly going on.

  • Tricia Nicholson February 10, 2018 at 6:43 pm

    What an amazing healing and shift in your body celebrated and claimed so clearly with a known love and understanding empowered to you with the amazing support of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Our body clearly is the marker of all truth for us all.

  • Meg February 10, 2018 at 4:57 pm

    Wow – your story is amazing and I hope many people get to read it, I love the simple principles you approach your body and your skin with now – there’s a lot to learn in life every single day and it’s great to practice addressing what happens now and not let it linger or get buried so we have to deal with it at a later point, perhaps as it manifests as an illness or condition.

  • Rowena Stewart February 10, 2018 at 4:43 pm

    Our bodies never lie. They are completely unable to cover up for us, however hard we try to stuff the problem back inside. Learning how to read and respond to these messages requires honesty and the willingness to look at all our choices, what lies behind them and what we have indulged in to fill the void where our love should be. Deeply challenging and uncomfortable at times, but pure gold when we go there and allow our bodies to express all we have clamped up inside them.

  • Chan Ly February 10, 2018 at 4:49 am

    Wow, an incredibly healing journey Anonymous. Your willingness to go to the root cause of your condition and being open to heal what your body was showing you is amazing. Our body is always communicating to us and if we don’t listen to the messages, sometimes they gets louder and louder.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh February 10, 2018 at 12:50 am

    It is easy to react to any issues in life especially if it is accompanied with discomfort or imposed limitation in any way. What I was failing to see for years was how we are part of a universe which allows free will and we can choose, yet there is also a self-regulating order, where any imprints against the natural qualities of e.g. love, harmony and truth will come round so that there is a possibility for a re-imprinting in the true qualities. This blog is a wonderful example of the choice to work with a potentially debilitating situation, and let it offer a deepening level of awareness, understanding, care and responsibility.

  • Carmel Reid February 9, 2018 at 8:45 pm

    I’ve never suffered from eczema so I can’t fully understand what it felt like, but you have described the horrors in detail in such a way that I can feel it through your words. I have all my life but especially in the recent past suffered from insect bites and occasionally still do. As with your eczema there is an energetic cause which in my case I am learning is about what energy I let into my body.Your healing process sounds amazing.

  • Nico van Haastrecht February 9, 2018 at 3:17 pm

    The beauty in healing our hurts with the healing modalities, as being presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, is that there is no way we can feel being guilty or a victim as it are the energies we are releasing, the energies we have let in because we wanted to not deal with the hurts we felt in one way or another and therefore are of our own dong. Only honesty is needed and a good dose of self love too.

  • Mary February 8, 2018 at 11:51 pm

    Serge Benhayon said this
    ““The body is the marker of truth””
    I have I come to experience this to be true for my body, my body has always told me not to do something. Such as not to go out with someone I completely disregarded this advise, I did not listen and quite frankly paid the consequences of not listening. I feel there are always consequences for everything we do, it may not be an immediate but its like throwing a boomerang it comes back. This way of life hasn’t worked for me, so now I am living in a way that shows my body a lot more respect in that actually it does know more than me and is operating on a deeper lever beyond my conciseness. I know if I trust my feelings I wont go so far of plan.

  • Annelies van Haastrecht February 8, 2018 at 5:20 pm

    It is not about fighting with what our body is showing us through illness and disease but accepting that it tells us that there is something to clear and heal from not living the love that we are. Like your said ‘Instead of seeing my skin as my enemy, I came to understand it was my body’s way of showing me what was true for me and what was not true.’

  • Stephanie Stevenson February 8, 2018 at 4:45 pm

    Stopping to listen to the body and acting upon its communication begins to unravel all the complications that undermine true health and wellbeing.

  • Rowena Stewart February 8, 2018 at 3:34 pm

    One of the most inspiring and radical approaches to illness in terms of understanding and directly experiencing the way to feel and address the root of this malaise. All illness and disease are a symptom of a much deeper woe. Attempting to fix the symptom alone can never quell its message. Learning how to go within and feel what is caught deep within our matrix brings huge revelations that once honestly felt and released, enables the body to relinquish the message.

  • Vicky Cooke February 8, 2018 at 5:51 am

    Truly inspiring. It just goes to show when we are willing to go there and have the true support healing can occur and what we hold onto can be released.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh February 6, 2018 at 5:50 pm

    Humanity would be much more supported if our medical system which is very good at reacting to and managing symptoms of ill health, also included the understanding of the energetic dynamics at play as is presented by Serge Benhayon.

    • Chan Ly February 10, 2018 at 5:00 am

      I agree Golnaz. I feel if we only treating the physical symptoms of our illness and disease, and leave the energetic dynamics at play out of the equation, then we are only partly healing the body and hence, not truly healing the root cause.

    • Stephanie Stevenson July 26, 2018 at 2:42 pm

      So true Golnaz – there is a far greater and grander picture to be aware of energetically – this will change the face of medicine when it is understood and incorporated into the medical system.

  • Rowena Stewart February 6, 2018 at 3:58 pm

    This blog brings such a deep understanding as to what lies beneath such a common illness. What is it inside of us that is quite literally itching to get out? The Universal Healing Modalities have always provided me with a genuinely safe space in which to go inward and really feel what is trapped in my body, all those uncomfortable and painful feelings that I have attempted to escape from in daily life, and find true resolution. And it is not about blaming anyone, but resuming responsibility for our knowing, awareness and choices and hence restoring true relationship with a power we abandoned long ago.

    • Matilda Bathurst February 28, 2018 at 2:29 pm

      Bringing us back to the blessing that is responsibility and the fact that we can choose how we live, the care we take, the honesty we are prepared to go to about how we feel, what we observe… these are all part of the magic of life. Thank you, Rowena.

  • Rebecca February 4, 2018 at 7:31 am

    Incredible, your story is a modern-day miracle and a testament to the fact that a cure is not the focus, but rather true healing – the clearing up of the energetic root cause that then delivers the physical improvement, one that is tied to our relationship with the energetics of how we live and not just physically fixing it.

  • Sarah Flenley February 4, 2018 at 6:50 am

    Under all of our hurts and experiences is our essence, which remains untouched by all of life. It is truly God’s gift that no matter WHAT happens to us, our essence, our love, joy, stillness, harmony is there, patiently waiting for us to live it.

    • Nico van Haastrecht February 9, 2018 at 3:21 pm

      Yes Sarah, we are so beautiful within irrespective of how we can look from the outer facade or experience our life, that beautful essence within always remains for all of us to one day to return to.

  • Stephanie Stevenson February 3, 2018 at 7:45 pm

    It would be deeply inspiring and empowering for children to have confirmation of the language that the body speaks, so as to be able to feel and express from this throughout their lives.

  • Rowena Stewart February 3, 2018 at 7:06 am

    I have never met anything like Universal Medicine or Serge Benhayon who so tenderly and astutely enables us to unearth the root cause of our conditions, that once exposed, empowers us to deeply cherish our bodies and begin to correlate our lifestyle choices with the quality of our health.

  • Carmel Reid February 2, 2018 at 4:04 pm

    ‘it was my body’s way of showing me what was true for me and what was not true.’ Our bodies al have their way of telling us that how we are living is not true, whether it be by skin condition, bloating, stomach aches, headaches, vomiting, even accidents and illnesses are all signals for us to learn from. In my case it is insect bites that show me the poison (energy) I let into my body with taking on negative thoughts.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh February 2, 2018 at 6:47 am

    Love, harmony, joy and oneness are the natural qualities of our essence. Anything less than that is the beginnings of illness and disease. In fact any issues we experience in life are seeded in a departure of the truth of the magnificence of all that we are.

  • Elizabeth Dolan February 1, 2018 at 6:05 pm

    Whatever medical condition we have the first step to healing it is to accept that fact that we have it. It is through the acceptance that things change.

  • Matilda Bathurst January 31, 2018 at 6:14 pm

    The deep and steady intelligence of our bodies is a gift and one that we dismiss and/or ignore at our peril.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh January 31, 2018 at 12:32 am

    This explicit share about the understanding and awareness of how an energetic pattern can be flowing in the body so many years after an event and have a causative factor on physical as well as emotional symptoms is huge. It reflects so well that energy is an indisputable part of our life, experience and expression. And the long period of adopting unsuccessful solutions shows how unwise it is to ignore this fact.

  • Rowena Stewart January 30, 2018 at 5:41 pm

    It is an enormous and ground breaking shift to make in realising that you are not victim to your body, your skin or your illness, but very much in command of our life., your health and inner well being. This turns so many paradigms on their heads, because if you can come to realise this and address such a painful and debilitating condition, then it paves the way for us all to follow suit. Thank you for sharing so candidly such a personal journey.

  • Rowena Stewart January 29, 2018 at 3:55 pm

    “I have learnt that it is the way I live in every moment, with conscious presence and with energetic integrity, which will determine my experience.” The miracle that Serge Benhayon offers us so generously, to reclaim the power to live life in harmony with our bodies, so that they no longer need to scream for help.

  • Christoph Schnelle January 29, 2018 at 7:34 am

    In my experience we absorb a lot from the outside, including from other people and we may also carry unresolved hurts but there is also a permanent clearing process going on and we can very much assist that clearing process and simplify it as this blog shows.

  • Shami January 28, 2018 at 5:29 pm

    Gosh, this is a very beautiful piece of writing. Thank you so much for sharing with an incredible open heart, what you have experienced in and throughout your journey from abuse to love.

  • Stephanie Stevenson January 28, 2018 at 5:59 am

    After many years of hearing Serge Benhayon say ‘the body is the marker of all truth and everything is energy and everything is because of energy’. I am now more aware of just what this means with the quality in the way we move and live. There will come a time when Medical system will incorporate an understanding of the energy behind various illnesses and diseases and then true healing will be the new-normal.

  • HM January 28, 2018 at 4:58 am

    Wow it is incredible to read the lengths you went to in order to seek relief of your symptoms. But what you offer here is to question the whole principle of seeking relief – and that healing is so much more than this. It is a relationship with our bodies where we are willing to look at what is behind any ailment – what are the choices we have made and what have we lived in order to bring an ailment on. So humbling and so powerful in the scale of healing.

  • Stephanie Stevenson January 27, 2018 at 11:38 pm

    Anonymous, I have just spent time re-read through both part 1 and part 2 and am humbled and inspired by the deep understanding and awareness you have brought to the ‘contract of abuse’ between individuals. What an incredible gift you bring to the world with this personal accounts of abuse and a return to love. Thank you..

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh January 27, 2018 at 9:45 pm

    The Universe is not random. There is always a very precise order at play. If we are facing any issue in life, there is irrefutably a dynamic at play which has disturbed the otherwise harmonious flow of the Universe. And our bodies are a great marker of truth, alerting us to much about out choices that needs attention.

  • Rebecca January 27, 2018 at 7:24 pm

    We can become so caught in our illnesses, diseases and physical issues, in getting different treatments and looking for a cure – we can become so focused and identified by the condition that we don’t consider how we are and the way we have been living that could be contributing – not just obvious lifestyle choices – what we eat or how much we exercise – there is more that our way of life contributes to how we are.

    • Christoph Schnelle January 29, 2018 at 7:35 am

      It is very important that we look for a cure but perhaps equally important or sometimes more important to look for a cause and to deal with that cause.

  • Sandra Vicary January 27, 2018 at 7:30 am

    We generally assosciate poison in our bodies with something we have ingested that is chemically toxic, and quite rightly so. However to consider that we can be poisoned by an energy is something that most of us would never even have thought about. But this is a very real occurrence. Any energy that we let into our bodies that is not love, will poison and therefore harm us energetically, and the impact of it can last for lifetimes if not dealt with in an appropriate way, with the true support that it requires to clear it out of the body. The Universal Medicine therapies are exactly what are needed to support such a process and can and do assist anyone to bring them to a true healing.

  • Sarah Flenley January 27, 2018 at 6:35 am

    “The restlessness from my unresolved past, that once was so overwhelming in my body, has completely gone. ” Another living miracle from the power of Universal Medicine therapies and your willingness to let it go.

  • Michael Brown January 26, 2018 at 8:27 pm

    What this says to me is that an openness to see what’s there is already half the healing process done.

  • Leigh Matson January 26, 2018 at 7:45 pm

    Sacred Esoteric Healing 2 I used to relate to as one of the ‘heavier’ courses. But only so as it was my body that was heavy with past imprints and choices in childhood. The last one I attended was not heavy at all and I remember being on the session table feeling the space in my body, free of the imprints, not 100% but compared to the years before, wow.

  • Carmel Reid January 26, 2018 at 6:32 pm

    Sometimes we have no idea how much our past hurts affect our lives now, and how we learned to survive, behaviours we adopted as children continue into our adult life. How great then, to have an opportunity through Sacred Esoteric Healing sessions and courses to understand these hurts and to let them go. For me it was boarding school and I developed a hard shell that simply didn’t let any love in, which led to a miserable long-term relationship ending in divorce. Now I have an opportunity to start again and let love in for the rest of my life.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh January 25, 2018 at 7:52 pm

    It is wonderful to be supported, as does Universal Medicine through its teachings and every modality, to unravel the dynamics that lead to issues you are facing so that you can start to take responsibility for your own healing in an empowered way.

  • Mary January 25, 2018 at 4:09 pm

    Wow to have suffered such a skin condition for so long trying everything to no avail must have been extremely tough for you. It is amazing what can be truly healed when we let go of our pain and inner turmoil and bring a settlement to our bodies.

  • Sylvia January 24, 2018 at 11:43 pm

    This sharing is a great example of how our body issues, signals, diseases or illnesses are related to something deeper to look at.
    The outer symptom is just the outer confirmation of something not in harmony in the body.
    It is great to hear that you find this true healing and could let go the past by releasing that energy out the body.
    I also some big healings with the Esotheric Therapies.

  • Michael Brown January 24, 2018 at 8:13 pm

    It’s so cool to look at the origins of words and see the relationship we have with them today, and like in this case, often I find that it explains exactly what it going on without any complication.

  • vanessa mchardy January 24, 2018 at 5:45 pm

    It is continually extraordinary how much our bodies communicate what it is we wish to bury and hide from ourselves. We go to great lengths for this to be so. But yet our body does not judge us it simply keeps communicating, and when we listen as you so clearly have and then go about making sensible changes to support your body, the body heals. Magic.

  • Rowena Stewart January 24, 2018 at 5:34 pm

    Thank you. A powerful testimony that exposes the fact that, until we make the effort to look within our selves for the causes of our dis-ease as opposed to attempting to eliminate a myriad of external causes, these debilitating conditions cannot and will not heal. Our bodies are the marker of truth and communicate their messages from the highest point of intelligence. Serge Benhayon is a master at understanding this science and empowering people to read, feel, appreciate and release these messages and hence relieve the body of the burden it has been carrying for us. The more we are encouraged to look within and heal our inner environment, the more the quality of our bodily health can guide us to restore genuine harmony in all aspects of our lives. You are living proof of the value and effectiveness of this immensely crucial approach to health.

  • Mary January 24, 2018 at 4:23 pm

    Having studied the Universal Medicine modalities and participated in the workshops which to me are all designed to understand our bodies are energy. Yes there is the physical body but it is energy that runs the body. So it makes sense to me that the body can have an energetic imbalance. I would say most of society leads quite stressful lives and this has an impact on our bodies, they become drained of our natural vitality. We seem to override this leaking of energy from our bodies by consuming energy drinks, the problem with that is that these energy drinks are a ‘false’ energy and so we keep drinking them to give us the ‘false’ energy without dealing with the fact that we now have an energetic imbalance in our bodies. To me it doesn’t make sense any more to just address the outward physical symptoms without considering the energetic state of the body surely this only give us half of the picture?

  • Matilda Bathurst January 23, 2018 at 11:30 pm

    This is an inspiring and very beautiful testimony to the power of our bodies and our ability to heal abuse. I am touched by the grace with which you talk about your skin now and the honour and respect you afford your body… thank you very much for sharing your experiences.

  • Michael Brown January 23, 2018 at 8:07 pm

    What an ease it is to heal when we look at the energetic roots of the illness.

  • HM January 23, 2018 at 8:04 pm

    There is much deeper levels of healing that are offered to us here – so much more than a topical cream or a way to cope – but actually healing our hurts to support our bodies to naturally clear themselves. This sharing is an amazing before and after on the power of true healing and being open to take responsibility for our choices.

  • Elizabeth Dolan January 23, 2018 at 12:29 pm

    What a beautiful unfolding of the gorgeous being that you are. No skin condition or any other condition can take away the magnificance of who we are.

  • Christoph Schnelle January 23, 2018 at 6:01 am

    Quite a few people have debilitating physical ailments like substantial eczema or period pain and live a seemingly normal life. Others are moving towards dementia or Alzheimers but are seemingly still coping, still others have major illnesses like cancer or multiple sclerosis in their early stages and also look normal. There is clearly a lot going on under the immediately visible surface.

  • Mary January 23, 2018 at 2:34 am

    It seems to me from what you are saying
    “I had been searching for solutions outside of myself, when the answers had always been inside my body.”
    That our bodies holds the condition and the answer if we were to just stopped and give our bodies the opportunity to communicate with us. How many of us though are rushing through our day trying to keep up with the pressures of work, family life etc. So how many of us stop to listen to our bodies or, do we drown out the background noise by eating and drinking as a way to numb the conversation that we could otherwise be having. What you have healed within your self anonymous is quite remarkable and is a marker for everyone to show that the body can be healed.

  • Mary January 22, 2018 at 5:29 pm

    This is a very powerful testimony to the work of Serge Benhayon and the practitioners of Universal Medicine. You tried the ‘band aids’ or solutions which didn’t improve or clear your condition. Whereas Universal medicine workshop and courses supported you to let go of a very traumatic experience and with the letting go find a settlement in your body.

  • Simon Williams January 22, 2018 at 3:57 pm

    Its incredible the journey we can go on to get to truth… so many purveyors promising this and that but with very little that actually takes you all the way there. That is not to disrespect the search, because ultimately it is what helped you find the Truth in Universal Medicine, but it does show how important this work is and how letting people know about it is so important.

  • Vanessa mchardy January 22, 2018 at 3:02 pm

    It amazes me how we have arrived at a place where we treat the mind separate from the body and the body seoetste from the mind as if they are completely separate entries – totally bizarre. Your sharing shows once again that this really is not the case.

  • Jill Steiner January 22, 2018 at 7:21 am

    A beautiful sharing thank you Anon, when we come to an understanding of how our illness and diseases are all tied up with the energy held in our bodies of our past hurts and choices we then have the opportunity to bring healing to our bodies.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh January 21, 2018 at 9:55 pm

    What amazing proof that there is an energetic dynamic at play behind physical issues and without addressing such underlying causes we will never start to truly make a difference.

  • Rebecca Wingrave January 21, 2018 at 9:20 pm

    Anonymous, I can feel the absolute truth of this; ‘Physical symptoms are first a manifestation of an energetic imbalance’, I used to suffer with many physical ailments such as IBS, once I started listening to my body, eating what felt right for me and also taking care of myself and feeling confident in myself I now no longer have these symptoms.

  • Aimee Edmonds January 21, 2018 at 4:46 am

    Wow this was very powerful to read, thank you Anon for every detail you shared. I moved to a large city in another country and I have never seen so many people with eczema in my life. What you have shared gives me a greater understanding of what is happening underneath and what is interesting is that many say the sun actually brings it out even more…. I feel it is the light that brings the poison/abuse to the surface to be seen for what it is.

  • Rebecca Wingrave January 20, 2018 at 7:04 am

    Anonymous, thank you for sharing your experience of abuse and how this was held in your body, the Universal Medicine healing modalities are amazing and for me after years of trying many alternative therapies have been the only modalities that have truly healed and have inspired me to make much more loving choices.

  • Jonathan Stewart January 20, 2018 at 6:19 am

    This is an extraordinary story you share here, Anonymous, that is both a moving and powerful testament to your integrity and commitment to truly heal and to the truth of the philosophy and the healing modalities that Serge Benhayon presents.

  • Jonathan Stewart January 20, 2018 at 6:16 am

    his is an extraordinary story you share here, Anonymous, that is both a moving and powerful testament to your integrity and commitment to truly heal and to the truth of the philosophy and the healing modalities that Serge Benhayon presents.

    • Matilda Bathurst January 23, 2018 at 11:32 pm

      I agree, Jonathan, this article has deepened my respect and reverence for our bodies and the wisdom and teaching they offer… we simply have to listen and respond.

  • Rebecca January 20, 2018 at 5:25 am

    We can find so much more understanding of life when we apply the energetic factor to it, we are no longer the victims of life just happening to us.

    • Amparo Lorente Cháfer January 21, 2018 at 4:28 pm

      ‘… we are no longer the victims of life just happening to us’ That’s key Rebecca. When we choose to play the victim role we are avoiding our part of responsibility, but in that choice we are avoiding too the healing of what we lived. Honesty is the door to that healing.

    • Christoph Schnelle January 23, 2018 at 6:02 am

      Yes, it gives us choices we weren’t consciously aware of before.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh January 20, 2018 at 2:40 am

    It is amazing how much we can deepen our awareness and understanding about ourselves, life, the multidimensionality we are a part of, and so much more through paying attention to and deepening our relationship with our bodies. And no therapies like the Universal Medicine modalities to support you in this, with or without symptoms which alert you to the expansion available.

  • Stephanie Stevenson January 19, 2018 at 5:49 pm

    A priceless and profound testimony to Serge Benhayon and the Universal Medicine Healing Modalities.
    Thank you Anonymous for the depth of raw honesty shared so openly in this writing.

  • Nico van Haastrecht January 19, 2018 at 2:37 pm

    How remarkable it is, when after 24 years of trying to find a solution and a cure, you found true healing Anon. Simply by connecting with your body and with that with all the hurt but wisdom it holds too, that then can be accessed and dealt with.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh January 23, 2018 at 1:43 am

      How empowering would it be if right from the beginning everyone would receive the same support offered by Universal Medicine to connect deeply with your body and what is being exposed through the symptoms, as well as deepen your understanding and awareness of how to start to turn things round and support yourself in your recovery.

  • Christoph Schnelle January 19, 2018 at 6:46 am

    Taking a debilitating ailment as a signal that something needs to be resolved from our past Is probably a known concept in psychology but I wonder how rare this actual resolution of the past, not just managing of the past is.

  • Michael Brown January 19, 2018 at 6:20 am

    The difference between relief and true healing is astounding, and what can be achieved through true healing is even more astounding.

    • Viktoria February 25, 2018 at 4:41 am

      Yes, we can have pictures and ideas of what “healing” looks like – often we want the problems to go away just because we want to go back to doing everything we used to do. But when we truly heal, we actually understand that we don’t need the things that we used to do leaving us with the opportunity to see life in a whole different way.

  • Rebecca January 18, 2018 at 10:51 pm

    The energy we carry as imprints in the body can be very tangible when we give ourselves the space to feel them – sometimes we can be so busy in life, caught up in distractions and racy business that we can’t, or don’t choose, to feel what is really sitting in our body. I have found the at the Universal Medicine therapies are the only thing that have ever allowed me to truly stop, feel and let go of the imprints I carry with me that hinder me from being all of who I am

  • Fumiyo Egashira January 18, 2018 at 10:33 pm

    It is amazing – even though we keep shedding our skin and every cell of our body keeps regenerating, the same imbalance keeps returning as long as the energetic root cause gets addressed and removed.

  • rosanna bianchini January 18, 2018 at 8:50 pm

    Wow. what more could we need than this blog to realise the way the body stores and responds to every choice we make, and a hugely powerful testament that abuse can range from the extremes of anon’s childhood abuse to the choice of food and the quality of wind down at the end of the day. Fabulous article.

  • Sandra Vicary January 18, 2018 at 6:38 pm

    What a remarkable story of how our physical and emotional symptoms are so directly interconnected. By being open and willing to look more deeply at the underlying cause, and to feel the depth of pain that has been so long buried within us we have the ability to remove such deeply held energetic imprints from our bodies.

  • Vanessa mchardy January 18, 2018 at 5:33 pm

    This gives me so much understanding to the condition and is so practical for how to look at the choices we make and our bodies way of showing us we are out of sync. Energy first.

  • Jonathan Stewart January 18, 2018 at 4:51 pm

    Thank you Anonymous for this powerful and personal sharing. This is a truly profound example and testament to the both the fact that underlying illness and disease is an energetic cause and to the true healing that is achieved through the Esoteric Healing Modalities presented by Serge Benhayon.

  • James Nicholson January 18, 2018 at 4:35 pm

    A great sharing of how there is so much more at play than purely trying to make the body function. What I love is when you say ‘It became easier for me to accept my condition. Instead of seeing my skin as my enemy, I came to understand it was my body’s way of showing me what was true for me and what was not true.’ The body is constantly giving us signs to support us to return to living harmoniously with it and everyone – the question is are we willing to listen and then take responsibility for all our choices?

    • Nico van Haastrecht January 19, 2018 at 2:43 pm

      Actually what you say James is that instead we see out body as annoying because of the way it communicates with us with illness and disease, we have to fall in love with it and appreciate the messages it is giving us. These messages from the body, when attentively listened to, will bring us a life of healing in our way back to the love we all come from and all are so desperately looking for.

  • Mary Adler January 18, 2018 at 3:35 pm

    A beautiful understanding that illness, disease and adverse conditions we experience is the body’s way of releasing the ill energy from our physical body. Understanding this is a healing in itself and a principle teaching shared by Serge Benhayon.

  • Ingrid Ward January 18, 2018 at 2:59 pm

    What an incredibly inspirational testimonial not only to the power of the Universal Medicine modalities but to your commitment to your own healing. It demonstrates so clearly that our body holds the truth of our lived experience and that it will let us know in many different ways that it cannot continue to hold onto the pain, the sadness, the anger etc, and so begins to release it; in your case through your skin. This is such a wonderful example of the fact that we do not have to carry our hurts forever, that there is way to release them so allowing our body the space to heal.

    • Simon Williams January 22, 2018 at 4:01 pm

      Love the inspiration Ingrid – we do not have to carry our hurts forever, and knowing that our bodies have all the answers, and Serge and the Universal Medicine team can help with unlocking that is the gold we have all been looking for.

  • Monica January 18, 2018 at 9:34 am

    This is such an amazing sharing Anonymous, thank you. To feel the steps you’ve taken and your willingness to get underneath all that has been happening to you is very inspiring. Our bodies are indeed the markers of all truth, and I especially love the ease you’ve come to where you see how your body is as a reflection of your day. Thank you for sharing your story.

    • Christoph Schnelle January 19, 2018 at 6:48 am

      This is a very powerful principle – there is such a thing as energy, that energy has a configuration, that configuration can be dissolved through awareness and then the outward issue, like eczema, resolves itself.

      • Vicky Cooke February 17, 2018 at 7:58 am

        I love what you have expressed here Christoph and how you have summarised. You are asking us to really stop and take stock that there IS such a thing as energy, it has a configuration and ill configurations can be easily truly healed and dissolved. Science stop what you are doing and just be with this .. we have much to learn .. and it costs nothing!

    • Jonathan Stewart January 20, 2018 at 6:19 am

      Yes, the commitment and willingness of Anonymous to get to the source of her condition is truly inspiring.

  • jennym January 18, 2018 at 7:36 am

    What strikes me in reading this blog is how the relationship with your body and self is so much more tender and compassionate, combined with an honesty that clears the path for the guilt to dissolve.

  • Andrew Mooney January 18, 2018 at 7:20 am

    This is such a ground breaking testimony and blog about medicine – that unless we deal with the underlying energetic disharmony in our body and our being, we are not dealing with the underlying issue. We can treat physical symptoms and in some cases even make them go away with the wonders of modern medicine, but a full healing is much deeper and involves the being as well as the physical body.

  • Sarah Flenley January 18, 2018 at 6:16 am

    Another stunning expose and insight into how our body holds and shares trauma with us, and how working with the energetic reasons behind a symptom can support us to truly heal. I was listening to a podcast the other day and a person who had been sexually abused as young child was sharing his experience. He shared that as the priest started to abuse him, he disassociated from himself – like he ‘left the building’ and went somewhere else whilst the act was occurring. What I loved about what you wrote is that Serge Benhayon held the space for you and you went there, to finally feel safe enough to feel what had actually happened to you and then heal the hurts from there. And that is when true and lasting healing can occur. Inspiring.

  • Gabriele Conrad January 18, 2018 at 6:05 am

    Thank you for sharing your experience of Esoteric Healing and eczema so candidly; there is no doubt that our physical symptoms are preceded by energy, that physicality comes second to the energy that is coursing through the body, that everything is energy before it manifests as tangible matter. As long as we deny the fact, we are at the mercy of chasing the symptoms rather than addressing the root cause of our ills.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh January 20, 2018 at 3:06 am

      Beautifully said Gabriele. And this fact is so well shown by the long list of therapies and strategies anonymous employed none of which made a lasting impact. And then with the support of Universal Medicine profound changes started to come about through beginning to address the deeper energetic dynamics at play.

    • Aimee Edmonds April 29, 2018 at 1:21 am

      Well said Gabriele, it’s of greater support for us to dig deep underneath our symptoms to what is really going on then to simply put a bandaid solution on top. Our bodies love us so much that it doesn’t allow us to bury poison but instead brings it to the surface for us to fully understand, feel, know its’ not us and therefore does not belong in a body of love and gives us the opportunity to let go of. The greatest gift is how I am seeing it from reading this amazing story.

  • Leigh Strack January 18, 2018 at 5:57 am

    If it was eating and exercise alone that gave our body the true support it needs there would not be the rate of illness in our world that we now experience, as many practice this. However there is little to no respect and true understanding of our bodies, for if there was we would question many aspects of the current paradigm of exercise and food intake. We would consider that whilst our bodies are all the same, what makes each of us tick is different. And as is shared here, our past experiences and hurts are stored in our body until they are resolved and let go of. This energetic aspect is by far a very important aspect to true health, vitality and wellbeing.

  • Leigh Strack January 18, 2018 at 5:49 am

    A valuable article that clearly shows that the greatest support to our bodies is how we live in it.

    • Matilda Bathurst January 23, 2018 at 11:35 pm

      It’s so simple isn’t it. The quality with which we move, feed, rest, hydrate and care for our bodies is the foundation for how we experience life, ourselves and each other.

  • Jennifer Smith January 18, 2018 at 5:16 am

    The important thing that I have taken away from this very beautiful article is abuse is anything that is not love. an that it begins with ourselves.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh January 28, 2018 at 6:54 pm

      This is such a profound realisation Jennifer just on its own. When we really get that the smallest departure from the expression of absolute love is abuse, we have the answer to the enormity of the mess humanity is in. It is so very simple really underneath the surface complication that we keep blinding ourselves with.

  • Nicola Lessing January 18, 2018 at 5:16 am

    I have done the Sacred Esoteric Healing Level 2 course you mention several times and seen many hundreds of people experience tremendous healing and releases as you have described. It seems every single one of us has childhood issues to release and heal at a stage in our development, and an immense increase in awareness, health and vitality on offer when we let them go and take a step back towards our essence.

    • Melinda Knights April 26, 2018 at 4:59 am

      I have attended the same course and been amazed at how situations and their imprints in my body from the past have impacted on behaviours. Often I will be confused as to why I act like I do and during the course I receive such a beautiful understanding about myself, and then as a result other human beings. Once the imprint clears the behaviour naturally dissolves also – very liberating.

  • Nicola Lessing January 18, 2018 at 5:10 am

    Thank you Anon – this is very profound and yet so simple in many ways. The answers are always within when we listen to our bodies.

  • Katerina Nikolaidis January 18, 2018 at 4:30 am

    This was profound to read. When we open up to the possibility that the physical ailments we carry have a greater energetic cause first, the healing that occurs takes us to a deeper understanding of and connection with ourselves. With the support of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine any shame or judgement we have of ourselves we can drop – if we want to – because of the love and understanding we are held in, always seeing us for the essence of who we truly are and not for the disease or ailment that we carry. We realise that this is the love and understanding we can give to ourselves.

    • Rowena Stewart January 27, 2018 at 7:58 am

      Very true Katerina. What we are offered through the work of Serge Benhayon is the opportunity to reclaim our ability to seek the resolutions to our ills within us, so we can learn how to deeply love the skin we are in from the inside out. The practical tools we are provided with enable us take charge of the quality of our daily choices, the effects of which constantly play out in our bodies all day long.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh February 10, 2018 at 8:39 pm

      We can get so caught up and consumed with the issues we perceive in life. The fundamental support offered by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine to recognise and know ourselves in our true essence – stupendous multidimensional beings inherently of the same qualities reflected by God – and to start understanding how the issues and ailments we face in this light, reflecting the ways that we have not been living in accordance to this essence. Instead of being at the effect of and fighting the issues presented, we can embrace the gift of reflection offered and work with it to heal, deepen, unfold and expand all that we are.

    • kehinde james February 28, 2018 at 4:55 pm

      Yes Katerina, this is the essence. “the physical ailments we carry have a greater energetic cause first,” Our awareness of this takes off the pressure and frustration of trying to eliminate symptoms and into the heart of the matter: our relationship with self , past hurts and abuses. We learn that love is all conquering and when we apply that love to ourselves, miracles do happen.

    • Jane March 4, 2018 at 7:08 pm

      absolutely agree. We get fixated in fixing (pun intended) our ills, ailments and issues in life but we only skim the surface, hence why they often return time and time again. Part 1 and 2 of this blog gives an incredible insight into deeper rooted issues that affect the physical body, and our wellbeing in life. It feels like our modern day medicine whilst it is absolutely brilliant, (I have worked in the National Health Service for nearly 40 years – and see amazing service, and acts of care every week), it feels as though we miss a big part of the equation to healing all ailments and medical conditions if we don’t look at the deeper roots, and the energy behind them.

  • hm January 18, 2018 at 2:32 am

    This is such a huge shift in the body and in incredible sharing. Wow – there are so many treatments out there that ‘manage’ eczema – but this only puts a band-aid on what is truly going on. I love the perspective of skin being a reflection and not the problem – this changes the whole way we look at illness.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh January 27, 2018 at 12:38 am

      There is a world of difference between looking at what is presented by the body as ‘the enemy’ which we have to fight or manage, to in contrast working with our body as ‘an ally’ recognising the deeply loving opportunity to deepen our awareness and relationship with life.

    • Rebecca March 8, 2018 at 5:48 am

      I agree – everything from strong steroid cream to changes to diet, they can be great for supporting the condition but do they ever really get to why we have the condition to begin with?

  • Rebecca January 18, 2018 at 1:16 am

    Amazing – we can walk miles seeking an external cure to our issues but what you so beautifully share is the fact we can find true healing within, which doesn’t automatically make all our symptoms disappear, thought it does produce incredible results – but more than simply a cure it delivers understanding and responsibility for the way we are living and the energetic imprints we create and carry.

    • Lieke Campbell February 27, 2018 at 4:03 pm

      Beautifully said Rebecca, it is not about getting symptom free per se but what comes with true healing is the understanding of how not to repeat the same again which is so valuable.

  • leigh matson January 18, 2018 at 12:33 am

    This couldn’t be a better testimonial for the opening quote “The body is the marker of truth” Thank you for sharing this Anon.